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Everything posted by theblether

  1. That is a staggering admission, so painful I'm contemplating being nice to you. I can recommend a good psychiatrist in CM but he can't cure personality disorders. Shall I pm you his number?
  2. Let me guess. You're bald? Go get your lady to give you a wee kiss and tell you it's alright.
  3. Somewhere between twenty and thirty. I also know a few genuine headcases. You remind me of a balloon I met who was an expert on Thailand who realised that after six years in the country he didn't have a single Thai male friend. Not one. Feel free to go on a Thai man no good rant. The forum is running short of lonely little men spouting an utter crap.
  4. But "Thai man no good!!!" Any farang that genuinely believes that should just make their way to the airport and eff off. No one knows Thai women better than Thai men.
  5. Will you please stop posting digital litter. Are you that lonely?
  6. Anyway, it's interesting that so many farangs are that gullible they don't realise they are consorting with hated village rejects. Then they wonder why their relationship fails. Then again, a lot of these clowns are effectively adult special needs children. It's not a wife they are after, it's a carer that will drop her nickers. The level of self-delusion is appalling.
  7. You clearly don't know me. That was a short answer.
  8. I agree re regular couples. Far too many farangs genuinely believe the "Thai man no good" trope. Its an article of faith among a certain brigade of idiots. The notion that their lady was REJECTED by Thai society never occurs to them. The competition for good Thai women is astronomical. And there are millions of success stories.
  9. I can't really be bothered getting into this topic. I will say one thing. Age compatibility is key to the love element. I know plenty of couples who are more or less the same age and almost all have loving relationships as far as I can see. I know many young couples raising families. Of course, you still see some relationship breakdowns, it's real life. I see plenty of older couples, that met later in life, who do very well. If you genuinely are seeking a loving long term relationship then age compatability is a foundational key to success. This is the same all over the world. One aspect of Thai culture ( not exclusive to Thailand, China etc is the same ) is the "leftover effect." It used to be the case that to be unmarried by 25/26 rendered women as maidens. That figure has crept up to around 30 these days, certainly no more than early 30's. Keep your eye open and you'll see bizarrely rapid marriages occur at that age bracket. In effect, arranged marriages are common where literally families trade adult "kids." The relevance to farangs is that Thai women in their twenties are still in Princess mode. By mid 30's they are firmly in reality mode. Thais don't like seeing 60 year old Thai men with twenty-somethings, but they don't blink when she is thirty-odd. They know the score with both set ups. Hence they detest old farangs taking up with young women but the underlying mockery is that these same farangs hoover up the lowest class women in the country. And that's a brutal truth that escapes many farangs. They are laughing at you. Thais ain't stupid. They are extremely socially aware ( please tell me you knew that ) and they spot compatibility ( or lack of ) a mile off. And age is a fundamental part of that equation. Let me get some popcorn cos no doubt this thread will descend into "my girl is different" bs. No, she's not. She's embarrassed to be seen with you. And if you could speak Thai you'd hear the running commentary. One of the funniest I witnessed was an old galoot doing his best Cheshire cat impression as the Thai girls ridiculed his lady for going with an old man. Her simple one-liner was "I need the money" which was met with hilarity - and the old galoot never knew he was the butt of the joke. I know some of you will crack up at this comment. Large age differences up yk age 30 are recipes for disaster. After 30 the rules and chances of success change. Until you meet the Wivked Witches that can't believe you are stupid enough to date them and they treat you accordingly. Aye, dating - its a hard life.
  10. Excellent comment. Every society has socially dysfunctional people. By dint, these are the types that fly 5000 miles in pursuit of a new life and forget that no matter where they go, their personality disorder follows.
  11. That's true but the city was buit for that type so the sanctimonious temple worshippers should just stay out of it. In fact, a high percentage of the tourist infrastructure in the country was built for sex tourists. Maybe they should start banning the sanctimonious from the Kingdom. Picture immigration at Suv. "Are you here to interfere with the nickers of Isaan Rice farmers daughters?" "No, I'm here on a temple tour." "Entry denied. Weirdo."
  12. Did you just tell me not to take everything I read here seriously? Me?? 🤣🤣 Aye but as long as you check the rest of the boxes you'll be fine.
  13. In case you don't know, shaving your head in Buddhism is associated with celibacy - the polar opposite of sexy. The notion that Thai women find bald heads sexy is ridiculous. The whole point of shaving your head as a monk, or "nun" is to renunciate fashion and sexuality.
  14. Don't take it personal. I couldn't care less about bald heads. Much preferable to wigs and combovers IMO. Just don't kid yourself Thai women think it's sexy.
