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Posts posted by cooked

  1. 13 hours ago, Yorkshire Tea said:

    Has anyone heard from their kid's schools about the rules for these re-openings?


    Like, what if you don't want your child vaccinated, or what happens when there is a positive case at the school?


    Or do the schools assume all parents are sheep?

    This will certainly depend on decisions made at the provincial level. You don't want your child to be vaccinated? Who cares, they will come home one day and tell you they got the shot. If you do manage to tell them you don't want them vaccinated, they'll say "fair enough, find another school".

    ONE positive (that is a PCR positive result, which strictly speaking, isn't a 'case' without symptoms) will result in having the whole school euthanised.

    • Like 1
  2. While we're at it: school opening in Buriram has been postponed three times, the second time on the Sunday night at 10 pm, "no school tomorrow" and again yesterday afternoon, "not tomorrow. wait another two weeks". 

    They do the same thing with school holidays also, never mind.

    • Like 1
  3. On 9/13/2021 at 8:27 AM, Excel said:

    Another reason Boris and Rishak wanted out of the EU as one day the EU will enforce equal pension payments for all member states , quite rightly too in my opinion to ensure fairness, but too late for us in the UK now.

    It is a fact that pensions and the health service will some time in the not too distant future, be radically cut back. These are huge bills that governments can't afford.

    • Confused 1
  4. On 8/28/2021 at 4:11 PM, Chomper Higgot said:

    What are these ‘alternative news sites’?


    Name them.

    Just google "Extreme Fascist hateful and racist conspiracy theory news sites".

    I have many factual websites that don't censor you for wanting to discuss stuff, you could find them too.

  5. 9 hours ago, placeholder said:

    You don't think there's a significant difference between your previous claim that that vaccination makes you more likely to catch covid vs. vaccination makes you more likely to catch covid than does being previously infected with covid?

    True, research does seem to show that if you get covid you are better protected than if you are vaccinated. So the best way to protect yourself from getting covid is to get covid? Really? Just so long as you don't die or suffer serious long term effects from the first bout. But that's a minor consideration.

    You are indignantly splitting hairs. Read my last post again, people have been saying for more than a year that these vaccines will make you more liable to catch the Cov. Just because you refuse to read alternative news sites (well, how could you, they keep getting removed) doesn't mean it isn't true.

    They were lying when they said that vaccines would offer better protection against Cov than natural infection and I have no reason to believe anything they say now. 

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  6. 13 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Did you actually read the article you linked to?

    This is the worst case scenario cited by the article:

    Authors of a CDC case study said this might mean that they were just as likely to transmit Covid-19 as the unvaccinated. Even so, they cautioned, as more people are vaccinated, it’s natural that they would also account for a larger share of Covid-19 infections and this one study was not sufficient to draw any conclusions. The incident prompted the CDC to reverse a recommendation it had issued just a few weeks earlier and once again urge the vaccinated to mask up in certain settings.

     Where does it say that the vaccines will increase your chances of contracting the virus.? Yet here is what you wrote:

    It looks increasingly as if some vaccines will increase your chances of contracting the Delta variant, I am SUBMITTING to my need to be able to travel by taking the vaccines as instructed.


    You Are getting yourself into a state of indignation, aren't you? I thought that a pro-more government, more bureaucracy news site might do it for you. The conclusions of this and other studies could be just as well be expressed differently and indeed they have been. Some medical professionals were warning of this possibility a year ago. Eventually certain people will admit that the best protection against Covid is having caught it at some point, meaning that being vaccinated makes you more liable to infection with the next variant to come along. 

    • Sad 1
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  7. 40 years ago I used a chemical to help tree stumps rot more rapidly but this was toxic, no longer available, maybe here? I take it the tree is no longer producing growth? 

    All I can suggest is boring large holes or even use a chainsaw to make holes, and pour Potassium nitrate in.

    Even so, it will take some years, so you might as well stick a plant pot on it for now.,



    • Thanks 1
  8. On 8/25/2021 at 10:36 AM, placeholder said:

    This is utterly false. Stop making things up.

    You don't read "Extreme right wing conspiracy" sites much, do you?

    This is not "utterly false". Stop making things up.

  9. 12 hours ago, rainham said:

    The Vaccine doesn't stop you getting Covid or even spreading it. But it significantly increases your chance of not dying, locking down wearing a mask, washing your hands, etc just changes the date you get it.

    OK, I'll take the bait. Lockdowns don't work, see what happened in Sweden. 

    Last time I looked, there have been 27 studies since this panicdemie started showing that even properly worn cloth masks won't prevent YOU getting infected, will only prevent you from infecting others if you are sneezing and spluttering all over the place and are INDOORS, and the likelihood that you can catch Covid from surfaces is extremely unlikely.

    It looks increasingly as if some vaccines will increase your chances of contracting the Delta variant, I am SUBMITTING to my need to be able to travel by taking the vaccines as instructed.


