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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. As far as I know they have to ask. Because if they don't ask, then they are in trouble if i.e. laundered money is in their bank. When I opened an account some time ago they asked questions. And I answered the questions, and no problem. And when I deposited a substantial amount of money they asked where it came from. And I told them, and no problem. If someone has large amounts of cash and wants to open an account and deposit that cash, then (I guess) any diligent bank will ask where the money comes from. That's banking business in 2022.
  2. The first section is about how not to clean them...
  3. @ToolongI think you should spend some time to research different type of lenses, coating options, etc. The most expensive glasses might not be best for you. I just looked at YouTube and I found this video about different lense materials. I am sure there are many more videos about coating, etc. And probably some more videos about how to clean lenses. Watch for an hour and you will know much better what you need and what you want.
  4. Tissues? NO! Tissues are bad for your sensitive lenses. And about the coating: You pay extra for the coating. If you don't want it, then just buy plain glass lenses.
  5. Back in Europe people visited hospitals when they were really sick. Here, they go to the hospital for anything. And I do the same. Because here many hospitals have many doctors which can be visited. I.e. instead of going to an eye doctor somewhere in town and maybe to a skin doctor somewhere else here I go to just one hospital, and they have eye doctors and skin doctors and many other doctors from any variety. And then, as far as I know, it's mostly up to that doctor if they give you some medicine and send you home or if they decide that you are in bad shape and should stay in the hospital. And then there is of course the issue that many private hospitals want to make money. If they convince you to stay for a night or two, then they will make a lot more money than just for a visit. And if they can sell you an operation then it's even more money.
  6. How do you clean your lenses? Maybe you use the wrong cloth or maybe you use some fluid which you shouldn't use for those lenses. I think that happens to all coated lenses are some time. I think with my glasses it happened after a couple of years.
  7. Tell your Thai neighbors. Many love to eat kai-mod-daeng and they will remove it for you - and eat the eggs.
  8. Call them and find out. Or check their website. There are different types of accounts with different minimum amounts, different currencies, etc.
  9. Yes, nice guys, especially if they are not drunk don't do that. But after you walked there with your gf: If she would tell you at 2am that she wants to go alone to that place to feel the vibe, what would you tell her: Sure, go ahead and enjoy the night? Or maybe: Forget about that idea. Or, if she absolutely wants to see it: Ok, I will go with you to take care of you. But most likely she would never have such a stupid idea.
  10. I also like to come forward about all the girls which touched me in that street. Do I also get paid if I liked it? Or do I have to pretend at least for a day that it was a horrible experience when that cute girl touched me?
  11. That reminds me of a friend back home. He found the perfect woman. She made delicious meals for him every day, she was fun in bed, just great. Then she became pregnant, and he married her, and they had the baby. And then, then was the moment when she told him: Did you actually believe I liked to do all of that. No! And then she stopped to be the perfect woman. And he had a baby and wife to support. Yes, it really happened. And I guess he is not the only guy with a story like that.
  12. Probably that was mentioned already a couple of time on the last pages: I wonder if this will become a new business in Pattaya. Put a sexy girl on the street and a camera focused on her and let's wait who will touch her. After sharing the profit with the police 100k per touch sounds like a wonderful business opportunity.
  13. Please show me/us even one comment with someone writing she deserved that. I read lots of comments and I don't think anybody wrote she deserved it. What lots of people wrote is that going out at night in Walking Street as a single lady has a huge risk of being touched - because that is what that street is all about. Smart ladies, who don't want to get touched, don't walk alone in that street in the middle of the night. And why should it make any difference what nationality or age or whatever the guy was?
  14. That will be fixed soon. A plumber was supposed to come to my apartment today. He sent a message, he can't come, he is stuck in the middle of the flood...
  15. Those UK guys are obviously shorter than the Europeans. ????
  16. And will this change anything? People who care about facts and truth don't need any more evidence against Trump. And his believers don't care about anything he did or does. He is their hero. USA, what a sad country.
  17. Best case: no tattoos. But I could live with one or even a few if they are somehow tasteful. I remember a girl in Nana maybe 15 years ago. She had a Yakuza style tattoo on her back - at least for me it looked like that. And she still looked stunning with that tattoo. But then there are many girls with horrible tattoos, small and large. And often, after they had some, they add more of them. No, not for me.
  18. Yeah, but imagine he doesn't have any money left. And then two more weeks in Thailand looking at all those girls with empty pockets. That's what they call hardship Asia.
  19. For whatever unexplained reason I read this as But his dream holiday was ruined by a massage he received on Wednesday ...
  20. Good luck in your perfect world. Maybe one day you will realize that the world is not perfect, and it is better to accept this fact.
  21. I think motorcycles are considered dangerous by many people. So people are somewhere aware that they should be careful with them - ok, maybe not in Thailand. But with eBikes it seems many people think it is similar to a bicycle, not so dangerous. And that is the thinking error which is highlighted in that video.
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