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Everything posted by theblether

  1. I did. Maybe you should read the thread before beclowning yourself with this drivel.
  2. There's no such thing as a popular vote in the USA. This is a game that childish and low IQ Democrats play. They forget that if it were a popular vote millions of disenfranchised Republicans in places such as California and New York would vote. People should not embarrass themselves by posting about this "popular vote" drivel.
  3. That is also correct. I remember, though I haven't found a link since, that there was an Abraham Accord conference taking place in Israel on the day of the attack ( my memory may be wrong ). The Hamas attack was a direct attack on AA detente and it worked as Arab public opinion has shifted. Saudi Arabia wants the Palestinian issue put to bed as they are fixated on Iran.
  4. That is correct. They also nodded through approval of other states recognising Israel via the Abraham Accords and opened their airspace to Israeli civilian aircraft. The Middle East is a complex place and the notion that merely to be a Sunni state/people gives you a pass to do what you want with the guaranteed support of other Sunni states is a nonsense. Some of you may think this to be comical and absurd, but go watch Lawrence of Arabia as a DOCUMENTARY and not as a movie as it's the best on-screen exemplar of tribal politics ever shown about the peoples of Arabia. The Western view, as demonstrated by some people on this forum, that all Sunnis stick together is absurd. Far too lazy and intellectually bereft.
  5. The juristic person or receptionist at your condo is also important. I've seen several ambulances called over the years and things go far more smoothly when your residence has the necessary documentation on file.
  6. Where does it say he's not insured? Is he in a coma? It wouldn't shock me that he has insurance and no one knows about it. The first thing you do when you purchase travel insurance is forward a copy to a friend or family member. If you are traveling with someone, make sure they know how to access your policy. Never assume that you will be conscious. And never assume that you will be fit to fly. Any of your reading this that do have insurance, and you haven't forwarded it, do it now. Any of you that live full time in a condo or similar, offer a copy of your insurance to your juristic person or receptionist. There's no point having insurance if no one knows about it in the event that you are rendered unfit to conduct your affairs.
  7. To be fair, and I don't like being fair to you, the Dems did pull a rabbit out the bag in 2020 when the field capitulated and anointed Biden. They may pull a similar trick this time, who knows? The one thing they should avoid doing is putting the Supreme Court at the heart of the electoral strategy. IMO that was the issue that Trump rode to victory in 2016 as evangelicals lined up to ensure a pro-life GOP candidate filled that seat. This time round, AOC and her squad should be careful of riling up the Constitutionalist voting bloc. Plenty of middle-of-the-road Americans won't be impressed by a court packing strategy. However, it's all just talk and speculation, by this time next week Biden could be out and certainly by this time next month we'll know the lie of the land.
  8. The Dems are panicking about the Senate. They really need to avoid a blowout year. 55 - 45 GOP is not out of the question and when it gets to that level the GOP awkward squad lose a lot of power. The current Senate map is looking poor for the Dems and with Menendez being convicted on corruption charges even his seat comes into play - normally a shoo in for the Dems - as he is talking about standing as an independent. The Dems really could do without him splitting the vote and losing a blue seat to the GOP for at least six years. https://www.realclearpolling.com/maps/senate/2024/toss-up
  9. The Dems are panicking about the Senate. They really need to avoid a blowout year. 55 - 45 GOP is not out of the question and when it gets to that level the GOP awkward squad lose a lot of power. The current Senate map is looking poor for the Dems and with Menendez being convicted on corruption charges even his seat comes into play - normally a shoo in for the Dems - as he is talking about standing as an independent. The Dems really could do without him splitting the vote and losing a blue seat to the GOP for at least six years. https://www.realclearpolling.com/maps/senate/2024/toss-up
  10. I'm no fanboy of Kuwait. The Regiment I worked with, Blackhorse, 11th ACR sent some helicopter pilots to assist in the invasion and we lost some men during the clean up operation when the regiment was deployed after the war. Munitions explosions. I have more knowledge than most as many friends were deployed their during and after the war.
  11. 400,000 Palestinians in Kuwait before they backstabbed their hosts by supporting Saddam Hussein. After the Palestinian Exodus of 90/91 the number reduced to 20,000. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuwait–Palestine_relations
  12. Absurd comment. Do you have any idea of the implications to the House of Saud and Gulf States if Shia Iran declares victory over Israel? I've already explained to you that the Sunni Gulf states turned against the Palestinians due to their appalling backstabbing decision to side with Saddam Hussein. The same Saddam Hussein who attempted an invasion of Saudi Arabia, the home of Mecca and Medina, supported by the...........Palestinians. Who are now being funded by Shia Iran. The same Shia Iran who are funding a proxy war against Saudi interests in Yemen. Some of ya'll really need to either wake up or quit posting on these topics.
  13. Are you drunk? I've answered already. Read the thread.
  14. I read it. It's drivel. Utter clownology to believe that Gulf Sunnis are unified behind Pallestinians. The type of opinion only an ignoramus of Gulf history could hold.
