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Posts posted by Metapod

  1. Now confirmed Thailand's immigration department have been investigating Ed Visas.

    If you come to Thailand you are required to have the correct visa in accordance with the visa immigration laws.

    If you don't have the correct visa you will be refused entry.

    This is the law in all countries.

    confirmed what? you didnt add anything here.

    what are the actual laws regarding ed visa currently for bangkok?

    4hours a week or 8hours a week?

  2. After reading about the crazy changes down in Phuket, I wanted to see if anyone here had some info regarding eD visa in Bangkok

    Are they changing the amount of hours and days you need to study?

    I'm not on an eD visa but I am interested in doing one in the future. I already taught myself to read the Thai alphabet and have a basic understanding of the language.

    I'm interested in legitimate learning, but 5 days a week is an awful schedule. I'd very much prefer to be able to do my classes on 1 or 2 days so I have free time to travel, sleep in, etc.

    So any students here who have heard from their schools? Walen said anything? Ubonjoe?

  3. Whether or whether not the Headman's son was on Koh Tao that night, his DNA result excludes him from the crime scene. That will never change now, however much screaming and shouting foul on Media networks. It is as likely he didn't participate in the crimes as any other supposition.

    However, if that influential and powerful family wants to regain respect (and they're innocent) they should finger the culprits without fear of reprisals. IMO, with fingers in every pie, they would know who would be likely to commit this crime - it's a small island patch - and I am not surprised the senior RTP didn't follow through with this at the DNA media ceremony (that would be to admit failure).

    Of course if they are involved, and there has been a massive cover-up, the B2 will be processed and forgotten.

    No it doesn't. How dense can you be? If the RPT told you the sky was falling are you going to believe that too? Or would you maybe consider looking up first?

    Only way he is cleared is through transparent and independent testing. Not some dog and pony show on his own volition where the results aren't even shared with the UK police on the ground.

  4. Why is everybody looking for CCTV footage of the 15th? Why not from the 12th? Things that maybe can be verified........

    CCTV footage of the university on the 12th, did Nomsod have long hear covering his ear? If not, he was not the running man on Koh Tao, (I think that was uncle organizing the speedboat escapes for the gang).

    CCTV footage of the BKK condo on the 12th, was the Timber Table there on the 12th? If not, the CCTV tapes from the 14th/15th are doctored. Why is nobody checking these easy verifiable things?

    CCTV footage of the 14th shows a girl with glasses in the same elevator. Find her and asks if she remembers! Should be easy to find out who she is.

    This DNA circus is what it is, a circus and will proof nothing, it is dead end. Go after the above! Also find out who own a speedboat called Little Duck!

    good points and mostly common sense stuff you would think,

    • Like 1
  5. Remember the RTP's earlier "perfect case" ? Even the Deputy PM was cheering RTP for the arrest.


    BANGKOK: -- Surat Thani police yesterday arrested a British tourist after he was suspected to have connection with the deaths of two fellow Britons in Koh Tao off Surat Thani coast.

    Police identified the British back packer as Christopher Alanvare.

    Police said they arrested him after employees of a resort on the beach told police that Mr Christopher was seen strolling near the scene where the two British tourists were killed on the night of September 14.

    Besides they also found a significant evidence which is a blood stain on his clothes.

    Police said Christopher urgently left the popular diving paradise on the first ferry to the mainland the next day after the murder was discovered.

    Fun fact. The police later admitted to planting the bloody(or dirty) clothes inside the luggage of the victim. Obviously it was an attempted stitch-up, and meant to put it in Christopher's luggage instead. Why on earth would a police officer be placing dirty or bloody pants inside the luggage of a murder victim and suspect?

    The original narrative was "blond hair found, bloody clothes in his bag, flees the island, scorned gay lover, etc.

    They botched that up badly, so they had to move to plan B, which is "myanmar workers".

