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Posts posted by cooked

  1. happy to keep the debate going... reactions remind me of what happened when I suggested that people might want to learn Thai as long as they were going to stay here. Goodness me, the indignation.

    Same when I suggested people learn to cook their favourite foods instead of moaning about a lack of it.

    I once spent 30 minutes in London at a train station waiting for my wife to turn up. Not ONE of those 1000^s of people that went by made eye contact. T-shirt? how about 'avoid eye contact'?. That would make you look like a prat, wouldn't it?

  2. Achtung, RANT: you guys are WEIRD. You also, none of you, seem to have ever lived in a village. I will be leaving Switzerland for Thailand soon after 40 years. If you take the liberty in a small village here of not replying when someone wishes you a bad day or a good day come to that ,the guy may well stop his tractor and come over to ask what's wrong. (actually happened). I have no problem with meeting peoples' eyes, be they street traders, royalty, lady boys or raddled old whores. I learnt quickly how to give the Thai smile meaning don't come near me you piece of s**t, and this doesn't cost me anything. In a small village some people say hello, some don't, no big deal although I have been known on occasion to make a remark letting them know what I think about people that don't respond to your pious wish that they have a good day. (ok I was drunk).

    I did get fazed once when a Farnag said good morning and made a remark, then made it clear that he wasn't interested in my answer.

    Just look at the guy for f***'s sake, who cares if he likes it or not. By the way I can get very rude in elevators when people don't answer my greeting, so next time be careful.

    Is there not a passage in the Bible about shaking the dust of a house from your feet when the people there are not hospitable?

    Peace and love

  3. wow, not sure if I can handle that. you have pH under 6.0? we definitely have over 6.0. I thought it was like that all over Thailand. I'll contact a local university to see if I can get a comparable soil test done, no rush in my case as we won't be starting seriously until next year. Thanks

  4. cool it guys. Just look at the bigger picture, look at the education system, look at the manipulation of the media here and then start drawing conclusions about how stupid people are EVERY F+++ING WHERE.

    I think that Americans in general are stupid also if it comes to passing racist remarks. Yeah and what about the Brits... and the French, oh boy they are way beyond the pale...did I mention the Krauts, Spicks, Arabs and Eyties?

  5. well obviously I have to step in here and calm the panic. About 20 years ago you could buy shares and 'miraculously' you would be getting, sometimes, 10 - 15 even 20% comeback in a year. That is to say those among us that had the wherewithal to invest went whistling to the bank to collect. Well, the methods whereby you invested money in technology that was going to cost future generations a lot of money are now coming to roost. Japan has had to leave nuclear technology behind, at least for the moment. Oil companies that made enormous profits by dumping their gunk into the oceans and forests are being obliged, kicking and screaming, to pay their bill. Fish stocks are being seriously deplenished. Thailand is being flooded because of corrupt forest 'management'. Rant, drool, how long do you guys think we can go on doubling the population every 40 years without a serious belly up?

    Gold: anywhere in the world you can use it as currency, for mystical reasons, but this is a fact. That is why the Chinese always head towards gold when there is a crisis. I also think that about 10 - 15 % of your investment should be in gold.

    Comparisons with what happened in America with the housing market are preposterous, the guys weren't buying houses they were buying ridiculous credit. I built two houses in my youth and plan to build now in my dotage another one, just bought the land and built them, very little credit and they are still bringing in a steady income 30 years later.

  6. The above mentioned site will sell you malt and yeast. I have been brewing for years without using cleaning tablets. Once you get a good yeast you turn it into live yeast and let it live in the fridge. Stop worrying for goodness sakes it'll be ok, just don't lie if asked a direct question, avoid the truth where possible. Be naif, shouldn't be too difficult, I always manage.

  7. i was told that u couldnt join bupa after the age of 65, so what would the options be for the 66 yr olds?

    Any info will be swelly bros

    plenty of options, the best ones are the most expensive. I have quite a list of offers from different companies but I have decided to go visit an insurance broker in Pattaya to discuss face to face. I will be 65 in January). As I stated above, Nordic and Cynaglobal seem to give what they say they are going to give, that is lifetime coverage without raising premiums. I found most of the addresses using Google.

    I agree that a repatriation insurance is a very good investment if you can get treated at home. I plan to die at my home in Thailand, but you never know..

    until your first episode of any significance.

