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Posts posted by Metapod

  1. I won't be 70s for almost 50 years so I think I'd more than fine in Thailand at that age. Healthcare is already fairly good in Bangkok..

    You're an expat here and you seriously think you'll be here in 50 years? That would be very rare.

    Never said I would. Not sure if I will.

    I hope I don't become one of those bitter jaded olds crying about the good old days of Thailand in 2050 though. lol.

  2. Why is your employer not providing the paperwork required for an extension?

    They are..through my (their) lawyer.

    But they are concerned about the massive difference in fees being asked by the lawyer for an extension of stay compared to a new non-b.

    I want to know what I need to get this done. What forms/details etc and the basic process. Ideally from people who have already gone through it.

  3. I picked up the Gear VR, amazing bit of kit even with the limited content available.

    Can't wait for the camera to launch in Q2.

    It's going to make a huge difference to travel blogs!

    hey when does the gear360 come out? some really cool shit you could do with that

  4. Anyone on steam and interested in playing together? Would be nice to make a little expat community for online games.

    I mostly play stuff like CS and Dota2 but happy to play other games too. Let me know if there is any interest.

  5. As the title says, what do I need and how easy is this done?

    I currently have a 1 year Non-B that will be expiring shortly but my work permit is already updated for the next year. I'd much prefer just to get an extension of stay rather than leave the country to apply for a new Non-B visa. My lawyer says the cost to prepare documents for a new non-b is easy and only costs 2k, but for the extension of stay he wants to charge over 30k. Can anyone make sense of why this is and how I can go about getting this done on my own perhaps? Cheers.

  6. 0:19The black shirt British guy pushed the Thai guy away. 0:22 the thai guy pushed back n the floor was slippery resulting in the black shirt british man fall. 0:50 Then after some argument the lady slap the thai guy in the face. 1:13 the Black shirt british man proceeded to lock the black shirt thai man in a headlock 1:13 same time the purple shirt british man threw a punch at another thai( guy who had a bottle in hand who got push by the black shirt british and push back in 0:19). Thats when the Thai gangsters retaliated. Study the video closely. Again I don't condone the acts of the Thai Gangsters but it takes 2 hands to clap.

    follow the movements of the purple shirt british man from 1:08 to 1:13. it might not be clear but u can see him moving across and throwing a punch at 1:13. watch closely. He punch the thai man who had the bottle in his hand who was pushed by the Black Shirt British man in 0:19, He fell to the ground after being punch by the British man. after which he got up from the floor. Thats why the black shirt thai man broke free of his headlock and walk all the way across to punch him 1st. Mayhem Ensues Thats what actually caused the thais to start fighting.

    Its not right how the Thais kick the family and the old lady when they are on the floor. But the British family started it 1st by pushing slapping n throwing the 1st punch. They even punch n knock a Thai man onto the floor. Don't tell me they r 50 n 60. A thai man got knock down on the floor by a punch. They got too much what they ask for. I don't condone violence. In this case I don't condone violent acts from both sides. Its just that the Thais were more violent in retaliation.

    Why does the RTP think that its solely the fault of the Thais? Fear or Bad News for Tourism? pls do your job n investigate properly. Every expat i spoke to n when saw the video how i pointed it out in detail saw it too. it wasn't solely the fault of the thais. Please be fair.

    should the thai men push back after he was push?

    should the Thais punch them n knock the whole family out?

    Should the Thais kick the British Family while they were on the floor?

    should the Thais kick the old lady on the floor?

    should the British shoved the Thai out of the way?( start of this trouble)

    should the british lady slap the man?

    should the purple shirt punch n knock a thai man onto the ground?

    Put away your emotions for abit. I know we dont like it that the lady got kick on the floor.

    But fact of the matter is the British family started it n got too much what they ask for. It takes 2 hands to clap. RTP should investigate this case clearly. I have shown the video to my wife n some friends of mine n pointed out in detail what happen. After watching it together with me. Everyone was fair in saying the British should not have started it by shoving slapping n punching the thais and the Thais retaliated too violently. Violence should never be an answer to your anger. It applies to both the British Family n the Thais in this case.

    I agree with your sequence of events. The British guy looked drunk and pushed the white shirted guy in a very arrogant and disrespectful way but you then seem to disregard the white shirt guy shoving the British guy who fell and is obviously hurt, upsetting his parents. This is the start of the violence - The British guy was rude the Thai guy caused the first blow (head hitting the pavement). At this point the mother should have not reacted with a slap but we also do not know what is being said that may have wound her up even more. Maybe the Thai guy should have apologised at this point as what he did was far worse than being pushed out of the way.

    Where I strongly disagree with you is you seem to say that what the Thais did was justified and no worse than what the British did.

    Maybe you should have another look at the video and see how badly hurt each side was - Thai men running away uninjured 3 British hospitalised and you still think the Thais involved were in the right!!! Those animals turned a skirmish into a kicking that could easily have ended up with someone dead. You said "the Thais retaliated too violently" - rather an understatement especially considering the ages of 2 of the victims.

    The world is not stunned because there was a fight it is stunned by the level of violence directed at an elderly couple by a group of young Thai men regardless of how it started. That is why it is solely the fault of the Thais!

    Anyone who watches that elderly couple being punched and kicked and still thinks they deserved it, needs help.

