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Posts posted by PlastikbinLina

  1. Anthony Burgess, (Clockwork Orange etc) wrote a novel, based on his 3 year stint as a teacher. The novel entitled 'The Devil of a State' is the only book banned in Brunei. It's hilarious and a good read. I lived there (after he 'escaped' by feigning a brain tumor) for seven years. Brunei is a village that Sultan Hasanal Bolkiia declared he is building a nation. The nation is roughly 100km x100km in size with about 250,000 indigenous locals. In fact if you were flying over Brunei and blinked you'd miss it it's so small. After 1987 following some discontented citizen placed pamphlets decrying the Bolkia's hedonistic life style, the place became a Islamic State. All alcohol drinks were banned, including affecting the country's airline Brunei Airlines serving only soft drinks etc. I couldn't wait to get out of the place and although despite my family's insistence I see a trick cyclist due to my long time there I know I'm alright alright. There's nothing wrong with me wrong with me....seriously

  2. If there's a charge here in Thailand that can be laid as 'Theft after Dark' between 7 pm and 4 am What is the charge for 4 am to 7 pm; 'Theft in the daylight hours'? Shouldn't it just be classified as simply 'Theft'? Sorry for the dumb question. I'll bet the Chief of Police is happy, just look at all the Pakistani's mates lined up with him.

  3. Another 'innocent' person arrested?

    You asked about it twice, I'll answer you once.

    Yes, in my eyes he is innocent.

    I don't give a damn about work permits and requirements.

    He was offering a service that the Thais could not offer as none of them could probably speak Dutch.

    Many of you will condemn me for what I said but this is my opinion.

    He didn't commit a crime he just wanted to make a living.

    He who is without sin can cast the first stone now....................

    "He was offering a service that the Thais could not offer as none of them could probably speak Dutch." I beg to differ.although In this case you may be right but I have many Dutch friends over the years and all of them had/have a very good command of English. No he is not innocent as he is about to find out.

    • Like 1
  4. Can anyone advise if it is at all possible to get a Non Immigrant 'O' visa for the purposes of applying for a one year Retirement extension in Bangkok immigration? That possibility has dried up in Phuket and I am told Kuala Lumpur Malaysia although there are stories that Penang Malaysia will comply. Many aspiring Non 'O' applicants are walking around here like stunned mullets after arriving on a Visa Exemption or a TR 60 tourist visa fully expecting to get a Non 'O'. Thanks for any advice.

  5. Thank You, Thai Tech, for another article relevant to me and my interests.

    Yes, because of the independent sort of guy that I am, I worry about leaving my laptop sitting on the wing of my Lear, or having it just slide out the window as we bank right to get a better view of the property below.

    Of course it's a great inconvenience when I have to send one of my 'people' down after it as I don't have the use of that person until we connect up again a few legs further down on our journey. But having an apple product it brings me great comfort knowing all of my data it in the 'iCloud' and that I can just pull out a 'spare' replacement and all of my selfie photos are still there.

    PS: Didn't bother reading the 'article.

    I find this claim that a Macbook air somewhat difficult to believe. I won a Macbook air along with a wireless mouse some years ago answering a "Win a Macbook Air" advertisement on Yahoo Mail. It and the mouse was valued in the local Mac shop at $3500 I didn't particularly like it however so I gave it to my10 year old daughter Alice. Some weeks later my 13 year old girl Emma had an argument with her younger sister on the stairs going up to the second floor. Emma snatched the Mac out of Alice's hand but as she did she lost control of it and it fell 6 feet to the floor below. The monitor came away from the Main body and CPU did not function any longer as it should have. The cost to fix it was quoted at $850. I didn't bother repairing it. $850 was more important to me than the Macbook Air.

  6. You want to clean up corruption, Mr General PM? How about you start with your own beloved military. Thailand's combined military is one-fourth that of the US, but they have 10 times MORE Generals, and they are ALL millionaires. Please don't give me that crap about how they all "married rich girls", as not even the dumbest Thai believes that.

    When you clean your own house, maybe then you'll have the right to clean the house of Thailand. Until then all I hear is bull dung.

    bull dung

    It would be interesting to know just where the 466.5 million Baht came from that Prayuth gave to family members shortly before becoming PM, or to know where the 128.6 million he kept came from. He certainly could not have earned that amount of money legally while working as a General, so did he inherit it all?

    One of his first concerns as PM was inheritance tax! Clearly a pressing issue for the Junta!

    I heard he had a part time job at Hooters.

  7. I think the Yellow book is worth the effort.

    II applied and the guy told me it takes a long time to get one. I said fine, I live here come see me any time.

    He did he came early in the morning and lunch times and late evening like I think to check I was there. I was as it happened and ech time he checked my passport and as time went on it had extensions and so on. He interviewed my wife parents. I offered him more documents from time to time and he was happy doing the job and wanted no bribe or tea money. Finally after about 8 months I got the book. He still wouldn't take any tea money. He brought his family with him on the last time to hand over the book.

    We had a meal of basic Thai food and everything was cool. He said that so many Farangs wanted the book the same day they applied but I was the only one who said take your time...haha. Anyhow now I have used that yellow book for all my extensions at immigration, to show the cops from time to time, to renew my Thai drivers licence, to open bank accounts and so on.

    I wouldn't be without it.

    Its an official Government Thai document that proves where you live.