    Agreed. That's when you spend hours on internet looking for complaints about the different companies. Doing this put me off April International for instance, Nordic has a good reputation.

  8. yahoo recommends changing your password. My Hotmail account got hacked as well, suddenly I couldn't log in. Firefox will tell you if someone has logged into your account from China or Russia for example.

    A friend got hysterical because she thought I was sending her Viagra ads and got so stupid and distrustful that i stopped having anything to do with her.

  9. yeah yeah. The UK 45 years ago was about the same as Thailand now as far as safety is concerned. I can remember standing up on a second story brick wall demolishing the wall with a sledgehammer bit by bit as I was walking backwards. It's a macho thing, I was being sized up by the other guys when they sent me up there... we had no safety helmets, no toe protection... now the UK has gone completely overboard in the wrong direction. I wouldn't want to see the UK health and safety crap anywhere else in the world ,let alone Thailand.

    I had just as many problems in Switzerland getting my guys to put on protective masks, not stand under trees that were about to be felled... come on, guys, drop the holier than thou stuff please.

    Plenty of expats getting electrocuted because they can't be bothered to get their systems earthed, having sex without protection..

    • Like 1
  10. i was told that u couldnt join bupa after the age of 65, so what would the options be for the 66 yr olds?

    Any info will be swelly bros

    plenty of options, the best ones are the most expensive. I have quite a list of offers from different companies but I have decided to go visit an insurance broker in Pattaya to discuss face to face. I will be 65 in January). As I stated above, Nordic and Cynaglobal seem to give what they say they are going to give, that is lifetime coverage without raising premiums. I found most of the addresses using Google.

    I agree that a repatriation insurance is a very good investment if you can get treated at home. I plan to die at my home in Thailand, but you never know..

  11. Which company you choose may depend on how long you intend to stay in Thailand AND your age. These companies are there to make money, as you approach an age where you might start to be a risk, many of them start putting up your premium by 50, then 100%, accompanied by restrictions about already existing conditions. Read the small print, some of them even reserve the right to increase premiums at any time or just cut you off at any time.

    I may be going for Cynaglobal or Nordic, both expensive (about Bahts 10 - 14 000 a month) but both promising not to increase premiums when you get to 65, 75 or whatever. Forget Bupa, they drop you like a lump of shit when you get to 50, or charge huge sums.

    Don't forget that a large part of insurance is about peace of mind and the suspicion that your asthma problem might exclude you from treatment for lung cancer is not zen.

    Self insurance is also an option, if you go suddenly, your family gets the nest egg, in my case I also have a repatriation insurance to get me home where I get treatment 'free', in case I get really bad. Putting 10 000 a month in the bank is maybe a good idea if you plan on staying healthy for 20 years or so.

  12. I am a bit puzzled by this question as in Buriram, hardly the centre of the horticultural universe, I can easily buy sacks of, well, not black, but brown organic stuff. I can't read Thai so the guy asks me what I want it for and gives me what I need.

    I will be starting a compost heap soon and expect the rats and snakes to appreciate it, but in Thailand its should pretty rapidly turn into nice black stuff. It just needs air, moisture and warmth, all of which are pretty abundant.

  13. I have grown several types of vegetables on 6 rai of our land. i change the type every year since because when i make a nice profit and people hear about it they start to grow the same thing and the marketprice plummets (sold korinder at 85bath/kilo, 20 people started growing and prices dropped to 5bath). Also grew pumpkins, fak, watermellon. Main problem iz mice getting to the crop and eating it. I use sprinklers for irrigation. It is very labour intensive, lots of weeding

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Interesting... what do you do about security, do you sleep near the crop? This is my main worry at the moment.

  14. I objected above about over protective 'health and safety' regulations in the UK. Thinking back 40 years, I was give responsibility for spraying all the roses belonging to the parks and gardens in the town of Bern. If all went well this took up two and a half days every two weeks in season. No protective mask, no protective clothing ('doesn't matter, you just get a headache and puke in the evening'). When I did eventually get a mask there were telephone calls complaining about this guy spraying poison all over town, so they took it away 'to be cleaned' . Not seeing it again, I bought my own and after a few trips I think my boss realised that I was right, and they left me in peace especially after I complained by letter.

    Just an anecdote, but it's not so long since Europe was in about the same place as is Thailand now.

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