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Posts posted by Duality

  1. hi guys i'm back from los a little bit older but none the wiser...

    i have just been looking online for cheap international calls and have come across some websites were you dial an access code then the uk code and finally the number you wish to connect to in thailand for absolutley piss cheap rates that are billed to BT or whoever is your service provider. it all sounds to good to be true so i am asking you fellas with experience if they are a scam or are legit? there must be a catch...

    here are some of the websites i was checking out -



  2. in the pattaya park tower revolving resturant there was a 6 ft blond german woman in her late 30's wearing a bathing top and a bright pink thong...

    but get this

    she was heavily pregnant and was prancing around the buffet area swinging her pock marked arse for everyone to see. she talked loudly and acted like the place was her own. she looked like some over the hill ex model/porn star way past her prime.

    it was my 25 th birthday and up to the point of seeing her i was enjoying some lobster with my teerak but that skank put me right off the food !

  3. the old thai lady who sells pancakes near the chao praya river, one day i said to her i am very hungry so i will have 2 pancakes today instead of the usual 1. she smiled and gave me an extra 2 smaller pancakes for free. they are worth only 10 baht but its the little things like that which restore my faith in humanity :o

  4. carrying on with the dental thread...anyone know how much it will cost to have a tooth extracted in bkk? i just had a root canal done in the uk and it hurt like a bastard ! the doc gave me the maximum 4 doses of novocaine and i still was in pain. so as i will be in bkk soon i can't continue my treatment so i'm thinking of having a tooth taken out instead of going through all that discomfort again.


  5. i paid £560 for an open return ticket, change at helsinki were i have to wait 9 bloody hours for the connecting flight to bkk.

    already have an apartment booked by my gf and don't plan on shagging anyone else other than her. you seen her pic right? nuff said!

    ofcourse there will be seats left but you will pay top dollar for them. i searched online all the way up to £900 but found nothing for december. because i am under 26 ( barely) i went to student flights uk and they got me the "last seat" they had.

    i have one of those istc cards even though i'm not a student i still get a discount airfare and a flexible return date because i'm still considered a youth.

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