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Posts posted by cuddleypete

  1. A fellow bought a nice new Mercedes and was out on open road for a nice evening drive. The top was down, the breeze was blowing through his hair and he decided to open her up. As the needle jumped up to 80mph, he suddenly saw a flashing red and blue light behind him.

    "There ain't no way they can catch a Mercedes," he thought to himself, and opened her up further.

    The needle hit 100, 140 and finally 160 with the lights still behind him.

    "What on earth am I doing?" he thought and pulled over. The cop came up to him, took his licence without a word and examined it and the car.

    "I've had a tough shift and this is my last pull over. I dont feel like more paperwork so if you can give me an excuse for your driving that I havent heard before you can go!"

    "Last week my wife ran off with a cop," the man said, "and I was afraid you were trying to give her back!"

    "Have a nice night," said the officer.

  2. hello there

    The british embassy themselves advise not to use visa companies as it is the embassy that will say yes or no to a visa,and none off the outside companies offering that they will get your visa for you have any influence on what is said or done at the interview.

    Even the compaines that say that they can get 100% guaranteed (which there is no refund)

    Just think if they were that good everyone would use them and there would be no need for forums like this.

    If you find one that says to you that they can 100% guarantee can you ask them for this week saturday lotto numbers as it is a superdraw and i would like the numbers Ha Ha Ha !!!!!!

    All i can say is that we DID not use these visa services when my wife got her settlement visa we did it are selfs with the help off this forum and listening to scouser and gu22 and many other members.

    There are so many off these so called 100% companies waiting outside the embassy just looking to make a fast baht. (KEEP AWAY FROM THEM)

    so we wish you the best off luck, Pete & Som :o

  3. iam sorry to say that i will not be joining you watching the world cup because

    1. i am not sad

    2.i have better things to do

    3. i would rather spend my time with my thai wife

    4,or watch paint dry

    5.england wont win anyway

    6.doing anything but watch boys kick a ball about

    roll on the 9 july when all over

    am i the only one who does not care about football????????????

    also i will have to drink at home now while the football is on as all pub are showing football

  4. Joe is sitting on a train across from a

    busty blonde wearing a tiny mini skirt.

    Despite his efforts, he is unable to stop staring at the top of her thighs. To his delight, he realises she has gone without underwear.

    The blonde realises he is staring and

    inquires, "Are you looking at my pussy?"

    "Yes, I'm sorry," says Joe and promises to avert his eyes.

    "It's quite alright," replies the woman, "It's very talented, watch this, I'll make it blow a kiss to you."

    Sure enough the pussy blows him a kiss.

    Joe, who is completely absorbed, inquires what else the wonder pussy can do.

    "I can also make it wink," says the woman. Joe stares in amazement as the pussy winks at him.

    "Come and sit next to me," suggests the woman, patting the seat. Joe moves over

    and is asked, "Would you like to stick a couple of fingers in?"

    Stunned, Joe replies, "Good grief! Can it whistle, too?"

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