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    Somewhere in Thailand

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    Somewhere in Thailand

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  1. Could you provide some details about this "Schwab card". What type of account is needed? checking? trading account? what?. Can you open it online? etc etc. Is it an actual credit card or just a debit card?
  2. "group of unruly Go-Go bar brutes callously seized the space, sparking fury in the German tourist. " Be careful with those ladyboys, they'll kick the crap out of you for even looking at em' wrong LOL!!!
  3. yep, these have to be ordered from the main Bangkok Bank office in Sathorn Bangkok. Fortunately I live in Bangkok so I'll just go there and get one in person. Several things cannot be done at branches with Bangkok Bank. 12 month letter is one of them. Also getting a new Foriegn Currency Account passbook can only be done at main office. Such is business in Thailand. Still using mounds of paper work for business too. They are way behind in finance Information Technology and accounting. They are still using mainframe style old banking software and systems.
  4. Smelling the stench of pot smoke in hotel hallways, walking down the beach and smelling the stench every 100 feet. The dangers is poses to youths now that it is so easily accessible.
  5. The cabinet must be smoking a lot of pot. How much is their bill? Check bin please!!!
  6. The times they are a changing my friend. Unless you are a philosopher, a Dr. of social science or the like all you will do is drive yourself into depression. Your conclusions are inaccurate and are not well informed. By the way. You remember a show called "Three's Company". It aired back in the mid 70's. One of the main characters was portrayed as gay. It's nothing new on TV. Just accept that things are changing, be happy you are still alive and move on. People are a lot smarter and resilient than you think it seems. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Nobody is "ramming anything down anybody's throat". People choose to watch shows. Kids will figure things our for themselves. To make such conclusions from the arm chair is a mistake. Unless you are a Doctor in the field of social science or psychology and have done extensive study on the subject and have solid evidence that TV show's portraying gay relationships is "damaging" etc. just forget about it. You'll be a lot happier in the long run.
  7. It's a defective set. If it's out of warranty then I can help. Give it to me and I'll properly dispose of it for you. Just buy another TV that has the "anti-russian" hacker feature. It's a relatively new technology that older sets lack. Another way to trouble shoot this problem is this. Go into the kitchen and look at the Microwave clock. Has it been blinking 12.00 since you purchased the unit? If so the problem with your TV is probably between the chair and TV set.
  8. It's like any city or place. There is the good and bad. But just how good? Just how bad? So you want to retire here. What is the longest period of time you've lived in Thailand? 2 weeks? 3 weeks? 1 month? Please do give us a post after you have lived in Pattaya for 1 or 2 years. This will be an interesting post I imagine. Like any city there is the good and bad. But lately Pattaya has been totally overun and over built. It's really turning into a huge tourist ghetto with large sections that are basically open brothels. Just 20 or so years ago Jomtien was a nice peaceful place outside Pattaya to get away from the noise and traffic. Now it's so overbuilt traffic on holidays comes to a stand still on beach road. I lived there on and off for about 7 years. Now I'm looking elsewhere.
  9. Yes, I didn't intend for it to be a comprehensive guide. Getting a bank account these days is something I thankfully have not had to do. I've had my accounts for 10 years already. BTW how does one obtain a bank account in country on a tourist visa? Is it even possible lately? (within the bounds of thai law?)
  10. YES for the initial non-o visa (which is the actual visa you will do extensions for permission to stay on) @ CW division 1 there is not requirement to have funds in the bank 2 months prior to the TM.87 or TM.86 application.. for the EXTENSION it is required to have money in the bank for 2 months. Once on the initial NON-O then one would the apply for the 1 year extension and by that time the money will have been in the bank for the 2 month required period (60 days)
  11. At Division 1 CW, Money does not need to be in the bank 2 months prior to application. Money can be actually transfered the day before and CW division 1 will accept. ( I did this 2 months ago) Other offices like Chonburi Jomtien may require "fund seasoning" for 2 months but this is not official "law" as CW in Bangkok does not require it and they pretty much play by the book. Application for a Non-O (in country) does not require insurance. Where will the OP be applying for the Visa? If in Bangkok no need to "season" the funds for the initial Non-O. Very roughly here is a way to do it in country--it goes like this. -Come to Thailand on visa exempt (given at the airport) or Get a 60 day tourist visa online .. Thailand eVisa. -Get a bank account ( or two) I prefer Bangkok Bank. Others may have other preferences. I prefer to have a Bangkok Bank Foreign currency account to keep my money in dollars and then change dollars into baht by transferring money out of the FCA to baht account. -Apply for the initial Non-O Visa for the purpose of retirement. This visa gives 90 days permission to stay. Depending on the way you entered Thailand, you'd fill out a TM 86 or 87 (you will need various documents like a Tm.30, copies of passport, some small proof of residency like a hotel receipt (this CW Division requirements, other offices may require more) - after about two months from receiving the initial Non-O 90 days permission to stay apply for the 1 year extension of stay you will need documentation of money in the bank, residency and various other forms as well as the TM7 extension application form. - do 90 checkin reports during the year and keep the money in the bank (you can deplete it somewhat but the timing needs to coincide with requirements, more on that later if you decide to deplete money in the bank by 400k it is allowed. -a month or less before extension expires apply for another. -Rinse, lather, repeat for long term residency in Thailand. Many of the expats who frequent this forum do their immigration business themselves. If you have the time and energy to research and do the foot work then great. Otherwise it may be worth it for you to find a reputable, above board agent to do the work. I have never used and agent so I would defer to others here for referral and use of an agency.
  12. Short answer to the OP's question. Any major US bank ( and a lot of brokerage houses) will do Global Wire Transfers using the swift system. Bangkok Bank Swift Code and account information is all that is needed. My advice is to open a FCA at Bangkok bank. I have both a THB and Dollar account there. I transfer to Baht when I like the days exchange rate (going down lately) Don't need to mess with Wise as I think this is mainly what the British use. Did anybody Google search it? Pretty easy issue to handle. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Other-Services/Transfers/Transferring-Into-Thailand/FAQs
  13. That's what I plan on doing. As usual, when doing extra business at the airport I'd show up early with all the correct paper work already filled out. BTW, it is possible to get a MULTIPLE re-entry permission stamp at Suvarnabumi Airport. I'll be doing this next time I fly out. It's much quicker for those of us in Bangkok to use the airport for re-entry permits than CW Division 1. One can easily avoid the lines by doing the business at the airport.
  14. The same place all my lost socks go. Science has verified this through careful observation and study. The mystery of lost socks, lost guitar picks and paper documentation has been a question that has baffled man kind for ages.
  15. Why pay 2000 THB when one can spend 5 minutes every 90 days on the website to do the checkin? BTW, let's please keep this thread on topic. I didn't ask why you use an agent, rather I asked if you DIY your immigration business and why. This forum provides tons of useful information about how to navigate the Thai Immigration System and those who use an Agent really would only benefit to find out if the agent is ripping them off, which in most cases they are!
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