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Posts posted by Duality

  1. hi guys i'm back :o here we go again

    simple question to start with

    the last time my gf applied for a VV she got knocked back because they said she was inconsistent with how long she intended to stay in the uk, at first she said 6 months then 3 - 6 months and finally 2 months at the final interview.

    this time we are going to say just 1 month and stick to it but what if she wants to stay an extra month or so? is a VV really valid for 6 months regardless of what we tell the british embassy?

    another one related to the above

    could staying longer than you originally said (without overstaying the visa) jeopardise a future settlement visa?

    thanks alot.

  2. hi guys sorry this reply is a bit late i just can't seem to think straight in this damned heat. my spelling and grammar will be proof of that.

    in the refusal letter it said the usual jargon of them not beliving that she will return to LOS and that she may try to find work in the uk even though she has some property and an excellent work history. come off it ! my gf said to me '' why would a thai want to stay in england a long time if they are not married?'' a valid point that is lost on these cretins at my embassy.

    another couple of weak reasons regarding her saying on her application form she wanted to stay in the uk for 3 - 6 months and then at her interview she said 2 - 3 months would be fine for her first uk visit but they took this as a discrepancie and didn't know how long she intended to stay in the uk, very fair don't you think? talk about splitting hairs!

    why couldn't they have told her all this back in december when she first applied?(due to work commitment she couldn't go to the second interview untill febuary) 12 hours on a bus from samui to bkk just for some crank to refuse her in less then 15 minutes. devastating for her it was.

    out of interest does anybody know how many thai girls actually do not return to thailand each year from their holidays in the uk? i would be very interested to know this fact.

    oh and one more reason they gave for refusing her. they said that i might claim benefits for her! how they came to this conclusion without even speaking to me i will never know. do they realise that i could only claim 55 pounds per week unemployment benefit? how in the frig could 2 people survive on that ?! i'm baffled by their thinking...

    couple more points - the translation was not good at all according to my gf. when asked a question about my mother my gf gave a long and heartfelt reply about how they have bonded even over the phone and they are both looking forward to meeting one another. the translator edited her reply down to"'want to see his mum'' and thats it ! none of the emotions she expressed were faithfully translated. god knows how much was mistranslated because my gf said they had to talk through a bloody screen, she couldn't hear most of what was being actually translated to the eco.

    they have done a good job of putting her off coming to the uk for good i think, not that i blame her. i have lost alot of love for my home country over this.

    i hope this was coherent enough for you guys to follow. alot more i want to say on this matter but i will leave it here for the time being.

    cheers. :o

  3. right now i'm feeling too bitter and angry to think straight about what has just happened so i will keep this short and write a full account of the situation in a few days when i have spoken to my gf and read the refusal letter. she is too upset to get any sense out of her over the phone right now.

    it seems she was refused because they don't believe she will come back to thailand and that i don't have enough money to support her or some tripe like that. just one thing i need to know for the time being. how long before we can apply again for a tourist visa?

    for what its worth thanks to the guys on here who helped me get this far...the fights not over yet.

  4. gu22 i currently live and work in the uk and will be going to bangkok in 2 weeks to hopefully get a tourist visa for my gf. i have a letter from my employer stating that my employment is of an on-going nature and work will be there for me when i return next year.

    i guess i'm worrying about nothing again :o my finances aren't astronomical but i can prove that i have saved roughlly 80% of my wages and spent very little on my outgoings in the last 3 years....except when i'm in LOS!

  5. sorry for jumping in here but my mother and sister will also be sponsoring my gf for a tourist visa but they don't work instead they recieve a pension and sick pay respectivley. is this a problem when it comes to being a financial sponsor?

    they live comfortably and own their own homes and with my income too i feel there is enough to look after an upcountry thai girl for a few months. now i have read that sponsoring a tourist using money from benifits is not looked kindly upon.however how can it be frowned upon if no more money is being claimed by my mum or sister during my gf's holiday?


  6. why not apply for a 60 day visa in your home country? then there is no need to trouble yourself with extending and paying the 1,900 baht fee. i have never heard of anyone getting a 30 day extension on a arrival visa unless you are in hospital.

    i just got a double entry tourist visa from liverpool which will give me 180 days (2 extensions included) not bad eh? thank christ i only have to go on one of those mad runs to the border this time round.

  7. ok thanks guys, i have got most of this info permanentley burned into my brain by now but actually writing it down is another thing. i can't expect you guys to think for me but some examples would be very much appreciated.

    i can't get my head round things like " yours sincerely" and "yours faithfully" or even how to start a letter ! is it "to whom it may concern" ?

    thanks again.

  8. hi guys, i have just about got everything in order for my trip to bkk in december to get a uk tourist visa for my gf, but i'm having trouble with what exactly i should write in the sponsor letters.

    ashamed to say i am from generation teXt so i have never written a formal letter in my life. anyone got an example letter that they could share with us to set me on the right path?

    also the letter from my employer should these details be enough to satisfy the embassy? -

    national insurance number


    length of employment

    a short sentence saying that work will be available upon my return to the uk


  9. my fiancee has a good job but very little savings, about 15,000 baht barely enough for a one way ticket to the uk. how much cash in her bank account does she need to get a tourist visa from the uk embassy?

    i have got my finance, employment, accomodation and sponsor letters sorted out.

    she has a good job,references,sponsor letters,property and land in her name too.

    but no cold hard cash! is this significant enough for them to refuse her a visa?

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