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Posts posted by cooked

  1. Apart from the time when I am in bed, I guess I walk barefoot about 50% of the time. My son in law works the fields barefoot when he can. This is just one of these weird ideas that has arisen since people started putting barriers between themselves and nature.

    There are certainly benefits to be had from walking (and running as a new sport fashion In California has shown) barefoot, less strain on the ankles,and improves the appearance of your garden gait.

    The Kenyans, arguably the best runners in the world, run barefoot.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barefoot_running

  2. I am still struggling with the Thai language but I experience a real joy when, maybe in the car waiting for the wife, I suddenly work out what the sign in front of me means. (beer chang classic was a good one recently). How do you guys get to the correct diesel/gasohol pump if you can't differentiate a D from a G? Look for the number 91 or 95? I would really feel stupid if I had to do that. I can read a little Thai and this compensates for my inability to speak fluently. If you don't enjoy learning useful stuff, you are old no matter when your birthday was.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  3. Sorry you are "appalled". That's your problem, not mine.


    First of all, I'm not "illiterate".  I'm a whole lot smarter than 98% of the Thai people, that's for sure.  I'm university educated and I believe plenty smart.


    Second, I live in the middle of Bangkok, where plenty of English is spoken.  Almost everything is written in English.  My wife speaks great English if I need a translator.  There just isn't enough motivation for me to go out and learn the language.


    I know enough Thai to get the food I want to get, find the bathroom and get home in a taxi.  And that's good enough for me, lol


    Why don't you worry about your own life instead of others who you are supposedly so much smarter than.  From your post it's obvious you're not that smart.

    Sorry, doesn't impress me as being a 'smart' (as in 'intelligent') post at all.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  4. No never. Thai schools are useless and produce classes full of idiots. I would rather home school. Drawback with that is the kid doesn't have friends and social skills, but at least they would have a proper education...Which is more important ?

    We always get this kind of comment when Home Schooling is discussed (Quite often from school teachers). I went through a state education system and came out completely antisocialand more or less friendless. Home schooled kids only need about two hours schooling a day plus maybe an hour of self study. They then have time to go out and visit and socialise with people that aren't at school, tradesmen, extended family etc, as well as being taken to the market or wherever by their parents. Google 'home schooling + antisocial, you will see that many studies have been made.

    My family refused to let me home school the little girl in our midst, now they are complaining about the ฿20 000.- a year for private school fees (crap school in my opinion) and I am complaining about the 2½ hours a day plus ฿4000.- for petrol every month.

    When the family gets together for Christmas I will be putting my foot down about this.

  5. The number of Farang on this forum who believe Thailand's poor have no right to the political representation of their choice is simply astonishing. And disturbing.

    Why should poor people, who pay´s ZERO tax, be able to have the majority of votes in the government, while the actual tax-payers are left with the useless minority opposition votes????

    There you go again, typical US Republican argument.

    The Thai education system denies a decent education to most people, no wonder they don't understand much about politics.

    • Like 1
  6. So if you draw a straight line on the peaks, leaving out the extreme high in the center move up, that should be next resistance. I have 33 baht for the Dollar. Maybe get the miss to open an account and buy her some stock, between 1,000 and 1,200, if this doesn't end soon

    my voodoo forecasting says 32.56 Baht for the Dollar... sooner or later. you draw an ellipse around the third bone on the right and then a straight line (use a ruler!) from the bottom of the ellipse to the utmost top left bone. divide the line using the Fibonacci ratio, multiply with a double doji and light a candlestick to reach the above mentioned result. then pour a single malt and sip it without any ice.

    if you use ice the Baht might strengthen. you hear me!?


    .. and don't forget to nail a chicken to your favourite ATM

  7. Any car salesman that sees you turn up with a 25% deposit will be very reluctant to let you go.

    I hate to tell you, but you would be wrong in assuming so.

    I once turned up with a mate to buy 2, do note 2 not 1, top model dmax x series, so we had over 2000 000 baht with us for 2 cars and they let us go.

    We wanted free plate, 8000 baht discount each and the answer was NO

    I can not understand the reason why car sales people here could not care less to make a sale.

    The only logical explanation i can think of is they do not get any commissions, otherwise why would you not sell an extra car even if it means cutting into your commission.

    I am also pretty sure, finance company's pay dealers some small % of the interest and yet dealers prefer cash

    Well I still think he was reluctant to let you go but that he had no liberty to d a deal. You see this all over Thailand, you make what you think is an advantageous offer for both parties and they walk away. Leave this to the Chinese, they will do a deal inside of 10 minutes.

  8. The rules vary lender to lender, but the basic req's are:

    1. On a 1-year visa extension program

    2. Ability to substantiate income claims with employment letter or pension docs, and prove it via salary/pension deposits into a Thai bank account in your name (some req 3 months history, some req 6 months)

    3. Thai national to act as guarantor (this get relaxed after 1-3 loans paid out)

    4. Ability to pay the downpayment (normally 25%-50% for first finance)

    5. Ability to show you can make the repayments (usually they will only allow you to commit to 25-40% of your salary).

    6. Not too old for finance.

    Some lenders will only finance you if working in TH and having a WP. Others might suggest the loan goes into your Thai wife's name with you as her guarantor. Others will just let you DIY.

    I dunno about number 6, I am 65 and recently got finance (Nissan leasing, which is also a finance company and not only a leasing company). However my wife's daughter will lose her land if I default.

    Edit: I found Nissan finance etc very efficient, to be recommended.

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  9. In Switzerland before the days of ABS we were taught to rapidly depress and release the brake pedal to prevent wheel locking. It works in snow. I wonder if this would work on a car with automatic?
    On my last truck I had the ABS working three times, twice on the Expressway, avoiding a shunt, and once to avoid killing a dog. In 6 years.
  10. Threshing? He is cutting by hand as the bigger machines don't do the corners. Also, where the rice has laid down flat, the farmer will prefer to cut by hand. This crop (top 15cm of the plant with rice on top) is neatly stacked to one side (as can be seen on the foto) and taken home to be threshed by hand for next year's sowing.

    I have done this back breaking work myself and you don't work in a straight line.

  11. Very interesting thanks, but a little surprised at the lack of comments as every other poster on here claims to 'love' the culture! ponglang and ramwong are relatively modern.

    I'm not surprised at all. Expats here can't see much further than the end of the bar they are sitting at. In Isaan: just the village dance, the same everywhere, so Thais aren't particularly interested either.

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