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Everything posted by theblether

  1. Are you unaware how this forum works? If I'm talking to you I'll quote you. When I return to topic, something you are poor at achieving, I post a fresh comment. Your just annoyed I called you out for spreading Big Foot type lies. How stupid can a grown man be.
  2. Really? There's a couple of issues bubbling around in the background that I won't mention. The investigation will tell all.
  3. That post was nothing to do with Jo Ellis. Get a grip on yourself.
  4. Here we go - and here's the nuance. Lobach was on a training flight. Who was actually at the controls at the point of collision? I don't know. Who is responsible? Lobach, if she was at the controls, or the instructor? There's another report floating about that I can't verify - so it might be a hoax - that Lobach wasn't medically certificated to fly. I've got more info here but I can't be bothered getting into an argument with trolls trying to blame Trump who are that stupid they spread Big Foot type links. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/black-hawk-helicopter-investigation-pilots-flight-path-dc-plane-crash-rcna190031
  5. Utterly absurd comment. You should know better than have a go at me over that stupidity. I know exactly who the online personality Jo Ellis purports to be. This is the equivalent of saying "Oprah has been elected the Queen of England." You should be ashamed of yourself linking to that utter drivel. Next you'll be linking to Big Foot seen shopping in 5th Avenue with Elvis. Just be quiet.
  6. You got him. It's well known that it only takes 9 days to train air traffic controllers. Just wondering. Do you ever engage your brain before posting?
  7. Rebecca Lobach. By the way, you are very good at falling for hoaxes. You take delicious delight in spreading utter troll filth.
  8. I worked alongside the 11th ACR, Fulda, Germany. I knew many pilots and stay in touch with one. He isn't putting the boot in as he says the investigation will nail down exactly what happened so just wait. He also said the preliminary report expected in a month will be accurate. The full report, expected in a year, is where the fire will be. He ( and I ) remember fatal air accident reports back in the day. If the pilot is at fault, it will be made clear no matter how hurtful it is to the family. The simple reason is that the operative function of Army air units and USAF cannot depend on feelings. He said the CBS report of the helicopter flying at 400 feet is in itself catastrophic. But he also said that has to be verified. He cautions - if it's true, the pilot is going to be crucified by the report. This guy is now a commercial airline pilot. I can tell he's enraged but biting his tongue. Maybe we should all bite our tongues and that includes the partisans indicating that Trump was wrong when live radar readings say he was correct.
  9. You are talking utter garbage. CBS has fact checked and the helicopter was at double the allowed height. This is backed by live data of the flight. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/experts-ask-why-black-hawk-helicopter-may-have-been-flying-above-allowed-altitude/
  10. It was entertaining watching Bernie explode when pulled up about pharma funding - even funnier when he demanded to know - "do you support this onesie?" I think that's the definition of a self own.
  11. Lazy is the correct word, I found that in under 60 seconds. The first time I saw it I thought the "fight in the streets" rhetoric was being overblown by opponents, second time round it does sound a but sinister.
  12. Have you been away researching that? dear me. Let me help you - it was deigned a non-manipulator in 2022. No longer part of the 16 countries on the watchlist. However, it is examined every year and the Feds move it up and down according to Bank Of Thailand actions. It is permanently watched. You know, there's a limit as to how much I want to engage with digital dementors, you've reached it. In this thread you have stated that Thailand was never on a watchlist, you brought up irrelevant human trafficking, demanded a link to a watchlist. So I submitted the link. Then you........ Moaned that it was a "dying days of Trump's admin issue," then: Ignored a link where it was proved that Biden's admin also put Thailand on the list. You've seen a link to the debacle of 1997, and been referred to 2005 Bush and 2013 Obama issues with Thailand ( and boy, I could open up on those ) and now you're away on a full gibber mode about "I can't find"............ Just be quiet.
  13. They truly don't understand the implications of 25% tariffs never mind 100%. I'm in the habit of quoting "you'll get a lifetimes education from an uneducated rice farmers daughter." Wait to you see her fathers reaction when his rice is tariffed out of the market. You'll get a real education on Thai domestic politics then.
  14. Correct. I fear many members, especially the anti-Trump types of this forum, have no idea of the implications to Thailand of these potential tariffs. And the USA wouldn't miss a beat.
  15. Here's a question - what do you think would happen to Thai domestic politics if the USA imposed tariffs, and other nations followed? The ramifications are immense.
  16. Man, you're going deep there, mentioning the Indian collaborators. Quite a few graves in Kanchanaburi could testify to that treachery.
  17. Correct. It seems to be beyond the comprehension of many members that the point of tariffs, beyond punishing the country involved, is to change supply chains. Thailand's loss could be a domestic agricultural boost for US farmers, or more likely a boost for other rice growing nations exports. The only time it becomes a major problem for consumers is when the product cannot be sourced elsewhere.
  18. For the benefit of other forum members - 1997 https://www.frbsf.org/research-and-insights/publications/economic-letter/1997/11/lessons-from-thailand/
  19. Oh, dear oh dear oh dear. I knew you'd fall for that. You are so gullible its beyond belief. Do you sincerely believe that Thailand was not under the economic watchlist during the Bush and Obama years too? I specifically mentioned 2005 and 2013. But - just to show up your level of stupidity - here's a link to Thailand being found a currency manipulator by Biden's administration. https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/general/2101043/bot-shrugs-off-us-currency-watchlist-tag
  20. Read my previous reply, the link is there.
  21. All part of the Thai policy to engage in free trade, the problem is they haven't thought through the consequences of joining a group perceived as hostile by the USA. Don't be shocked if the application is withdrawn. Anyway, my primary point is - Thailand has been on an economic watchlist for years.
  22. For the benefit of other forum members, I mentioned exactly the issue on this reply. Thailand has long been on a watchlist for economic protectionism via currency manipulation, tariffs and interest rate manipulation. https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1827324/us-mulls-listing-thailand-as-currency-manipulator This was also an issue during the Obama years when deep irritation set in after Thaksin's USA visit in 2005, followed by the 2006 coup. There was talk of requesting Yingluck to address the issue in 2013 but heightened political tension put everything onto the backburner.
  23. I told you already what the issue was and you charged off again with your wild speculations and utter drivel. I was kind enough to show you the human trafficking report but until you admit that you didn't know that Thailand was on the economic manipulation watchlist I won't bother posting the relevant link(s). So, put your hand up, and admit you didn't know.
  24. Again, wrong - you are gibbering. DYOR.
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