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Posts posted by deecee10

  1. I know that there aren't too many icebergs in this neck of the woods, but I can't help feeling that the overcrowded long-tailed boat called the 'Thai tanic' is heading for a collision.

    There will be the same mad unseemly scramble for safety as there was in 1912.

    Govenment ministers and their families first.

    Designer label water wings for her ladyship?

  2. Good or Bad will be written in history and future generations will know the actual facts

    Depends, because history is written by the victors. Look at the quasi history and indoctrination being force-fed in schools around the world with American liberal academia leading the way.

    Not to mention American right wing conservatives 'versions' of history.

    We don't want truth distorting propaganda now, do we?

    How would Fox News survive?

  3. “Central to fixing Phuket’s woes, he said in the interview, “is cleaning up the messiness along the island’s beaches.

    Can't agree that this is central. There are plenty of decent beach areas around the island.

    Key problems are the tuk tuk, taxi and jet ski scams and ripoffs. Add to these increasing violence and criminality and you have far greater threats to tourism than a messy beach.

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