  15. I know the answers. I suggest you do some research before engaging in topics you don't understand. All the best.
  16. It's relevant to the topic. Hussein obsessed and feared - Betrayal by his inner circle Internal revolution by the Kurds and others Shia Iran and their capability or raising an internal uprising using the Shia minority. He did not fear The USA and the West. That may disappoint some of you. He may have gotten away with keeping Kuwait ( unlikely ) but as soon as he threatened Saudi Arabia the party was over ( Carter Doctrine kicked in ). That was one of the few Carter era foreign policy success stories, undone by the disgraceful One China policy ( dear me ). Shia Iran funds Hamas to upset Israel ( clearly ) but the secondary benefit is to harass the life out of Saudi Arabia. Yemen is a prime example of Shia Iranian money causing serious problems for SA. I'm of the opinion that there will be no peace in the Middle East until Iran is defeated. I've been of that opinion since 1979, one of the worst foreign policy years in US history due to Carter's weakness. Revolution in Iran, the appalling One China policy, and the Christmas Day invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets. The Iraq War was detestable as it was fought for the wrong reasons, Iran are a far greater problem and as soon as they have nukes the world is in serious trouble. JD Vance is fundamentally correct.
  17. No. I'm asking you. Unfortunately, on this topic, you don't know what you are talking about. And I lay short odds plenty of other forum members were unaware that the Palestinians backstabbed Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
  18. Thanks for that. So the timeline is that they had a failed business in Thailand, a failed business in the UK, he was sectioned for battering his parents and other family members, and she was left alone to bring up two kids in Wales. RIP to the wee laddie, and I hope this lady gets the help she needs, an utter tragedy.
  19. Was that an answer or a riddle wrapped in an enigma? Which Muslim countries are using Palestinians to attack Israel? Iran is obvious - who else? Why are Iran doing so? Is it actually anti-Israel or part of a wider sectarian dispute with the Sunnis who control Mecca? Why do you think Hussein sent tanks into Saudi? Did he need more sand or was it a Hail Mary attempt to control Mecca, or just a play for the oil?
  20. Far, far worse. Far worse. How about the Gulf States were severely p*ssed off that Yarafat's PLO sided with Hussein and participated in the looting and war crimes perpetrated during the Kuwait invasion? I'm absolutely staggered that people don't know about this. It caused what is known as the Palestinian Exodus from Kuwait and soured relationships with Saudi Arabia and others. SA in particular was effed off that they were tackling Iraqi tank invasions knowing that the PLO were running amok under the cover of Saddam's protection. And here we have people saying "Muslim states will side with Palestinians over Israel." Do ya'll think the Gulf States are stupid and that they will run to protect those traitorous backstabbing weasels???
  21. Read this despicable propaganda carried by Time magazine. Here, an American lawyer argues that the Abraham Accords should be abandoned because they caused October 7. You need to be really twisted to pursue that logic. https://time.com/6339889/cancel-abraham-accords/
  22. Ya think? Prove it - as every single signal sent out by the Gulf states has been they want nothing to do with Gaza. Feel free to point out the vast Palestinian refugee camps in the Gulf to support your argument. And have a look at the Abraham Accords where Muslim states recognised Israel and abandoned their historical support for Gaza. I find it amazing that people who purport to be knowledgeable on this topic don't understand the anti-Palestinian vibe in the Middle East. Here's a question for ya'll - Why do you think the Gulf States turned against the Palestinians? The answer is obvious.
  23. "Asylums are full of the most sensitive people who take nervous breakdowns trying to solve everyone's problems. Pubs are full of utter b*stards trying to drown evil memories." Said to me by a priest at my father-in-laws funeral, a notorious "devil by the fireside, angel on the outside" type. I agree with that. I was talking to an old school friend last night and we counted out the number of b*stards we knew that are prematurely dead. But I'll add one. It's amazing the number of men who now go through life untested. No national service, no wars, working easy jobs without the brutality seen in the emergency services etc Talking to.that same guy last night we bemoaned the price the youngsters in our families have paid due to drugs. One nephew asked his uncle if he could borrow £500 to buy a van to cut grass. His father said no, I said yes, his uncle agreed with me. Why? We know that he might go out and blow the money on chemicals, but also, he might buy the van and cut grass. As I pointed out - If men like us turn our backs on our sons and nephews what kind of men are we? Condemnation or rehabilitation - what would you choose?
  24. What's the relevance of this drivel? Almost 90% of Muslims worldwide are Sunni. To be Sunni does not infer support for Hamas. And that includes the Gazan Sunnis who are sick of them.
  25. Don't tell me members of this forum are shaming themselves by suggesting Project 2025 is real? You'd need to be as stupid as those that think the assassination attempt was a set-up to believe that. And I know no one on this forum is that stupid. 🤪
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