    I love it.

    I wonder why it took so long for you to get it? I moved to Songkhla from Nakon Sri Thamarat in November 2010. I asked my lessor if she could arrange a Yellow book for me. She did and I had it by the end of December. I paid nothing nor even attended the Amphur. Maybe my experience is an exception.

    • Like 1
  8. I am sure the world is now a safer place well done , mean while crime is rampant and their is corruption in every level of society ,

    Here's a Chinese guy providing a service to tourists, probably on behalf of a Thai employer, because he possesses the skills to do so, most likely due to his language abilities.

    He's turning over baht on Phuket, and creating happy tourists, and in fact, is part of the local Phuket economy himself, and what do they do here - arrest and deport him.

    How backward thinking can a self proclaimed "world class tourist destination" be?

    If the agency that employed the guide had done the right thing in the first place and had arranged for a work permit and Non B, the illegal worker wouldn't be in strife now. The agency is just as much to blame as the guide. Let's hope they get severely smacked on the wrist too.

  9. The Russians are broke. As are the Americans, the Brits, the Chinese, and most everyone else. (Except for the Nordic nations).

    And the Baht remains persistently high. Is still tied to the US dollar?

  10. The only problem is: there is absolutely ZERO demand for international flights to and from NST.....

    reality check please whistling.gif

    That's not entirely accurate. NST is very popular with Malaysians who visit NST in bus loads as Pilgrims from all over Malaysia to visit the famous Buddha relic there. Air Asia could make a small fortune out this new development not least because bus journeys from Malaysia are tedious at best. I lived in NST for over a year recently and was surprised to see so many Malaysians going there.

  11. I've been here for so many years I cannot remember when an all pervasive stink did not exist. It's everywhere. Sewerage smells in particular reek in the most populated shopping areas in Bangkok and tourist high spots everywhere and always at night it's worse than any other time of day.. Recently my 16 year old Thai daughter visiting from school in Australia commented on the horrific odours wafting around Soi Bangla in Patong. Holy S*#@t daddy, what's that awful smell, she said. I said jokingly, oh that's Chanel or Boss. No Dad that's <deleted>.

  12. I've been here for so many years I cannot remember when an all pervasive stink did not exist. It's everywhere. Sewerage smells in particular reek in the most populated shopping areas in Bangkok and tourist high spots everywhere and always at night it's worse than any other time of day.. Recently my 16 year old Thai daughter visiting from school in Australia commented on the horrific odours wafting around Soi Bangla in Patong. Holy S*#@t daddy, what's that awful smell, she said. I said jokingly, oh that's Chanel or Boss. No Dad that's <deleted>.

  13. Super member, or anyone who can advise, my Thai wife passed away June 28 2014. I have a Death Certificate (DC) of course but if in the distant future I wanted to marry a Thai lady what would I have to do? Just present the DC at the Amphur or go back to my embassy as I did previously to get a stat dec etc? Thanks for any advice.

  14. 85 - 87 I travelled phuket - Bkk more than a few times. Standard practice was for all bus passengers including farangs to be videod by police at the last checkpoint.

    Twice that I recall on those trips the bus was stopped at the next checkpoint on the mainland and 1 or 2 passengers were escorted off the bus by police.

    In 1984 I traveled by train from Singapore to Bangkok. After leaving Penang our first stop, if I remember correctly was Hat Yai. All passengers were told to leave their PP's at a railway office on the platform, then ordered to get back on the train and off it went. I was travelling alone in first class. About half an hour or more while the train was travelling along at speed four Thai officers came into my cabin thrust a stack of PP's in my hand and asked me to find mine. I can only assume they were checking each individual foreigner at their leisure which would have been hard to do on a narrow crowded platform. Amazing Thailand

  15. It might, power wise it probably will if it requires 220 volts. However it might not work as efficiently depending on the transmission design limits between where you bought it and here in Thailand. The overall loss between phones anywhere in the world is 32 dB. e.g. USA and UK or USA and Australia etc (32 dB is an international standard) and between local exchange services The loss between the terminal exchange and the surrounding area it services can vary. In some countries that loss can be 8 dB and in others 8.5db. In many areas here the loss is much worse due to the local line quality. Maintenance and design of networks in Asia leaves a lot to be desired. But as one of the replies suggested buy a phone here. You can always take it back if you're dissatisfied.

  16. Once it opens I will be taking bets on how long it will be before their is a derailment at speed and hundreds are killed.

    Personally, I will be avoiding it like a dose of the clap.

    I agree. As I said to my wife recently, up and down left and right or wherever we travel by rail is always very enjoyable at slow speed. The clickity clack of the wheels on steel and watching the country side go past at leisure and a cold beer, what more can one want? On a fast train here I wouldn't be able to relax thinking about the possibility of a damn buffalo on the line somewhere. Maintenance of any type here is a troublesome concern

  17. I don't think the overseas media really understands what happened

    in the lead up to this, the corruption,nepotism,etc etc, nearly bringing

    Thailand to its knees, sound bites and one liners thats all they are

    interested in. just lets hope there is not another Shinawatara in the

    sidelines waiting to be pushed on by the great leader to be PM.

    regards Worgeordie

    OMG there is actually people on here who think the coup was about corruption laugh.png

    Or you could say

    OMG there is actually people on here who think

    Yes? think about what? Did you fall asleep?

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