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Posts posted by wellred

  1. Can't see past City or Chelsea to win the league. I think Liverpool are overall stronger than last year but I reckon we can make a push. For anyone who thinks we are weaker with Suarez look at our record last year when he wasn't in the squad.

  2. What is REALLY absurd about these "crackdowns" is that they adversely affect the livelihoods of those who work in these businesses. With an economy teetering on the edge of depression, military men with no grounding in economics should NOT be tinkering with the business sector. It's the old tendency to "take action" just for the hell of it, so it will appear that action is being taken. A bit like President Gerald Ford's ridiculous "WIN" buttons, which stood for Whip Inflation Now". The net effect was to INCREASE inflation by printing up millions of useless buttons. When Thai people have enough jobs for anyone who wants one, that's when the economy is at its best.

    Don't worry when it all comes crashing down and people are akint it will all come back like the ex gf you thought you would never be sleeping with again.

  3. I agree with Starky that Pit Bulls are no more dangerous than any other breed if raised correctly.  My neighbor and his wife back in the States adopted one from a Rescue Society, and he turned out to be one of the most affectionate and playful dogs you could ever meet.  And he was terrified of one of my cats.  But that's ok, as most dogs were afraid of that particular cat as well. lol.  His name was Bruno, and he loved to play fetch with a tree branch damn near as big as my leg.  You definitely can't paint all PB''s with the same brush.

    I once saw a pitbull take some flowers over to its owner. Awwww

    Does not change the fact that they are dangerous and have killed people. Wake up.
  4. A clarification from Bangkok this time:
    "He added that starting from August 29, foreigners who failed to produce their passports would be fined up to Bt20,000 and jailed for up to two years."
    The fact that it says "failed to produce" and not "failed to carry on their person." is just more proof that this is much to do about nothing, because it is the exact same wording they have always used. The police have always defined "able to produce." as in if it's at home or the office, someone brings it to you while you wait if for some reason they don't accept your PP photocopy and or Thai DL.

    So why can't we just use the same rule for fail to carry? Ie come back to my hotel to see.
  5. I doubt there will be an explosion in local theft, yet with the increased number of passports on the streets will undoubtedly lead to an increase in random lost and stolen passports.  This must be good news for local international crime rings, since one of the tools they require are passports.  On the other hand, for tourists losing a passport, replacements are issued within days.  In smaller terms, the inconvenience is not much of an issue.  The policy of checking passports at check points will police against the random overstay, but unless a passport is required when paying the ticket - B2000 will be your getaway ticket.  

    Can you expand more on what the process is for me as a uk citizen if I lose my passport in Thailand? I suppose I need to be aware of that now in light of the new rules.
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