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Posts posted by cooked

  1. Larger trees can take a year or two to start growing again. I suspect that this tree has been planted too deeply. The roots should be at the same depth as they were before. Your concrete ring doesn't look like a favourable place to plant something, it must get very hot there. Basicallt a roots problem I think. An employee once took a whole afternoon planting and when I came back I discovered that he hadn't taken off the plastic bags. They grew ok! Not to be advised though.

  2. I am hesitating to commit myself as I have pulled back twice from meetings at the last minute. If not more than three hours drive from Buriram I would be interested in a day visit to a meeting, I would like to put a face to the names, learn something of courseand drink a beer or two, some of which I would bring with us. Anybody contacted J C?

  3. Oh boy. Pappaya, somebody threw seeds out in your garden. You might want to keep one, they don't like being transplanted. Pappaya.

    Great! This actually makes sense. We have a worm bin and compost all kitchen waste, including pappayas parts. This is exactly the spot where I dug the compost under to improve the soil...

    So how to look after these wee numbers, to harvest some pappayas?

    Well you want to be sure that you want Pappaya to grow where they are now. Eventually nothing will grow underneath it, we chopped two down after 18 months of growth, as they become unstable and wanted to fall over. Try transplanting, if they die it doesn't matter , you have seen how easily they grow from seed. There are male and female trees, you probably don't need a male as there will be others around, but this means you should be planting two or three to be sure you aren't the proud owner of a male.

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  4. After I killed a few chickens with my bow, all I had to do was walk out the door with the bow, walk around a bit with it and all the chickens were gone. They're not as stupid as we think.

    You know what? I don't believe a word of this. I have seen my neighbour stop chickens with a catapult so he can catch them, they don't run away when he comes out with his catapult, survivlist boy.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  5. Underpowered and ugly... For a safety conscious driver, the Almera is powerful enough. Or do you want to to be able to imitate one of the suicidal drivers going home at New Year?

    Ugly.. Can't see that, looks ok to me and I'm not making a fashion statement when I do the school run. Many Thaivisa members seem to be living in a really ugly high rise insult to the eye... I can't see what looks has to do with it. A to B does.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

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  6. Sir, I only use the internet function over wifi, I haven't paid for an internet connection for months now. I must admit that I didn't know this either when I bought it and invested ib=n an internet package when going on a trip.

    OK.. going to try it today... be cool if it works. So I'm guessing you put in where your going when on wifi? Then leave!

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I am just writing about my experience, maybe my phone has a special GPS chip or something. I usually set my destination at home, yes, but I have occasionally reset the destination or the route under way. I turn on 'use wireless networks' and 'use sensor aiding' when I get into Bangkok or other large town.

  7. I'm still battling with this concept of offline maps, what is the advantage? Last time I did the 9 hour trip to Chiang Mai I pressed the navigation button in my Samsung. It showed me where I was, calculated a route for me (with alternatives) and gave me turn by turn spoken instructions all the way. (Google maps) I had to keep the battery charger going..

    As I stated before, without internet connection. I tried plenty of alternatives and this is the best for me.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  8. No. With Google maps on my Android I don't need an internet connection although this helps in cities when you can latch onto Wifi for more precision. I don't wish to buy something that I have to hide when I leave the car. Been all over Thailand with phone navigation.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  9. Don't buy, Google maps with navigation on android works bloody well. Only just available in thailand , Free as well Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    But google maps is not an offline mapping product and offline maps by google are not supported/allowed yet in Thailand.

    I fail to see the advantage of offline maps. Please explain from your point of view.

    Google maps works over GPS signal alone (not internet) and I have been all over TH using it, no problems, although I have lost the GPS signal occasionally, same as I did in Europe. I do turn internet on when I get to Bangkok so that I get Wifi guidance for those last few kilometers.

  10. So it seems you don't drive a car? That really gives you an insight into this. There are occasions, when 'my' rural extended family is together, that I can sense a very strong unity. Difficult to explain but despite the fact that these people just walk in and sit down, I occasionally feel very much at home here. Probably a way of life that is dying out now but which may explain the origins of this kind of behaviour.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

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  11. 1. Only wear your helmet on days when the SMS network lets you know that the police are checking.

    2. Not wearing a helmet is stupid as it results in a fine.

    3. As a passenger, it is better to shade yourself from the sun with your laptop than to put on your helmet.

    4. If you have a head injury, don't hesitate to wake up the local Farang at 02.00 in the morning so you can bleed all over his seats on the way to hospital.

    5. If you have another injury 6 months later,... see above (happened to me).

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  12. Have you gone to the control panel and organised 'programs by default'? There is also a small program called 'open with' that might help. Foxit should be set as program by default for pdfs. I have to double click on the download link before it opens with Foxit.

    May I suggest you register with a computer help.forum?

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  13. I also bought a bread machine (Central Plaza) under the impression that you just chucked the ingredients in and got bread. I then discovered that the recipes were rubbish , they seem to cater for people that like feather light airy bread that is only good for making toast with. I since discovered that cutting back on the sugar solves this problem, you can also add an egg. I also had to wade through stuff like 'packet of yeast' (I had to buy a Kilo), TSp and TBsp and other stuff. I now use it to knead my dough and let it beep after the required time is up, about 90 minutes in all. So now I make a great Focaccia, Pizza crust, Pitta bread, scones and all sorts of stuff that needs yeast plus kneading, like bread.

    Unglazed tiles or a piece of granite will do the job of a baking stone.

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