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Posts posted by PlastikbinLina

  1. This is not an isolated thing. I heard some years ago about a young fellow in West Australia who was caught by a farmer trying to have his way with a cow. He was charged with trespass and buggery but during the court hearing some time later when he was asked to explain his side of the story, he protested his innocence. He said he never had a chance with the cow because as he was lining it up, the damn thing unloaded its bowel all over him. As he said that one of the court officials stared to laugh his head off yelling and laughing out at the top of his voice...cheesy.gif hahahha they allus do that!

    It's true I tell yougiggle.gif

  2. does the lack of customers mean prices will go up to make up the slack ( thai business logic ) ?

    No! prices are set by supply and demand. Higher prices could mean a shortage of something and a higher demand for it, or the same demand but less of it. e.g 100 serious beer drinkers trying to get one or more of the last 10 cans will pay anything to get a can. or as it is under normal circumstances, beer drinkers having unlimited cans at their grasp, will pay only the cheapest price.

  3. I had similar problems with Chrome however I went into setup on my PC, (press delete on start up) and reset setup to default (F5). That fixed the problem. I put it down to either a rogue file changing the setup arrangement or due to me doing something I shouldn't have when downloading something, like changing my mind during a download. I too did a virus scan and found nothing but all okay now.

  4. I said it on another thread, download royalty-free music and it doesn't matter *how* official they are.

    If it's Copyright-free they have no claim and no rights.



    Who wants to listen to royalty free music? If a bar or restaurant is playing music it is because they are playing music that they think the customers will know and like. Generally speaking, customers are not going to enjoy music they've never heard before unless it is just background music.

    Getting the music right can make a big difference to a bar, a fact that most don't seem to appreciate.

    Some people do, bar, restaurant, whatever. The choice of music is really the choice of the owner of the facility. I had two Thai restaurants in Melbourne and we played genuine Thai country music in both. The music tapes were bought from some innocuous market somewhere in Thailand. A few days after we opened we had calls from the genuine music royalty 'police' who demanded we pay a monthly fee. When I challenged them to tell me who was going to benefit from the fees collected they couldn't tell me. The musicians on the tapes were not identifiable by anyone I knew or them and when or where the tapes were made. We didn't have to pay any fees. We chose the music to give the restaurant a sense of Thai culture and many customers said they enjoyed it. Perhaps some didn't but they really enjoyed the food.

    If you want to listen to modern music to fit the surroundings and identifiable by the music cops go ahead but expect to pay more for the enjoyment of it.coffee1.gif

  5. If I were you I'd try being indifferent to her. Actually If I were you I'd drop her like a hot scone. I'm sorry but it's not going to go anywhere especially at her age. Try to imagine or look at how you find certain aspects of your life here in Thailand and then try to see how she would fit into a place that has, for the most part, a very disagreeable climate and complete lack of Thai cultural life; markets, family connections, long time friends etc etc. It's going to be difficult for you especially if you've done your whatsits over her but in the long run less painful, mentally and financially. There are many pebbles on the beach. Look around a bit more. Good luck.

  6. "Hundreds of passports are lost or stolen on Phuket each year, raising fears they could fall into the hands of criminal or terrorist networks."

    Thousands of passports are lost or stolen all over the world each year.

    Why single out Phuket?

    Where there is concentration of tourists, crime and thieving is very common.

    Stop, bashing Pucket.

    What you say is right, "thousands of PP's are lost or stolen...."The law concerning rental shops for cars and bikes needs to be tightened or changed in Thailand of course but honest farangs are only too willing to hand over their PP in order to get on with their holiday even though it is not legal to give a PP to any third party and never has been. But it happens of course and will continue to happen as long as there is no law enforcement. And why single out Phuket? I think that it's been proven the two tickets to China from Malaysia were bought in Phuket. More interesting news to come I'm sure.

  7. Milk, yoghurt or castor oil. You choose.

    Sorry, forgot to add, Castor oil works best.

    As a kid I remember Castor Oil was given as a punishment by adults. Not only did it taste awful but it cleaned out the bowels and if chili had been consumed before the dose it acted like putting turps on a dog's bum. (kids are cruel) Burning burning burning, and a dash to the loo!

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  8. So instead of 1 sheet of A4 paper (completed TM47), Phuket and Patong now require 3 sheets of A4 paper with each 90-day report (or 4 if your queue number is printed on a further sheet of A4 paper). Well that's what I, for one, call progressclap2.gif Presumably the staff at those 2 offices must be in urgent need of more seat padding material for their sore bums!

    Yes, that's a common opinion but we wait with baited breath as reports say that the copies of passport visa extensions etc. were only intended for the first three months of every year. Let's see what happens in April

  9. Sichon, a fishing port, some 60km north of Nakon Sri Thamarat, on the way to Surit Thani, is an ideal place for a quiet romantic holiday. It's secluded and almost free of foreigners, with a lovely beach resort (two in fact), excellent seafood restaurants and safe water for swimming, especially in August. Bus services are frequent between NST and Sichon and inexpensive.

  10. Here's a heads up for resident farangs in Phuket regarding 90 day reports. TM47 forms are no longer required when reporting to Phuket Immigration Office. What is required are copies of your visa extension, entry stamp, and PP ID and a Que number. This new procedure was introduced the week ending 7 March 2013

  11. I hope you meet the funny guy my wife and I met some years ago when we visited Hua Hin with our chihuahua "Bitsy". My wife explained that she had a small chihuahua to the desk fellow who said 'well that's nice, your husband must be happy with that' Yes she replied but its suffering from an injury and we have to take care of it. Oh well he said then might I suggest you not ride your bike for two weeks. We couldn't stop laughing. We have a standard wire haired dachshund now but too big for a hotel room.giggle.gif

  12. Still using my metro card untill the 18th when they start charging ,usually use aeon ,now still150 but tried a few other banks first all 180 and trying to get you to use their conversion rate ,so did not bother with them ,shame about Metro ,its been a good 2 years but will close my account and go back to swift or using my card in the bank.

