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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks, good idea! Now let's look how successful I will be to explain that to the AC guys... A little follow up. I spoke with my project manager, and she will convince the AC guys to install it like @HighPriority suggested. Thanks! This proves again that sometimes this forum is really useful.
  2. Thanks, that sounds like a good idea. If you don't mind can you please add a link and/or a picture to such a valve? I want to make sure I don't select the wrong type.
  3. Sure, there are lots of girls who love me too much - at least if I buy them tequila. And imagine this forum without me ... ????
  4. I guess soon that will be "he used to live in Rayong". Somehow I don't think Thailand will miss Pumpkin.
  5. Many hotels/restaurants are out of business. Many that are still here have borrowed to the hilt. Tourists will always come to Thailand though. Yes, tourists will always come. And if some owners are bankrupt then others will buy hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. - at least if they could be a profitable business. I don't think the tourism industry is "lastingly damaged". It's just a temporary down. That is sad, especially for all those who lost a lot of money, but it will go away.
  6. Yes, that is an option and I thought about it. But in general I prefer not to add anything electric if a mechanical solution is sufficient.
  7. Thanks, good idea! Now let's look how successful I will be to explain that to the AC guys...
  8. Thanks the "problem" with the AC drainage pipe is that they need a slope - otherwise they don't work as intended.
  9. Why should I look at ugly AC drainpipes on the surface of the wall when they can be hidden inside the walls?
  10. I am renovating and there will be some new plastic pipes. With some of those pipes it is easy. They go straight from the ceiling to stop valve. The stop valve will be visible so it's easy to know the positions of those pipes. But how about irregular pipes like i.e. drainage pipes from ACs? They are somewhere in the wall and they need a slope. Obviously it is theoretically possible to mark the exact position in a plan. But that has to be done and has to be done 100% correct that that might be a challange. With electric lines or metal pipes it's easy to detect them with the correct tools - and not even expensive. But what to do with plastic pipes? If later I want to hang something on a wall and I know there is a plastic pipe somewhere how do I know exactly where it is? Would it make sense to i.e. include a piece of wire, without any connection, near the pipe? Or maybe some kind of metal tape which can later be detected? What do people do to know where exactly there are plastic pipes in the walls? This is a picture of such a pipe in a wall. It's just one example.
  11. And is there anybody out there who wants to make Bangkok wheelchair friendly? I mean, yes, I understand the concept and I am sure people with wheelchairs would appreciate this. But do you realistically think that will realistically happen in the foreseeable future? Many people would be already happy if there wouldn't be any huge holes and obstacles on footpaths - and not only 100m in front of an expensive shopping mall. It's similar to suggesting high speed trains everywhere in Thailand. Yes, theoretically it should be possible. Maybe in 100 years if enough people care.
  12. "lastingly damaged" And they know that after the Covid restrictions are lifted since maybe 1/2 years? Yes, something/someone is definitely "lastingly damaged"...
  13. What's the point of laws if nobody enforces them? Or if 100B "tip" is enough to drive away? One of the biggest problems in Thailand is the utterly corrupt police. And they are obviously corrupt from top to bottom. And that is obviously only possible because politicians don't want police officers who enforce the laws. And those politicians are elected by people who vote for the little sister or daughter of a banned corrupt politician and then they are somehow surprised when they have an incompetent corrupt government. TiT And at least I don't see any indication that any of that will change anytime soon.
  14. I never even tried drugs for a simple reason: What would happen if I really like them?
  15. Does it really matter? Because even if they have number plates, you can't take away the license of someone who has no license.
  16. I suggest at least half the drivers who are now every day in their cars alone should switch to motorcycles. Then there would be less cars and more bikes but all together they would fit a lot better on the existing streets. Win/win.
  17. Good that only men from that nationality behave like that. Now I will look for drunk Brits and Aussies when I want to feel safe. ????
  18. Maybe she is in Dubai. There seem to be other criminals with lots of money who are wanted in Thailand.
  19. Looking at Nutty I am sure I know some people who would give her 1000B. But not as an investment and they would walk away after an hour. Nuff said.
  20. I have no answer. But I have a story from long time ago from refineries. It seems often they have unused pipes. But nobody if anybody needs a new pipe then they add a new pipe and don't use one of those unused pipes. Why? Because they are not 100% sure if those apparently unused pipes are really unused. And to avoid any problems they don't touch those pipes. I wouldn't be surprised if the same principle is not used with electrical wires.
  21. Then this is another reminder that they shouldn't stay quiet. Scream as loud as you can when someone tries to attack you. Rip his eyes out. Use your nails to scratch his face into a bloody mess. Kick him where it hurts. This has at least three huge advantages: A) There is a good chance that the attacker will run away and stop the attack. B) An attacker with a bloody face will have huge difficulties to argue that the woman agreed. She clearly didn't want to be raped. C) Guys with bloody faces stand out. People ask: What did he do to look like that. And just for the people who like to say that I blame the victims - there are many of them in this forum: Nobody should be attacked or raped. But it happens. This world is not perfect, and it will never be perfect. And when it actually happens then it is obviously a good idea for the victim to at least try to prevent the worst. Shout! Scream! Use your nails!
  22. I was still young at that time. But I was old enough to understand the significance of what Gorbachev did and the fall of the Berlin wall. At that time many of us were optimistic that the cold war was over. No two opposing powers anymore with lots of nuclear weapons pointing at each other - and all those little countries in between. The future looked bright. Yeah, that was a long time ago. And then the powerful in this world found enough reasons to continue to fight each other, wage war in some other peoples' countries, produce and sell lots of weapons, .... I don't know if we were stupid at that time to be optimistic or if there was a real change for a better world at that time. RIP
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