    • Confused 2
  10. 14 hours ago, Why Me said:

    Nice! Thailand is following India's delta curve. Crazy high followed by steep drop. India had 25k cases yesterday with more than 15 times the population. If the pattern holds we should be heading into the low 1000s in a month.


    Can't be to do with the vax/lockdown patterns then which are totally different in the two countries. Looks like delta tends to weaken (by mutation?) as it spreads.

    By 'cases' you presumably mean positive PCR tests. 

    So: what percentage of people are being tested in India? I'm ready to bet that it's much less than in Thailand. 

    AND: a positive PCR test is not indicative of a "case" unless there are symptoms, despite the fact that WHO changed that definition at the beginning of this panicemie.

    India has largely gone over to using Ivermectin as a prophylactic treatment and having great success.


    • Like 1
  11. 14 hours ago, macnmotion said:

    I got the same email late this afternoon, same hospital. I have no idea what vaccine they intend to give me, I guess I'll find out. Note I am in the under-60 age group, no underlying conditions. I was one of the lucky few that was able to sign up on the website immediately when it opened up, before all of the signup issues. I also have received a duplicate appt. email to the same email address (I only signed up with one email address). Note also that there is no language in the email requiring me to confirm my appt. within 24 hours, as was originally told to me when I first signed up.

    I registered with the village health volunteer ages ago and last week went along with a bunch of over 60's villagers to get jabbed. Endless queues and paper work (Oh hell, what do we do now, this guy isn't Thai....), just before the nurse injected me, she shyly said "Sinovac". I really don't care, I just want to be able to move freely again. 

    Next jab, along with the villagers, will be three weeks after the first, Astra Zenica. 

    I must say I was quite impressed, they must have jabbed about 5000 that day and it was a regional hospital (Lamplaimat, Buriram).

  12. 21 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

    There's no need to be insulting but that seems to be your modus operandi .  I remember interacting with you in the past, and your understanding of metabolic sciences is very limited.  To make up for that you insult people, and try to twist their words around, as though this is a game to see if you can bait someone into a silly and pointless argument.


    I remember you telling some poster that excess protein leading to potential rises in insulin was "... a myth that is being debunked" which is ludicrous since that is well studied metabolic FACT known as "gluconeogenesis", a the metabolic process by which organisms produce sugars (namely glucose) for catabolic reactions from non-carbohydrate precursors (i.e.: excess proteins beyond what the body needs).  When sugars rise, insulin also rises (also a well proven metabolic FACT!).


    YES, I am a fanatic!; a fanatic for science-based FACTS, not unfounded mumbo-jumbo.  Keto is all about metabolic science, not weight loss schemes, and not loosely interpreted notions that "everybody is different". 


    Sorry to disturb your little bubble, but NOBODY is immune from the laws of metabolic science.  Your body reacts to macronutrients exactly the same as anyone else's. 


    So, If you insist on only saying insulting and ignorant things, I'm no longer interested in talking to you. 

    This will be the end of the discussion. I did mention, a fact that you won't have noticed, that for most people Keto is about weight loss, that's what Keto forums are full of. NOWHERE did I say that that is what I believe. I can'r remember ever contradicting what you have written in this your last post.

    Nevertheless everybody IS different, sorry about that. I didn't ever say that metaboloism works differently for different people, but that it affects different people in different ways and to different degrees.

    There is someone like you in every Keto discussion. 

    So there was ONE bubble that got popped: I thought you were at least moderately intelligent.

  13. On 7/27/2021 at 3:10 PM, BigStar said:

    Despite your physical work, however, you still ended up on statins and beta-blockers. It's too bad we don't have the followup on those who went jogging while you worked.


    One thing about consistent recreational exercise is that it tends almost from the start to enhance one's awareness about diet. By 1972 Atkins had published his milestone work on low carb, but the establishment hated it, so perhaps your joggers ignored it as well. However, there've always been diets out there healthier than the SAD (Standard American Diet). Maybe your joggers managed to keep their TG/HDL ratio in line and their BP normal in later years.


    Or maybe not--tell you the truth, I don't give a s**t. Anecdotes don't mean anything. I'm more interested in probabilities according to the science.


    Weight loss is a common reason for spending money in gyms, of course, esp among females--mistakenly, as you say.


    However, for the guys, particularly younger guys, I'd say the most important reason is to build beach muscles and try to impress women. Yeah--get big, like Arnold. Most of the fitness industry capitalizes on that dream so it's hard to cut through the noise. Some never outgrow it and really think the only purpose of exercising is bodybuilding.???? Now I don't know that young women are impressed by old bodybuilders, but maybe they are.


    I'd say old guys should be thinking more in terms of fitness with health. Injury avoidance comes to the fore. You might read Dear Over-45 Trainee… by a highly respected old trainer who walks the walk. 


