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Everything posted by theblether

  1. I heard years ago that the level of abuse aimed at Thai women from the Middle East was appalling ( via dating sites ). What's happening now is vile, horrific. It's beyond misogyny, it's extreme and degrading racism. When Thai netizens discover what's going on the backlash will be severe.
  2. You're not ex-miilitary are you? You'd be staggered at how even misdemeanours affect careers. I worked with US forces for five years and saw guys being punished for THEIR WIVES conduct..
  3. Questions now being asked how Walz managed to get promoted after his 1996 conviction. Military types among you know the implications of an E7 reporting a recent civilian conviction. The questions are: 1. Did he report the conviction at all? 2. Did his chain of command ignore the conviction? E7 and above occupy rarefied ground in the US military. E9 is a different and special category within itself. How did an E7 plead down a clear drink driving charge and manage to get promoted to E9? The National Guard will be squirming, especially if, as suggested, MADD get involved.
  4. And yeh, yeh - I know who her husband is.
  5. Source: New York Times. Walz was a bad pick. It's not even September and he's shaky already, he can't afford many more revelations before he hits Palin territory.
  6. Thai street dogs have a bad enough life without you adding to it.
  7. It's fine, I see plenty of wandering carbuncles around the Internet, bereft and lonely. A guy I went to school with, known him 51 years, has been in a morgue ( he's dead by the way, just to clarify ) since February. No one wants to arrange a funeral for him as he was hated. The state will dispose of him just as the state disposes of the unclaimed in Thailand, with a mass cremation.
  8. He's not bothered. Nobody loves him, nobody likes him. He's nobody's child.
  9. So it's all about you? It will have no emotional impact upon your friends or family?
  10. My aunt chose the disposal/cremation method. I think it cost £600, certainly well under £1000. Gawd forgive me when I say that she did us all a favour, this was one of the most vindictive women I have met in my entire life. The idea of attending any form of celebration of her life was torturous. Maybe I'm going to hell for saying that but it's the truth.
  11. "Unknowingly overstayed his insurance coverage." Once again - and this applies to all Brits. You must be covered for every day you are out of UK airspace or territorial waters. That includes the travel days ( which should be obvious ). To make it clear and easy - If you have thirty day travel insurance, and you are out of the country for thirty-two days - you don't have travel insurance. If you are not covered for every day then you are not covered at all. You are not insured for the first thirty days and you can take the risk on the last two days. You are not covered at all. So if you crash a motorcycle in the first week and the insurance company discovers you are flying back on day thirty-two, they will deny your claim. If you don't believe me, call your insurer and ask. Insurance companies are now brutal on this matter.
  12. Yes, it's always a fantastic idea to tell a snake wrangler about the risk of snakes. Great stuff.
  13. I donated food parcels to my local community during COVID. I offered 100 baht cash on top of the parcels so the locals could buy anything they wanted. The village heads ( five villages ) said under no circumstances should I include cash. As one guy put it "as soon as the drunk son finds out there is an extra 100 baht in the house he will punch the mother until she hands it over." There's a horrific lowlife aspect to Thailand that most farangs don't see.
  14. People would have died as a result of this policy. The absolute worst thing you can do to the family of alcoholics and drug users in particular, and gamblers to a lesser extent, is to pour spare cash into the home. Hospitals would be full, morgues overflowing, and the police would be run ragged dealing with intimidation and assault incidents.
  15. As I was saying about panicking.............what an overreaction. Anyway, most Westerners aged over 60 have had the smallpox vaccine already. There's some debate as to how effective it will be but the received wisdom is that those that had the vaccine will avoid the ( unlikely anyway ) fatal outcome.
  16. Need to ban flights from Sweden and Pakistan too as they have already reported cases. Or maybe we can all just calm down.
  17. I watched a Banded Krait swim in my Koi Carp pond, magnificent and terrifying in equal measure. There are quite a few around Phrao, and the locals are very cautious of these guys. If one is caught ( they're always killed ) it will be shared on the local FB pages. I stopped my motorcycle to watch one cross the road and my Thai pals cracked up. One said "if that type of snake bites you, phone us so we know where to find your body." I'm always getting in trouble for leaving my patio doors open in case they get access to my house. I don't like snakes but I'm not scared of snakes. I'd rather take my chances with a cobra than a sneak attack by a viper. If you've ever seen a viper in the wild you'll know what I'm talking about, they are the masters of disguise. You can't say that about the Banded Krait, those big yellow bands are plenty of warning to stay away.
  18. I approve of this outcome. And I'm sorry for your loss.
  19. I don't know why people are laughing at your post. Joe Biden put up the worst debating performance in Presidential history. So bad that his own party CAMPAIGNED against him. The problem is that he has been replaced by someone that another Democrat utterly destroyed in a televised debate. Trump has nothing to lose in this debate, Kamala everything.
  20. If I were Kamala I'd refuse to debate Trump. She should know the risk, as she was wiped out by Tulsi Gabbard last time round. Hilary never recovered from the "cos you'd be in jail" line and Joe put up the worst debating performance in Presidential history, so bad he had to quit the race. Kamala is not a good debater. She is an excellent inquisitor as she showed during many Senate hearings, but when things start to flow she's poor. The risk of Trump one-lining her campaign to death is too high. I wonder if he'll dare deploy the "ask Mrs Willie Brown" line that's already floating around. He's probably the only politician I've seen that would go that low.
  21. That's very true and insightful. I reckon having something to look forward to is a primary key to enjoyable living anywhere, not just Thailand. Indistinguishable days lead to undistinguished lives.
  22. It wasn't aimed at you but you seem to be a bit touchy on the matter? Oh, and this may amaze you but I see these types in real life. Boasting about building 8 foot high walls around their houses, miles away from family to keep them out. It's so anti-Thai culture it's beyond belief. Then again, it's often those that can't speak a word of Thai and wonder how they eventually lose everything to the uneducated rice farmers daughter. Dumb sociopaths.
  23. From memory, there's 2500 baht buses in Chiang Mai, which was far too many even before the advent of Grab. Low season brings a lack of passengers, and high season now brings gridlock. For those of us in Chiang Mai during the covid period it was a nostalgic reminder of how the roads used to be before that Chinese movie "Lost in Thailand" came out. 2019 was a traffic horror show, I predict this year will see it return to the same horrendous levels.
  24. It's interesting to see how many sociopaths post on Asean Now. Ejected by their own families, proving why in Thailand. Very interesting.
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