    Chang1, very reasonable reply. I have no idea what transpired prior to this video (that is, if anything did). It not about who is to blame it's about the level of violence. All that was needed was a couple of shoves and then move on, but no it went to the next level. Any man that can't that can't take a slap from an old woman lacks courage, self control and all the rest. Imo, it isn't the original Thai chap that should be taking the rap for this but the one who kicked the old lady while she was down. I know thugs do this elsewhere but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be seen for what it is, pure and utterly uncontrolled violence. Defend yourself, yes! but using sledge hammer tactics was unnecessary in this case.

    Complete nonsense.

    The situation went "to the next level" because the tourists brought it to that level. They threw the first strikes. Look around 52sec and 1:10sec Both the woman and man throw strikes before any Thai person throws a strike.

  7. unprovoked?

    they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

    ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

    Did she, Not From what I could see?

    Would that justify the beating they got?

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatal

    yes she did, the husband also walks round a group of people and punches someone in it, maybe its the black shirted thai, but they don't seem the be as innocent as the headlines made out to be....although the kick to the face was OTT.

    the violence is definitely way over the top. could easily kill someone booting them in the head like that, specially someone that old.

    but the three things that bother me here are:

    1) completely misreporting the article and facts

    2) how many stupid people in here can't watch a 2min video to see what actually happened

    3) how easily senseless violence like this can be avoided.

  8. If you are not happy with how things are run here there is plenty other countries to retire at.

    The topic isn't about retirees, it's about holidaymakers.

    But I sort of agree with you, Thailand isn't really a suitable destination for western holidaymakers any more IMHO.


    Thailand is one of the most popular tourism destinations of the world and will continue to be so.

    Problem is people who get drunk and start fights (the British tourists in this case)

  9. unprovoked?

    they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

    ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

    Did she, Not From what I could see?

    Would that justify the beating they got?

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

    So when is it EVER justified for a male OF ANY AGE, to hit a woman, and when is it justified for a 32 year old male of ANY RACE to hit a 70 year old woman. An absolute disgrace in any country in any culture anywhere in the world....

    firstly, i never justified anything.

    secondly, if you don't want to get hit, don't hit other people first.

  10. This is now going to be difficult to keep in perspective now that that the news has reached abroad. What makes it worse, I recall there being a 'campaign' to keep tourists safe during SongKran so this will add to the outrageous act of unprovoked violence.

    Now, the murders on the islands which were also broadcast abroad plus this, plus the way investigations are done I fear that Thailand will get a reputation and that's when the problem might get a lot worse. I cast my mind back to the hooliganism that hit British football the majority of which were caused by opposing hooligan/criminal elements and wonder if similar 'elements' existing today might rub their hands together 'spoiling for a good punch up' or simply 'avenging', abroad. The problem will then escalate out of control and it will not only affect tourists but there is bound to be an affect on those who live here.

    The attacker who kicked the old lady on the ground doesn't display anything else but violent intent, certainly doesn't look drunk to me on the video. What a gutless coward. Nor did the chaps on the steps make any attempt to help and just stood there and watched even as the family lay on the ground. Sickening.

    No it won't.

    It wasn't unprovoked. The tourists threw the first punches. Watch the video again...

  11. unprovoked?

    they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

    ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

    Did she, Not From what I could see?

    Would that justify the beating they got?

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

    Watch the video again. 52sec mark. She punches the guy in the face.

    The tourists were the ones who instigated the situation and threw the first punches.

    That doesn't justify the savage beating but it should be a stern lesson not to start fights you can't finish...

    Punch but I think more of a slap but as said the beating is way over the top.


    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

    Generally not a good idea to put your hands on another person, specially around bars and alcohol in a foreign country.

  12. unprovoked?

    they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

    ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

    Did she, Not From what I could see?

    Would that justify the beating they got?

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

    Watch the video again. 52sec mark. She punches the guy in the face.

    The tourists were the ones who instigated the situation and threw the first punches.

    That doesn't justify the savage beating but it should be a stern lesson not to start fights you can't finish...

  13. ^^^^^ A lot of Thai people live on salaries of 10k per month or less.

    They are not renting a condo and living in it by themselves though.

    You are right. Anyone working in a fast food place, the mall, Starbucks's, etc.

    Many have "The Box" for 2500 to 3k.

    100 a day for food and they still have money left over.

    Good for them for getting by with minimal funds. I respect they can do this.

    most fast food workers in bkk make more than 10k these days.

    i just went through my local mall in BKK today and saw job signs at multiple places. Dairy queen was paying 50 baht an hour part time and 12k for full time, and one of the restaurants said 12-14k fulltime and 18-20k for manager. bigc also has a sign up for 10-12k fulltime.

    on those wages most are living in a roommate situation or at home with family (same like low incomes in your home country). For example, you can get a 3,500 baht room a short walk behind the mall here and split it with another person. That means you are both paying about 2k a month total for your bills when you factor in water/elec/internet. Nothing fancy but does the trick.

    this kind of work is typically 6 days a week. 100 baht a day easily covers food options when eating locally. gives them a bit of money to have a bit of fun on their day off.

    I don't think any (western) foreigner should ever really be in this position though. If you find yourself there, it would be better to leverage your skills (language at the least) to create more income.

  14. Looking at the video I'm sure I've been to this net café before. I lived in soi 36 for 6 months and been there often.I've never seen any problems in the area, but shit happens anywhere and everywhere, so you always have to keep your head on straight. Sounds like you handled the situation as best as you could.

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