  15. You'll get what you want soon : Mandatory worldwide tax reporting Mandatory health insurance inflated financial qualification for visas Reduced visa categories Speed cameras everywhere with mandatory bans Police harassing people with home visits to ensure visa compliance Sidewalk checkpoints demanding your ID, fines for not carrying You'll get it all. And you'll weep for the Thailand we lost.
  16. Yea, Thai women always ovulate at the sight of a monkish head. It's a well known fact. Jeez. Reminds me of a nutter that used to post here. "I asked my Thai wife and she says bald heads are sexy." "What did you expect her to say? She might not be educated but she ain't stupid" came the sage reply. Some folk are so dumb it's beyond belief.
  17. American forum members. There's a fascinating book called The Imperial Cruise by James Bradley that explains a lot of the USA's history in relation to PI and Japan in particular. Well worth a read. Netflix users - search for the subtitled movie "1898: Our last men in the Philippines." A true story. Irish & Brits - search for The Siege of Jadot. Not connected to SE Asia but an exemplar of the type of lunatics running around the Third World at that time. Everyone - subtitled Moroccan movie called Much Loved that deals with sex tourism. Excellent movie.
  18. Cambodia 1980's had rotting corpses emerging from the ground. No sane tourist went there for a jolly good time. I don't count PI as it was effectively a US colony with active military bases at that time. Even then it was a political basketcase with the wild Marcos excesses.
  19. Many of the people who post political content on this forum have shallow lives. No sane person travels half-way round the world to troll themselves arguing with zealots. I get it, something newsworthy happens ( such as Bidens debate performance this week) its only normal to jump online and join the resulting fray. But the zealots are mentally ill. I saw someone post 80 plus times on that topic. And we have a few notorious hissy fitting mentally ill zealots on this forum. So don't engage with the mentally ill. And regard the activist types you mention as cuckoo's nest contenders. "Pack our bags, Dorothy, we're retiring to Thailand." "Why sweetie?" "I want to spend the rest of my life getting angry at people that I don't know over issues I can't control." "Okay, sweetie, here's your medication."
  20. 100,000 tourists visited Thailand in 1979. 30 years later it was around 11 million. 10 years later, 2019, it was 40 million. A quick overview of why Thailand became a prime tourist destination compared to neighbours. 1980's - 1. Vietnam - hostile communism. 2. Laos - hostile communism. 3. Singapore - hostile authoritarianism. 4. Burma - the same. 5. Malaysia - Islamic majority, authoritarian. 6. Indonesia - the same, except Bali. Singapore used to have a sex tourist reputation. The government drove it out. Even then it was mainly naval types who took advantage allied with people on long distance stop overs heading to/fro Australasia. Thailand had the "misfortune" of being one of the few functional governments in the region with an open door policy. Boy, have they paid for that ever since.
  21. I'd like to address the utter stupidity of the OP and the Brigade of Sanctimonious Fools who agree with his meandering BS. Here's the fundamental problem. Far too many of you have zero experience of expatriate life outside of Thailand. The Kingdom has been your first experience and you are that dumb you think Thailand is in some way unique. Get a grip on yourselves ya bunch of delirious dunderheids. My first experience of expatriate life was West Africa, 1970. The encampment we lived on was a hotbed of alcoholism, racism, sexism, sexual gamesmanship, extortion and, eh, a definite lack of cultural sensitivity. 1980's Spain, notorious for all of the above plus staggering levels of criminal activity. 1990's Germany - add fraud, rampant drug dealing, and all ex-military types will be able to recount unbelievable stories of misbehaviour around that community. Where I worked one guy was decapitated by a jealous husband, a fellow Scot beaten half to death and thrown out of a second story window, then set on fire after interfering with the wrong Latina Toxica. Ask the guys who worked in the oil & gas trade how "culturally sensitive" their fellow workers were - it was an international gangbang circuit with many a deviant wife providing the entertainment. That's before the criminal element kicked in, and like all expat communities, it was soaked in alcohol. Mexico, the same, Colombia - people are on the streets protesting against expatriates - Nigeria, ffs - Brazil? My gawd Criminals in the expatriate community, oooh, Betty - who would have though?? Alcoholics and sexual deviants? Shiver me timbers. I swear to gawd, some of you need to shut yer mooths and stop proving your sanctimonious stupidity.
  22. Kubochar was my long shot last time. Apparently she was bought off by the promise of RBG's seat and was enraged when Trump filled the seat.
  23. Newsom/Whitmer looks to be the anointed ticket. Democrats going all white? That won't go down well with the DEI mob, eh?
  24. I trolled you once in 2011 and you had a meltdown that last years. That was back in the days when there was a bit of entertainment value having you as a member of this forum. Those days are long gone.
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