    I gave the common definition of fitness earlier. One can't really be assured of being fit and healthy without the numbers, however. I cut them bushes or I shoveled that dirt means nothing. James Fixx ran races and marathons. He felt great and thought he was so fit that he didn't need any checkups. If he'd gone in as advised, his predisposition and his preexisting conditions from having been sedentary, overweight, and smoking 2 packs a day wouldn't have killed him at a relatively early age.


    Very high profile death, James Fixx, often distorted and lied about by Exercise Avoiders. ????


    My problems started during the few years when I stopped working, I had no need of statins etc when I was working. Sorry about that.

  14. 22 hours ago, cocoonclub said:

    That’s not a lie but the goal. 

    Who exactly gave you that guarantee? No one gave it to me. 


    Covid is a pandemic, not and endemic. And if the above is true, it was said before Covid, so it can hardly be a lie about Covid. 


    It is. 

    Are you a bit paranoid by any chance? 



    You don't read much, do you? Either that or you don't pay attention.

  15. 6 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

    "DIfferent strokes for different folks" has nothing to do with the science-based study of how the metabolism works.  In that regard, we are all the same.


    It is true that there are many so-called keto gurus or fanatics out there, but most of them don't really know what the hell they are talking about.


    "Keto" really has very little to do with weight loss.  If you look to keto for weight loss you are looking at Keto incorrectly.  Weight loss may be a by product of Keto, but it should NOT be the goal.


    Keto is all about  allowing your body to efficiently use fats as a fuel, rather than relying solely on carbohydrates.  Back in the days before refrigerators, 24 hour supermarkets full of heavily processed foods and fast food restaurants, when people did not eat from the moment they work up until the moment they went to bed, they had healthy insulin responses, and their bodies were able to use stored fats as a ready fuel source.


    Today however, many people have lost that ability.  Because they eat throughout the day, nonstop, their insulin levels are always higher than normal, and that means their bodies can only store excess calories as fat and can not access them because continually high insulin levels prevents stored fats from being accessed.


    Over time, this becomes pathological leading to insulin insensitivity, and eventually Diabetes type 2.


    There is a epidemic of obesity and diabetes type 2 in the world today, and it is no coincidence that this epidemic coincides almost exactly to when foods began to be come heavily processed, when fast food restaurants and 24 our supermarkets came into being.  Even worse, there is now an epidemic of obesity and diabetes type 2 in children, when only a generation ago, that was practically unheard of!


    Sure, people can believe that it's "different strokes for different folks"  if that's their preference, but metabolic science applies to ALL human beings equally and makes no such distinctions.


    The goal of adapting a keto lifestyle is simply about restoring that metabolic balance between carbohydrates and fats in the human diet, and is more to do with avoiding heavily processed foods as a way to achieve that.  There is nothing cultish or strange about it, except for some of the guru-types you'll see on YouTube.  If you read science based medical and scientific literature, you'll find the truth that exists today, and it is VERY compelling.

    You're a fanatic. Most people can get into ketosis with 20gm of carbs daily, some can get there with 50 or more.  There's a different stroke, there are others. . I didn't say what you are implying, but you went for it. 

    Everybody's metabolism is different, I know guys that eat and live really badly and are in their eighties still going strong. 

  16. 3 minutes ago, cocoonclub said:

    Not sure who lied to you or why you would feel like that. 

    "Flatten the curve'

    "Just for two weeks"

    "(previous to the panicdemic)" Lockdowns are not recommended in any circumstances during epidemics" This wasn't just WHO that said this, EVERY country that had contingency plans was saying this

    "Wuhan as the origin of this is a Trumpian conspiracy theory, ha ha"


  17. On 7/26/2021 at 10:27 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    I assume you mean exercise for the sake of exercise because people don't do much physical activity anymore, so rather than go and do some physical work, they pay a gym to run, and lift weights etc all of which people in active jobs do routinely.

    We live in a lazy world now, and we don't even have to wind our car windows up and down, or manually adjust the car seat. Most westerners probably don't even have a garden any more, and it's probably a bit risky going out on the streets to run, given the crime rate, so perhaps there is a justification for some to use a gym.

    I always have a bit of a chuckle when I see cars with bikes on the back driving for miles and miles and miles out of town just to ride the bike around a bit. Using an exercycle in one's lounge while looking at VDOs of scenery would surely reduce the amount of pollution people put into the air. I thought people were fixated on climate change, 5555555.

    Strange world we live in, IMO.

    As a landscape gardener I often had to suffer the disdain of customers that found physical labour to be degrading and proof of stupidity, while they went jogging, to their tennis club or gym. A couple of times they offered to help until I fired them, one time the guy 'had to stop' because he had to go jogging. 

    I didn't get on well with my father but he did instill in me pride in being able to work physically. (I think it was something like : "girls like sweaty muscles...")

    The joke is that many study really hard to get a job that doesn't involve being outside and then have to spend money in gyms in the mistaken belief that that's the way to lose weight. 

    My career as a civil engineer came to an end when I realised that the promotion coming up would more or less leave me trapped in the office all day filling out forms and flirting with the secretaries...


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