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Posts posted by Duality

  1. my last week in bkk on a steaming hot day walking in the silom area i sat down on the steps of what i think is called "the silom complex" a large shopping mall. i drink my 7-11 big gulp and spark up a cig and gaze at the uni girls handing out leaflets. i finish my cig and flick it away then go to the public phone to call a friend.

    when i finished my call a police officer blocked my path and said something in thai then pointed behind me to another officer who beckoned me towards the steps of the mall. he then picked up my cig stubb which was still on the bottom step and showed it to me...i didn't put up any resistance

    i was escorted to one of them little jail cells they have right there on the sidewalk infront of all the giggling uni girls. the officer pointed to a sign in the jail booth that said in thai script i was to pay a 2000 baht fine for littering !

    i only had 500 baht on me in cash so i told them i could go to the atm in the mall and get some more. they agreed and just let me walk off by myself into the mall.

    i thought about legging it but i couldn't find another exit ! i tell you that place is air tight. i sensed that the police would know this too so i went back and payed the full fine.

    the thing that pissed me off the most is that i had to wait 15 minutes in the booth before the same officer that had dealt with me returned i refused to give it to the undercover "taxi rider" officer or his partner. and when he did come back he just took my money and didn't ask for anything to be signed then he said " i like your ring" jesus i thought he was going to take that from me too, but he just smiled and winked at me....Bstard

    the real kick in the balls is this, i had only just started to smoke again after quitting 3 years ago. i vowed that would be my last cigarette...

  2. crashed my first honda dream into my gf's within the first 5 minutes of riding down chaweng beach road ! luckily the hire company only noticed the smashed indicator on her bike and not the big crack at the front of mine. maybe it was already there because i just jumped on the ###### thing without checking it out. oh and the broken rear light cost just 200 baht to fix :o

    so i advanced to a brand spanking new honda wave 125 with electric starter. i loved that bike so i hired it for 3 weeks and managed to stay out of harms way.

    and thats not an easy thing to do on koh samui, statistics say the ring road is the most dangerous in thailand. BEWARE THE SOI DOGS...i had a few close shaves with them unpredictable nuisances.

    also be wary of tourist who wear helmets they are the worst of all :D

  3. i got my tat done at buddy lodge pumpkin studio on khao san road. 4 hours work for 7000 baht. i was told i paid to much but he did a great job. its worth paying the extra baht for something so permanent and personal.i had thought about it for many years before deciding to cover up my indian ink teen angst scrawl with a half moon half sun on my right shoulder..based on a design that caught my eye by the number 1 american tattoo artist paul booth.

  4. i broke down and cried infront of my thai gf because the night before i had done the unthinkable with the dirtiest skank in the khao san area. i couldn't speak or look my girl in the eye so everything came out in tears. i never told her that after we had a fight that night i did things to some minger that you wouldn't do to a farm animal :o

    so i cried it was pathetic we moved on

    we moved on quite abit we are getting engaged soon so she obviously isn't bothered about my sissy self loathing.

    i also shed a few tears at the airport too when i left bkk only because me and my future fiancee bumped into a girl who i knew before her! in fact she was the reason why we had been fighting that fateful night(old jealousy) it could have been really messy but things turned out fine some how. i managed to convince my highly irrational gf that it was purely coincidence that she was at the airport same time as me. she thought i intended to meet them both at the kfc! i cried in sheer frustration and sadness that our relationship could end like this.i didn't need this extra stress just 1 hour before my flight home, it was bloody awful having to leave thailand like that...

  5. thanks for the replies here is some more info about us. we are both 25 SHOCK HORROR! i have a good job she has a good career in a law firm and we do plan do marry possibly in thailand. i want to stay in thailand with her for 1 year without doing the 30 day visa runs and then when she has sufficient funds in her bank account we will hopefully get a uk visa for her that is good for at least 6 months.

    hopefully she will like my little corner of the uk and we can return in the future as husband and wife and start to raise a family. thats the way it should be shouldn't it?

    any more info would be appreciated thanks

  6. hi guys, i'll get down to it...if i have my name on the deeds to a property in uk is this enough to show that i have a fair bit of money behind me and that i have good reason to return home, can i get a 1 year visa with this?. i don't have much savings the house is all the money i have.

    i do intend on going back to uk with thai gf when we have got a suitable visa for her and after i have got permission from her father ( he will take more convincing than any immigration officer that my intentions are purely honest)

    so basically is being a house owner enough to get 1 year visa in thailand?

    all feedback welcome cheers

  7. me and my non bg thai gf went to koh samet a lovely island but has overpriced accomodation and motorbike rental and is also devoid of all prostitutes and tuk tuks.anyway a few times when my gf went to the local shops the shopkeepers talked to her in english mistaking her for a cambodian or something! she got the impression from them that i had brought her over from cambodia and locked her up on this island as my sex slave.

    they were half right :o she knows it too !

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