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Posts posted by cooked

  1. I don't like Chrome because their addons page looks like a Mickey Mouse comic. I have addons with firefox that I can't find an equivalent for in Chrome. I imported my bookmarks to Chrome and I have a nice empty rectangle next to all my bookmark folders, meaning that half of them have disappeared off screen.

    Anyway, why don't you get yourself a gmail address and tell Yahoo to direct all your emails to that address? That's what I did years ago and with time I am getting less and less mail from Yahoo, spam stays there.

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  2. I have read through this thread scratching my head with puzzlement, maybe I am missing something. I use Google maps on my small Android, I have navigated all over Thailand with Internet turned off, but with the GPS connection turned on. When I approach Bangkok or other big town I turn on Internet plus 'sensor aiding'. I have occasionally lost the GPS signal but having internet turned on doesn't seem to help, I sometimes turn the Android off and then off again. a process that taked a few minutes.

    I don't feel the need for any other app than Google maps, don't even consider buying a stand alone GPS unit.

  3. Non Thais are supposed to report to a police station / receive a police visit.once a year. Nobody does this. The first time I went for a 'marriage visa' I was sent back for another document on a doubtful pretext, the next day we received a visit, no big deal and he wouldn't even accept a drink. He did visit the local shop first and find a witness. I photographed him.

  4. ..depends on what you mean by 'active'. Some brain dead members are quite active, some of the more intelligent ones just don't bother much anymore. These days I tend to post when I find a response particularly obnoxious or stupid (upon which I get an 'off topic post removed as well as answers', or when I start a topic with a fairly straight forward question. If I answer a topic for which I feel I have a certain knowledge I often get shot down in flames.

    No wonder many people sort of plateau out at around 1000 posts or so.

  5. It changes everything for you if you have young kids. We have a little girl, 7 years old, just understanding Christ (sorry)-mas for the first time, We have a small Christmas tree on the table with presents under it, (DON'T touch!) and flashing lights outside. Tacky, I know, but it's worth it just to see her getting more excited every day. The whole near family will congregate on the farm around this time so celebrated it will be, a chicken or two will die, I will buy whisky and beer, dogs and kids will all get a treat.

    Sure it's not like it was back home (we had a white Christmas almost every Christmas) but it does seem to be one time of year where family bonds are reinforced, wherever it is celebrated.

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  6. The 'original' bridge was a wooden structure being built further upstream. I think that on the advice of british Pows this was abandoned and a new +later bombed) one was built in the position where you see its replacement today.

    The film is not a historical reconstruction of events, the book author never visited Thailand. The river Kwai was to be found on a map so he used that name. Unfortunately a long way away so the locals simply renamed their river to keep up with tourist demand.

  7. I would never use a dating site because I think it os for those people who can't find a partner by normal means. I can understand Thai girls joing one but guys living in Thailand must be really weird if they can't find a gf here. I used to find girls in MBK, especially the phone section, in colleges and universities. Got a few hairdressers and went to doscos/nightclubs. Also went to Pat Pong regularly for some fun, usually after the other girl had gone home and I needed something more.

    Well maybe some of us want someting a tad more intelligent than a hairdresser or counter girl.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  8. Bt1,800/sqm for 10cm thick concrete without landfill. Make sure you engage a road contractor to build it, and not a building contractor.

    That is truly insane. if the driveway is 3 meters wide that is 600 square meters, and according to you it should be 1,080,000 baht.

    I suspect you are paying a special farang price for your projects.

    The other poster's 480 per square seems much closer to the mark.

    That's a budget for a paving slab, and not a road.

    And a paving slab 200m long will crack and tilt within a short time.

    No it won't if constructed correctly.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  9. Last visa run, and first to Lao for me, I spent the first night in a "reasonable" hotel near the consulate and hated it.

    Nothing to do while killing time, drab hotel with noisy guests, no good places to eat within walking distance, and so on and so on.

    Met an expat who recommended I try one of the Guest houses near the river.

    I did so and loved it.

    I can't remember the price, but it was lower than the hotel.