    Aeon are now charging 150 Baht for transactions and only just recently. Well back to waiting 5 days for money transfers from Oz. I wonder if they did this due to much speculation it would happen from many members 3 months ago?

  13. Sorry to hear Phuketjock you were not happy with the 'wannabee policeman' and 'ticket guards' when you came to extend your visa. Perhaps the following explanation might help.

    The reason the Phuket 'wannabee policeman', as you call them. volunteers do what they do is because they are instructed by senior Thai officers to do so and why they insist, the Thai officers i.e , your papers are checked first by the volunteers.. I'll try to explain:

    There is something like 100 or more nationalities coming through the door at the Phuket office during the year, some to extend a visa, some to get a retirement, education, marriage, dependent visa, medical extension, B Visa, Court appearance orders, Certificate of Residence tourist visa extension etc etc. and many of these 'wannabee stay in Thailand geysers' don't speak or read English, can't fill out the forms provided, don't understand the protocol of a particular visa, don't understand why they have been fined for overstay, should I go on?. Especially difficult to deal with is the English language difficulty of Italians, Spanish, French, Russians et al, too many to mention here. One advantage the 'wannabee ticket guards have is some are multilingual and can advise in the language of the customer inquiring about his needs.

    Before the ticket machine was introduced many farangs who'd been coming for years and those that thought they had everything all in place never bothered to go to the information counter first. They went direct to the back row and waited to spring into action, i.e jump into the first vacant seat of their favourite officer, (often with a gratuity of some kind) and often short sheeting others who had been waiting to be seen much longer. Furthermore and unfortunately it is the case that more often or not many of the forms they presented were not correctly filled out, e.g. not signed , not dated, insufficient bank letters, outdated and importantly the entire package was not collated correctly. That word collated means, I'm sure you understand. they were not in proper order as expected.

    This meant the eager beaver farang who thought he's been here long enough to know what was expected each time he came to extend the visa of his choice had to wait while the Thai officer frustratingly put every paper in order, and maybe also for the next farang in line. In the meantime the people who had been waiting a long time to be seen and were displaced in the Que by the eager selfish beaver had to wait even longer. You too Phuketjock admit the officer had to search through your papers to find the TM7. That meant your papers weren't in proper order either.

    The 'wannabee' was trying to save you and the Thai officer you were going to sit down to chat with TIME.,and also to make sure you were not disadvantaged by some Que jumper. The ticket machine works, it has increased the daily output of visa approvals, and by the way, the 'wannabee police officers"do the work they do voluntarily, there is no pay, or gratuity, special advantage in doing the work they do, no special visa, buy their own uniforms as required and transportation costs, but they are subject to the unkind words of some who just don't bother to think about or appreciate the work they do. Next time you come, Phuketjock, and if the ticket machine is hopefully still working, you will be asked again to show your papers and hopefully this time you'll understand why. May I respectfully suggest Jock you have a wee dram before you come and by the way don't forget your 90 day report. You'll be asked once more to show your papers for that too.

  14. Poor Guy RIP. Well at least he died happy. This sort of event has happened here before. There was a New Zealand fellow some months back in Patong, a young guy that overdosed on Viagra. But what about the poor girls in this sad situation? What a shock for them especially if he was on the nest when it happened and what on earth do they say? Hey man, have you just come and gone?

  15. I hope this is not going off the track but regarding SOLE custody; as I have personally found out if the (Thai/Thai or Thai/ Farang) parents of the child were not married at the time of the child's birth then the mother has SOLE custody, despite blood or DNA tests proving the father's true relationship. Furthermore only the child can verify its own father identity after reaching age 7 along with the mother at the Amphur and then and only then can the father register his name as the father. Of course there are other ways of doing this and that means buckets of money and a Thai Lawyer.

  16. I use an overseas bank CC and it is quite annoying to have to pay foreign transaction fees every time I make a purchase here in Thailand. I've been told I have to have a work permit first before I ca get one but I'm retired although I do get a reasonable income from my two pensions. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to get a CC here? Thanks in advance for any help.

  17. Interesting video and interesting subject. Some other comments here say that the object looked solid. I don't know anything about apparitions but aren't they supposed to be transparent? The shadowy figure blocked out the steps behind it as it passed in front of the camera although did not disturb the gravel beneath. A mystery but I must say that the cave looks an attractive place to visit and perhaps meditate. Thank you for the video.

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  18. I cannot understand how one nutcase can cause all this mayhem that need to arrest him for his outstanding murder charge and lock him up. This is going to put Thailand back years people will get sick and tired of all the hassle remember the last time when the airport was shut down it took days to get travellers back home no government in the western world would allow a man like Suthep to do what he is doing the guy is just plain crazy and at the end of the day nothing will be achieved, there is no consideration for those in Bangkok forced to close there business down for a week or so and at the end of the day when people do not have the money to make up for loss revenue Suthep will go home where no doubt he has million stashed under his bed.

    Millions stashed under his bed? Maybe. Someone told me today he has a whistle and flag factory. Now that would be a great racket to get into.

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