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Posts posted by deecee10

  1. Some neat riffs but the lyrics read as if they written for a travel commercial.

    Still, not as nauseating at that other Aussie composition, "Still call Australia Home".

    Well I wouldn't mid collecting the Royalties that are generated by what you deem to be a "nauseating" song.

    Now, perhaps you might like to provide us all with a list of the Hit Music that you have written, so that we can judge your credentials in making your criticism.

    Please feel free to make the list of your award winning efforts as long as you wish.

    We would love to stand in awe of your undoubted musical talent.

    Surely you must be familiar with my opus magnum, "The Delusional Dork from Down Under". It went down a storm in Dandenong.

    It was released on vinyl, cassette tapes and 8 track cartridge.

    Rare and highly sort item on ebay.

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