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Everything posted by theblether

  1. There was nothing controversial about my post. Nordic people were the first to inhabit Greenland. Fact. The Inuits crossed from modern day Canada to join them hundreds of years later. Hundreds of years. Fact. China has made several attempts to buy their way into Greenland. Fact. China proposed building a new canal via Nicaragua. Fact. China has attempted to influence the movement of shipping to its advantage on the Panama Canal. Fact. The Panama Canal fees have soared as water mismanagement has reduced the number of ships that can cross. Fact. The Internet is polluted by instant experts who pick up on the latest MSNBC agenda and grind it into a delirious pulp. On the other side there are people like me ( a Brit ) who have watched these developments for over thirty-five years and have the ability to retain information. Right now I could freehand a 10,000 word essay on what went wrong in the USA's relationship with China. In my next post I'll bulletpoint it instead. Many Americans won't be happy with what I point out. I'll be brief.
  2. Greenland was not colonized. There was no one there. In fact, there's evidence the earliest settlers were Nordic. Then again, you'll be the same type of ahistorical balloon that thinks the Maoris are native to New Zealand ( lol ). Let me tell you something. 50 000 wandering inuits don't get to decide the security status of the USA and Northern Europe. And there's no false claims about Panama. Feel free to check the exorbitant fees charged for crossing last year. And if you think that China is not trying to buy influence you are truly delirious and out of your depth. They were even talking about building a second canal. 🙄Honestly, just give it a rest. Your ignorance is astounding. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/08/nicaragua-cancel-china-canal
  3. Clarify - 1823, not 1837. The policy of non-interference in the Western hemisphere ( Americas) has been in place for 202 years. All you guys complaining about Trump insisting Greenland is barred from Chinese interference are off your delirious nuts. And, once again, even the Danes have publicly accepted they took their eye off the ball. Just give up on this topic and go back to arguing about the best cheap breakfast in Patts.
  4. You're not a student of history, eh? The Monroe Doctrine has been in place since 1837. And google "charge of the light brigade." These issues of which you speak with childish ignorance have been bubbling for centuries. Oh, and google "Grenada invasion." It hasn't been that long since the USA invaded territory controlled by an ally for security reasons. Do some research, man.
  5. It is necessary as China already attempted to buy influence in Greenland in spite of all the things you listed. And NATO is not an anti-corruption defence force. Total red herring. I find it astounding that people like you continue with this line of drivel when even the Danish government openly admits they failed in their duty of care for Greenland.
  6. The last woman I know of who pulled a scam like this is serving 12 years in a CM prison. In her case she ran afoul of an influential Thai. If this guys new wife really is a police officer with decent connections, this won't turn out the way some of you are predicting.
  7. I've never seen a more catastrophic fall in public support in my near 45 years of watching British politics. Setting aside the despicable riots etc I predicted that we were sailing close to IMF bailout territory again ( Healy, 1976 ). I now see politicos saying that Reeves is being treated for depression as her budget was a disaster and the UK cost of borrowing is soaring. The problem is that thousands of businesspeople are selling up and leaving the country with their capital. Who in their right mind would subject themselves to this Labour tax and pension policy when Dubai is offering tax free living.
  8. Anyone interested in the Panama Canal issue? https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/low-water-levels-in-panama-canal-due-to-increasing-demand-exacerbated-by-el-nino-event/
  9. My prediction, and it's only a prediction, is that there will be a triangular treaty which secures the territorial integrity of Greenland under the direct responsibility of the US state department. Sovereignty issues will be left with Denmark and Greenland. And before ya'll go off on one of your drivelous attacks, the USA is only reacting to Chinese attempts to get a foothold on the island. Denmark admits it has neglected the territory. The USA will bring the Monroe Doctrine hammer crashing down on both Greenland and the Panama Canal. Not a chance they will allow China to undermine US security on the American continent. By the way, I noted last year that ships were bidding over $400,000 to get fast access to the canal. One thing that's driving US maritime people insane is that there's a threat to the existence of the canal due to water mismanagement. There's more to this than people know. So ya'll should give it a rest with the anti-Trump agenda.
