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Posts posted by Jajazazajaja

  1. 1 hour ago, nauseus said:

    The EU plan to have more control over UK taxes, foreign policy and our military, if we stay. Staying within the EU will see imposition of the Euro eventually. These are major reasons why a majority voted to leave.


    The collapse of the Euro is not impossible  - countries and currencies outside Europe are not immune either - the UK, EU and others are heading for hard and difficult economic times right now, Brexit or not.


    The Euro is a political currency and it is the most powerful tool for controlling EU members, who, if they use the Euro, have no realistic chance of leaving the EU and escaping total economic ruin anyway.


    Germany remains the main power within the EU, with France as the deputy sheriff, as must be obvious to all, except the totally ignorant, now.



    Paranoid nonsense. 


    Where can I find a copy of this “EU plan?”

  2. I went for a drink round Ekkamai and got talking to a gay Thai guy sat next to me, I politely declined his advances before telling him to eff off when he got pushy.


    I then blacked out for 4 hours. My Fitbit tells me I was active and walking about, but I have no memory of it. Looking through my phone, I wasn’t active sending messages or emails which i had been doing beforehand. Anyway I woke up this afternoon in my bed feeling completely dreadful, I’m pretty sure I got spiked.


    horrible feeling 

    • Like 1
  3. 38 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

    If the UK was really under the control of Germany it would be in the Euro, Germany would set our tax rates and decide on our annual budget, and how many Police we have, or military spending, or spending on education, etc. The fact is it doesn’t and never has.


    When people make these remarks they only serve to highlight their own ignorance ... something that Brexit supporters wear like a badge of pride.


    The other nonsense spouted on here is the imminent collapse of the Euro and the EU itself. But in fact it’s the pound that’s collapsing and the UK that will soon be split. 


    They are bunch of bitter old men driving to a Swiss dignity clinic, insisting their children join them. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, mvsaraburi said:

    36.64 today.  it fell off a cliff last night.  


    When are the brexit tin-foil hat wearing cultists going to accept it’s a huge factor.


    Sterling has plummeted against every non basket case currency.  Expect sub euro, dollar parity and 30 baht, rate it’s going


    They will never accept it. They are mostly 65+ and reaching the end of their lives so don’t have to bother with the details / consequences. They can spend the next 15 years hitting themselves over the back of the head shouting “sovereignty” till they die. 

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:
    5 hours ago, mvsaraburi said:
    36.64 today.  it fell off a cliff last night.  
    When are the brexit tin-foil hat wearing cultists going to accept it’s a huge factor.
    Sterling has plummeted against every non basket case currency.  Expect sub euro, dollar parity and 30 baht, rate it’s going

    It needs to just get on with brexit and stop faffing about. The last 3 years wasted with Teresa May

    Faffing about instead of running straight into the gas chamber screaming “BREXIT!”

  6. 48 minutes ago, bomber said:

    I didn't say it was you,as for UK paying for them,where's the proof,Italy pay in nearly as much as the UK,Germany more than the UK and France only slightly less,your telling porkies as usual,how are you finding 37 for your quid

    Brexit isn’t about facts and proof is it?


    its all a big fantasy cheered on by old men who can’t admit they’ve had their pants pulled down. 



    “No downside to Brexit” “they need us more than we need them”


    Absolutely pathetic

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  7. 6 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



    Explaining Great Britain's economic successes is not difficult. How have some of the other member states been getting on this largest single market .....Greece, Italy, Portugal...


    How is that relevant?


    What has Greece’s basket case Economy got to do with the UKs success in the single market?





    • Thanks 1
  8. 22 minutes ago, bomber said:

    Yet the majority of the younger generation voted remain.



    How are retired brexiteers going to explain to people under 45 that they are going to have to work till they are 75 in a depressed ecconomy?


    Having themselves retired at 60 thanks to 40 years of economic growth as part of the largest single market in the world. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 7/30/2019 at 3:12 PM, AlexRich said:

    The people who rubbished their own country voted for BREXIT ... what happened to all those sunny uplands we were going to? 


    And it it looks like some of the predictions, that you lot called project fear, are coming to fruition. And bear in mind we have not left the EU yet ... a no deal will slam GBP even further ... so reap what you sowed.


    Nobody hates the UK more than the Brexiteers, how else can you explain the ra ra support for a policy that will decimate the economy for generations to come?


    Do they hate young British people so much they insist on robbing them of their future? 

    • Haha 1
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