    We have all seen how well this "case" has gone for them. I won't go into details as you guys are most likely already aware of them.

    • Like 2
  6. I feel sure the culprit(s) are neither the arrested Burmese nor the Ko Tao village head's son. It's simple physiognimy. The murderer was far stronger and more brutal. Probably much older too, a subscriber to the dinosauric belief of the dictator that a female displaying any of her attractiveness is asking to be raped and murdered.

    you are talking out your ass here.

    whats with all the crime scene expert pretenders here?

  7. My father in law once told me that if approaching a snake and the snake stands it`s ground or does not move away fast, than it`s venomous. The snake is saying; oh yea, wanna mess with me do ya, common then I dare ya.

    If the snake is non venomous then it will usually try to get away from what it considers as an approaching danger pronto. So in other words beware of snakes that look at you head on and don`t show much fear.

    complete nonsense and dangerous trash to regurgitate as it could get another person seriously injured..

  8. I saw a decent sized burmese python in sutthisarn area of bangkok a couple years ago. I'd say under 2meters in length. It was found near the khlongs there. I don't know what it was doing at the time as I saw it after the locals found it.

    The only other snake I have seen in bangkok was in ratchada/huay kwang area. Again, not too far from the canal. I don't know what type of snake it was. It was on the road at night time and the security guard was minding it with a flashlight. I'd estimate about 1min in length. I almost walked right into it as I was coming back from the clubs and walking home from 7/11

    • Like 1
  9. Go to Jackie's tailors opposite Nana. Ask for Nick - friend of mine - his family have been in the business for 40 years and are not expensive, but good quality. Tell him I sent you. Good luck, Tim

    Can you give me a rough pricing expectation?

  10. And what price range am I looking at for ....




    Walked past a lot of places advertising suits at $99USD, but I am guessing that might be too cheap and shitty?

    What is the "sweet spot" for a cheap suit?

  11. Looking for a tailor on the cheaper spectrum in Bangkok.

    Any suggestions?

    I know you get what you pay for, but I have a lot of other expenses to juggle at the moment, and I am really in need of some new shirts and pants. i figure if I am getting the shirts and pants, I might as well look into getting a suit done also.

    So where can I get something done on the lower end?

    I'd more concerned about a good fit, than high quality material. I can do multiple fittings.

  12. its easy.

    find a girl on the same social standing as you.

    if you are a fat old sexpat pushing 60 who wants a 20 year old petite and attractive Thai girlfriend, and you want this relationship based on something other than financial security? Keep on dreaming.

    Date girls who have a job and a hobby. Date girls in your general age range. Date girls not "out of your league" in attractiveness. Date girls who you can connect with socially (learn thai, share hobbies / interests / personalities) etc

    You can't just say "oh you will find X girl here" as it is all subjective. My experiences and options as a young and confident western man in Bangkok is not going to mirror those of the aging retiree.

    Problem is a lot of older guys live in delusions of reality. They get a bit of attention from some poor girls or hit the bars and suddenly think they can play above their station with a girl "who doesn't want money"

    I don't totally disagree but I think you miss out on a few things.

    1. There are many great looking older guy and many ugly young guys. Age is not a major factor if you are very good looking until you really get up there, 70+

    2. Being fat is not reserved for old guys .... Again, age is not a major factor.

    3. What 60 year old farang is going to meet and date a 60 year old Thai. Never happen !!!

    Just saying smile.png

    You sound really insecure and hung up about the age thing.

    It IS a major factor and you are living in la la land if you think it isn't.

    It becomes less of a factor the older girls get, and the greater the social and financial disparity between partners is.

    Saying that, it isn't everything, nor did I say it was. I said that you need to match your social standing if you don't want a relationship built on money. That goes for young and old.

    For some reason you old blokes who couldn't pull an attractive young girl back home, think it is going to be any different here, The only difference is the disparity between finances (and elevated charisma boost through being "foreign and different")

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