  10. You don't have the wits for this - I suggest you have a good think about why you spend too much of your valuable time arguing over such mundane points. AKA - get a life
  11. Are you familiar with the word "treaty?"
  12. You forget he is the leader of the free world so I'm entitled to an opinion. Hahaha ha. Ha
  13. Ladies and gentlemen. This is a dementia test. When was the last time a prosecutor who did not voluntarily drop a case say "I wouldn't have won it anyway." If you think his "he would have been convicted" statement has any credence, you are demented. And if you want proof, eight SCOTUS judges including two ultra liberals sided against his stupidity. So don't be stupid, don't be demented, move on.
  14. The double statement by Judge Merchan at sentencing including "godspeed" and a bizarre justification for the trial was acknowledgement that he knows his career is in serious jeopardy. And not from Trump. I expect the appeals court to brutalize his conduct of the trial to the extent that resignation is inevitable.
  15. Feel free to post the reason why SCOTUS did not prevent sentencing. Hint - it was nothing to do with the merits of the case.
  16. Good to see the American left wasting time on this irrelevant bs. Childish idiots.
  17. Left wingers are all over the place re Greenland. The bottom line is that China tried to buy influence and Trump put an end to it last time round. Full stop. A definite win for the West and USA. And as a result the Danes have dramatically increased their defense spending on the island. Yet another win for Trump and the USA. So what now? A Reaganite invasion aka Grenada? Or a Monroe Doctrine treaty locking Greenland firmly within the US orbit while recognizing Danish interests? I predict the second option. But the left wing will still go nuts because in their heart of hearts they would rather US national interests were undermined than give Trump a victory. Unluckily for them, several Democrat Senators are siding with Trump in a way unseen in his first term. The gibbering clowns on this forum are going to get a rapid introduction to realpolitik as many Democrat politicians see an opportunity to push their Dirt Road/Blue Dog agenda. Not every Democrat politician is grabbed by the left. The first 100 days of this administration may well be the most consequential in US history.
  18. He says about the guy who won the Presidency against all odds twice.
  19. The fact they tried at all should ring alarm bells.
  20. Truth in that, however - China attempted their indebt policy by offering to build airports and a sea port. Using the Sri Lanka model if Greenland couldn't repay the debt China would write it off and impose a 99 year lease. That's exactly what happened to Sri Lanka's national port. But that's not the whole story. The sea port would have been for civilian maritime use. Naturally. The Chinese navy would call in from time to time on "friendship" visits. These "friendship" visits would be extended and become more frequent until China had effectively a permanent naval presence in the North Atlantic. Add similar to the three airports ( why a population of 56000 needs three airports is beyond me ) then you would see Chinese militarization of the bridge between North America and Europe. No one in their right mind wants that. If you think I'm making it up, check out what happened in Sri Lanka and what is currently happening in the South China Sea ( have a look at Africa too ).
  21. Drivel. He's not President yet. You're just projecting and speculating. By the way, did you notice Democrats swinging behind the Laken Riley Act? Even they have had enough of the "sanctuary city" stupidity.
  22. Some of you have forgotten Ronald Reagan ordering the invasion of Grenada. He attacked a British possession then had to call Maggie Thatcher to apologize. My prediction is that Greenland will remain part of the Danish sphere with a specific security treaty signed with the USA which will enforce a modern Monroe Doctrine.
  23. There were at least four separate criminal complaints made against Jimmy Saville but local police officers were unaware of the other complaints due to a failure on centralized intelligence gathering. We know all of the locations you mentioned have prosecuted this rapist scum. Forgive me while I introduce an unrelated but relevant issue. There was a thirty-year campaign to nail the police for the one-off events at Hillsborough. The campaign was successful. That was a horrific afternoon in the annals of British history. Where we are at now is a situation where these rape gangs were already operating when Hillsborough occurred and were allowed to continue for decades. Some say they are still operating today. If the police were forced to answer for one horrific afternoon, there is no excuse to deny multiple examples of abrogation of duty over the course of decades. The only reason it's being denied as the number of heads that would roll would rock the foundations of British Civil society. It would not amaze me if thousands of police and civil servants are guilty of criminal conspiracy. It's that bad.
  24. And the rage felt in the UK can be sourced to the Magna Carta. The first Human Rights Act. Brits only have one pure and shared culture and that is our 900 year battle to impose fairness through the rule of law. And now we discover our civic leaders undermined the rule of law to protect child raping scum. This is beyond a national embarrassment. This is the betrayal of every single person who fought and died for equal rights under the law for centuries. An appalling, disgusting and irreconcilable betrayal.
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