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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. So according to you a zebra crossing is a zebra crossing. But if someone adds a traffic light to it then it's a crossing with stripes and no zebra crossing anymore? So how about if the light is broken or switched off? Is it then again a zebra crossing?
  2. I think in general many Germans are straight forward and they say what they think. For some people they are too direct - and the Germans don't realize that if nobody tells them. I think that is good for work in general - if it's about work. But human relations are something different...
  3. I don't think you mentioned it already, how old is this German? For me it sounds like two options: Young and unexperienced or old with a bad attitude.
  4. Obviously vehicles should stop at zebra crossings for pedestrians. And it seems more and more drivers do that. But recently I see another trend. It seems some pedestrians now think that they can always cross zebra crossings, even if there is a red light for the people and a green light for the traffic. Some pedestrians seem to see the zebra stripes and just walk - now everybody has to stop for them. I saw that now a couple of times. I don't know if that is a new trend and how common it is.
  5. I just read all the comments in this thread and somehow I think it's funny that almost everybody here pretends they would never ever do such thing. But when we read here about Arabs racing with motorcycles or Chinese misbehaving many agree that those Arabs and those Chinese are the bad guys. Does that mean it's ok to say bad things about i.e. Chinese but it's not ok to say something bad about Israelis? Or is it only bad if a German does those things? IMHO many of us need(ed) some time to get used to Thailand and used to working with many nationalities and cultures. And many of us also had to get used to lots of pretty girls in offices who smile a lot. And we had to learn that even if they smile at us that doesn't mean they want to go out with us. Personally I think what would have happened maybe 20 years ago? Would he have received a written warning? Would he have received an explicit verbal warning? Or would have someone talked to him colleague to colleague and explain to him that certain behavior is not such a good idea? Why not try to remind him in a friendly way first and use only warnings if it is really necessary?
  6. I think that many of us can guess where people come from just by looking at them. Obviously we are not always correct. But if a German, a Brit and an American are in front of me, without saying anything, I think there is a good chance that I can guess who is who. And many others will be able to do the same. Now, is it a good idea to say this openly in a conversation? I guess if I tell someone "you look like a Brit" then that is probably not really a problem. But if a German tells someone "you look like a Jew" then this is more problematic... Personally I think relative few people are really racist in a bad way, like "all black people are bad" or something similar. Often we just describe what we see or experience. I.e. I could say: I see many black guys near Soi 3 and 5. Some of them offered to sell drugs to me. Is that racist? Or just an observation? IMHO only make an issue out of it if it is clearly racist. And maybe give the new guy a little time to get used to Thailand and many nationalities - at least if he is qualified and you want to keep him.
  7. It's (almost) never a good idea to provide anything for free. When people have to pay at least a part then they think twice of what they use, and they are a lot more motivated to study if they have to pay for it. I think there are already opportunities in place i.e. for doctors who get their education paid and then they have to work x years in government hospitals. I think that is fair and something similar can probably be offered in many different ways.
  8. Electricity always helps for little inspirational shocks if the wife or maid work too slow. ????
  9. I am sometimes surprised if they actually follow the markings on the road. But it doesn't happen very often.
  10. It's always interesting what those Netizens discuss all day. Next: I saw a car with a flat tire. How exiting!
  11. I didn't eat pork for a few years. And later I eat it again and I didn't have any problems anymore. Like I said, I have no idea if this works for others, or for how many people it worked. But I accepted no pork for a couple of years in exchange for a good skin.
  12. IMHO there is still a big difference between accused criminals and convicted criminals. If people have evidence against anybody in this or any other government then bring them to court and convict them. In Thaksin's case that happened after left office and the same can happen to Prayut. My point was and is that too many people want to replace one bad government with another one. If Thais really wanted a corruption free government, then they should vote for honest politicians. Or at least they should not vote for known corrupt and/or criminal politicians. Voting for known corrupt people and hoping to get an honest government is just stupid - not only in Thailand.
  13. I had a similar problem for years when I was young. A specialist doctor gave me one after another maybe 20 different creams and pills and nothing worked. Then one day someone told me that some people have problems like that when they eat pork - including ham, bacon, etc. And he told me: Why don't you just try and don't eat pork for a month or so. I did, and it worked. Problem solved, at least for me. Obviously I don't know if this might work in this case. Buy you can try.
  14. And probably over 50% want to be ruled by the criminal fugitive or his little sister. Nuff said
  15. You mean Thai Twitter is not the center of the universe?
  16. It looks like she learned dancing in NANA. Maybe she should have practiced a little longer. It might be exiting for the US crowd. For guys who are used to dancing Thai girls not so much.
  17. I think my gf had/has a similar situation. In her case they told her they have to measure the land (again). It seems normally they do that if they have a couple of pieces of land in the same area. Another option would be that she (my gf) pays extra and then they come only to her land. Obviously I don't know if that is similar to your situation. But it could be similar.
  18. That reminds me of one of the sluts from an infamous Thai porn site. "I am a good girl" Yes, she is. She does everything he tells her to do. So maybe we should first define what a bad girl is. And of course: good girls go to heaven; bad girls go to everywhere.
  19. Good luck that I don't use fb or twitter or any of that and I don't know that these things exist. Ok, I didn't know until a minute ago.
  20. And I thought that is the idea of a chain. Same, same - not much different. And if they trained massage properly, i.e. in Wat Pho, then it will also be same same all the time. People are trained to follow many steps one after the other.
  21. Morons are all over the world. But in most countries people don't vote for those morons to lead their country. I blame about 70 million American voters who would vote again for him. And about another 80 million Americans who didn't vote at all. With all those idiots, maybe they deserve Trump. He represents his voters. I am sorry for the minority of Americans who actively fight against Trump. It must be hard to know you have so many idiots around you.
  22. I would never go for that. Just yesterday I med that guy in a bar who promised me 50% per month. Now that's what I want. I gave him all my money and I am looking forward to see him again next month. People who go for only 10% must be stupid!
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