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Everything posted by wasabi

  1. I thought they'd just finished a huge project placing all those cables underground? I always see loose, dangling wires in BKK waiting to shock me into oblivion.
  2. If you value minimal flight changes. Singapore Airlines has direct flights from SIN to NYC. Thus, once you boarded in Singapore you'd have a nonstop flight to New York. All their seats and service are excellent.
  3. My wife and I have 20-year Thailand Elite visas. They were the "Ultimate Privilege" Variant, which we received somewhat by accident because we purchased our visas secondhand. I was just looking at the updated Thailand Privilege website and see that this option nor the Thailand Superiority Extension, which was the other 20-year Elite visa both no longer exist. In their place are much more expensive variants and a point system that goes with them? We are totally satisfied with our visas, but based on what I see available now, I'd be less excited to purchase one today. I can understand raising the price incrementally but the large price increase, limited variations of the visa now available and point system make me wonder how successful the program will be going forward. Thailand Elite | Memberships (thailandprivilege.co.th)
  4. Wonderful that they dropped this tax turd on us with no updates or further clarification for days.
  5. Every dollar I earn through passive income investing at a US brokerage has been remitted to Thailand and has benefited Thailand and Thai citizens. The only effect increased taxation would have on me is I will only remit what is essential to live in Thailand and like you will not purchase a condo or anything that made it difficult to leave. If all of my income were taxed (again) whether or not I remit it to Thailand than I would have to leave. Increased taxes worldwide rarely benefit citizens or investors in a nation.
  6. I had never experienced claustrophobia in my life until I was slid into an MRI my first time (not in Thailand). Suddenly I felt like I was in a coffin and had to get out. I know it doesn't make sense but phobias rarely do.
  7. I am not a fan of Youtube influencers nor this guy but it's hard for me to see this as something he should've been arrested for? Maybe I'm missing something? If I understand correctly he did this in a public part of the hotel which was idiotic but it seems like at worst he should be deported. His particular behavior is not something I'd ever do but it does make me want to think carefully about livestreaming anything I do here. Though I have no plans to livestream anything anytime soon.
  8. I've purchased a Spotify account for Pita so he can listen to some of his favorite artists like Taylor Swift, Cardi B, Miley Cyrus, Black Pink and Drake nonstop to comfort himself during these difficult times. Meanwhile I just hope whomever wins fights air pollution in a meaningful way.
  9. I had an MRI at bnh hospital last year I don't remember the neurosurgeon but he was good. I also have claustrophobia and I was sedated for the procedure. It was IV sedation and there was an anesthesiologist present the whole time.
  10. Now he can form a boy band to perform a duet with Taylor Swift like he's always wanted.
  11. Idolizing the queen of female teen angst is not the stuff of prime ministers but I see a bright future for him as a Tik Tok influencer.
  12. I had a near death experience. Tt was similar to what many people describe of seeing the light, conversing with divine beings and being told it was not my time to die. However, I do not believe this had anything to do with an afterlife. I have no idea if there is an afterlife. I think it was a combination of my body being in shock, drugs I received and my own life experiences.
  13. There is nothing in this world worthy of celebrating/honoring for an entire month. All these monthly events should be reduced to a day. All of them.
  14. The question is not if it is a good poem or not. The question is should it be banned? I abhor all literary censorship but this poem in particular seems harmless and unworthy of any outrage even if it takes a few underhanded digs at Trump. I can only question what led anyone to want it banned? Who is harmed by reading it? As for me I felt bored but would never want to stop anyone who enjoys it from reading it.
  15. I've written a book and have decided I'd like to make an audiobook version of it which I will sell on Audible. I'm in the middle of researching how this should be done, but it's clear it's not something I can just do in my condo. If there were a place dedicated to audiobook recordings in Bangkok that'd be ideal, but I believe any professional level recording studio should be able to handle it. From what I know right now, based on the length of my book, I will need to produce 16 hours of recorded content. I'm sure getting it right will take longer than that. In the end I need .wav files which I'll send to a professional sound master to get it in what I'm told is called the ACX standard. There's many resources for that part of the process available online but the recording needs to be done by me, in person. Based on all this does anyone have any suggestions or personal experiences creating professional studio-quality audio in Thailand? Thank you
  16. Everyone relax. They are studying the problem. A full report with a 10 point action item plan will be released soon. In the meantime rogue buses belching black exhaust are being fined as the burning, factories and construction sites fill the skies with soot unrestrained..
  17. Don't worry they are studying the problem.
  18. Yes we are both able to do online banking. Either through the website or phone app. However we both have to use the same login. The bank themselves told us to do this however it's not the kind of thing I want to draw too much attention to. It has worked fine for years though.
  19. I have a Schwab One account which is both a checking account and a brokerage account.
  20. This type of account sounds like a good idea do you know if you have to be in the United States to open it?
  21. I have a joint Bangkok Bank account with my wife and we individually make transfers all the time.
  22. I recently had the same issue as the OP with my Schwab account where they began asking for a physical Us address. For years I used a virtual mailbox address with no problem but it does seem they are catching up on that now perhaps due to the TD merger that's coming up. I also had a TD account for many years which I greatly preferred and only used the Schwab for the free ATM withdrawals. It is unfortunate they're merging but nothing I can do about that. This first came to my attention when they froze my account without any warning which caused a number of problems. Fortunately I do have a relative in the United States who let me use their address and the account was unfrozen. I'm thinking about using Wise to get money to Thailand instead of the ATM withdrawals hopefully that doesn't make it get flagged again. Of course I prefer the free ATM withdrawals but if that account were to be frozen permanently I'd be forced to go back to the United States.
  23. I am hoping to go to Singapore in the next 6 months. Would be nice if they drop all requirements. I have been vaxxed but it's always stressful to go through the proof process.
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