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Posts posted by deecee10

  1. And so the carnage continues.

    We know that road traffic accidents of some sort are inevitable but the recklessness with which many people in this country drive is terrifying.

    We get these stories time after time and it appears that no-one in authority cares enough to do anything meaningful about it.

    Seemingly an acceptable rate of attrition.

  2. Can't help feeling that the 'sins' of 20, 30 and 40 years ago are being judged by the political correctness of today.

    That doesn't mean that I condone the alleged sexual misconduct but I think that looking at events in the context of the time is important.

    Values and attitudes do change over time and things that were 'acceptable' in a previous generation are not anymore.

    Society has changed its attitude to a lot of things in 30 years and perhaps DLT has too, but his alleged sins of the past are going to be judged by the values of today.

    Not saying what's right or wrong, just making an observation.

    When was sexual assault ever acceptable in your lifetime?

    You're in the 21st century now, not the Dark Ages. Behave accordingly.

    Well Tubby just read some of your posts from yesterday.

    Clearly you failed to (or chose not to) appreciate the point I was making about values shifting over time.

    I made no judgement about Travis' guilt or innocence of any charges brought.

    However, first you vilify a man who as yet, has not been found guilty calling him 'a filthy rapist'. Then you do the same to anyone who has an alternative viewpoint.

    In the unlikelihood that at any time in the future, I choose to be a member of a lynch mob, I would want you to be my leader. You display all the attributes required.

  3. Can't help feeling that the 'sins' of 20, 30 and 40 years ago are being judged by the political correctness of today.

    That doesn't mean that I condone the alleged sexual misconduct but I think that looking at events in the context of the time is important.

    Values and attitudes do change over time and things that were 'acceptable' in a previous generation are not anymore.

    Society has changed its attitude to a lot of things in 30 years and perhaps DLT has too, but his alleged sins of the past are going to be judged by the values of today.

    Not saying what's right or wrong, just making an observation.

  4. Natdanai Rungruangkitkrai, the course lecturer, said he seriously regretted that the issue had received such a strong negative response. He added that he had intended to teach the students about ethics and as part of the lesson he had asked them to think creatively about how to prevent cheating.

    Well if the lesson is to promote ethics, why do you need a device to prevent cheating? Why do you need to be creative to prevent cheating? The idea is that you don't need any device, you use 'ethics' and simply do not cheat..........wallah! There it's not that difficult is it Professor?

    I wish I were as clever as you.

    By the way I don't know what 'wallah' means.

    I think you mean 'voila'.

    N'est ce pas, Jimbo?

    • Like 1
  5. Social media sites are the biggest threat to the stability of regimes which only accept free speech if it is supportive of them.

    Opposition groups who use social media as a tool to challenge the status quo are bad news.

    However "The Arab Spring" showed that trying control the freedom that comes with technology is impossible to implement.

    Indeed, banning social media sites or denouncing behaviour on them is totally counter-productive, especially in a relatively democratic society such as Thailand.

    There will be more 'liking' hits than ever.

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