    Many great resturants, open air market, bars, Wats and great people watching too!

    There are quite a few guesthouses in that part of town and all pretty reasonable too.

    Yeah. Tell a tuk tuk driver what you are looking for. He' ll know what 'cheap hotel' means. However as you need 4 trips to the embassy, don't forget the 400 or so Baht this will cost you.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  10. Better the government lose a few billion on a pledging scheme than 30 million rice farmers lose money on each harvest. Imagine if there were 30 plus million rice farmers protesting losing money on each crop. It costs them more to grow rice than the farmers would make without government buying it. Lets think again, 30 million farmers with no income for two years just loses from growing rice. They would protest in mass and burn the country to the ground.

    Who told you there were 30 million people farming rice in Thailand??

    Get your facts right.

    Also, nobody tells them to farm rice, they choose to do it, who helps the garlic farmer or the palm oil farmer when they discovered they made a boo boo by choosing their preferred crop?

    There are literally hundreds of crops that can be farmed and money made without having to take the simple LAZY route of plant and forget, then beg huge returns from the tax payer.

    Thaksin and his ill thought out policies has taken Thailand's second largest industry after tourism, and wrecked it by offering out freely the tax payer's money to buy votes. Thailand was the biggest global exporter, and if farmers were not making money, they should not have planted rice, and chosen something else instead. But they just don't want to work hard, so why should anyone care.

    Thaksin has ended up shafting them, and prices will fall through the floor when eventually this scam is closed off. Then maybe millions of these farmers will realize and go and plant something that they CAN make money from, especially to cover the huge debts they have incurred when they took out all those loans, credit cards and new cars and homes all riding on 'rice is gonna pay'.

    Well.... now we all know that it isn't.

    30,000,000 or 20,000,000 million Issan families, the point was the total number but what do you think the protest will be like when all the rice farmers have no income. Remember the rubber tappers?

    By capping the system to only a certain amount of tonnes per farm and force them to sell the rest on the open market.

    By educating them away from rice planting because it is on the way to becoming the most uneconomical crop in Thailand.

    By not pampering them into a cushy existence on the back of a rice scam.

    Or we can choose the other route. Continue with the scheme till he country is bankrupt and then have the whole 68 million on the rampage.

    But the most sensible is to set aside a separate budget for the entire north and northeast, and pay for their rice scheme out of their own budget, and if that means health and education and all the other infrastructure suffers, then that is their problem. It is time they woke up to the reality of what these policies do to their country.

    They choose rice, so they choose their own ...

    I see that you know a lot about farming in Isaan. We get rain for about 4 months a year, there is insufficient water over large areas to cultivate anything else outside of this season apart from small vegetable plots.

    During season the fields are frequently under water

    And thus unsuitable for other crops apart from fish.

    The farmers here are getting 12 B. a kilo now, best quality Hom mali. We ourselves have a little storage space so can hang on for 15B. I talked to a Lao rice farmer on Sunday and he also gets 12B. a kg.

    Maybe you should come help us when we start cultivating, you won't think that 1000B. per sack is too much.

    Of course we could just abandon the fields to snakes and crocodiles...

  11. The first time I went driving in Thailand I couldn't believe what I saw. You get used to it but it takes time.

    I too would suggest taking a train (but.not a trip that leaves you only 1 hours time to look around). There is a bus service frim Mochit also.

    I reckon you can 'do' Kanchanburi in two days but you really should go visit the Erawan waterfalls, take your bathing stuff.

  12. You will notice that Thai envelopes are very thick. Our local postman was once seen holding letters up to the light to see their contents. When a credit card went missing we decided to get a PO box at the post office, nothing gone missing since. Officially they cannot sign for registered mail but they do, this is in a small town and they know us personally.

  13. Root canal for 12000 baht is expected, but root canal and implant for 12000 baht??? A single implant alone is around 40000-50000 Baht already.

    Maybe I don't know what I am talking about. I got a new tooth anyway and it seemed the same process as I went through in Europe. So what did I get?

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

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