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Everything posted by theblether

  1. Outwit, not outwrite. And I accept you are the king of witless output.
  2. That was quite a good sly edit. I didn't think you had the intellect for that. Just my opinion, of course.
  3. Sanctimonious much?
  4. It's not have an opinion on everything. That's my opinion and I'm sticking by it.
  5. Aye cheap - I happen to know that Chang costs around 52 baht a pint ( cost price ) unless the company is doing one of their occasional wild promotions. Anyway, my Scottish local is now £1.80 a pint for bitter. No doubt some nutter will spend hours on the Internet trying to prove me wrong.
  6. I'm aware of that. I'm only pointing the obvious. Anyone who believes that Joe Biden will risk leaving Hunter in prison after he leaves office doesn't know Joe Biden. And, to be honest, I wouldn't blame him. I'm fed up with the election already, and esp with the wild conspiracy theories on both sides. I do believe that Joe is in the last couple of years of viable life and it would be an act of self-harm to lose Hunter to jail for the limited viable time he has left. Joe has to pardon him, as if its left to Kamala it will be a snakebite that will poison her Presidency.
  7. Drivel. You would need to be a seriously demented cultish troll of the first order if you believe - even for one minute - that Biden will leave Hunter languishing in jail when he exits the White House. And remember, Hunter has already offered a guilty plea for the tax fraud charges. His plea deal was rejected. He's as guilty as sin. It's only a question of sentencing now.
  8. Ì noticed this Mark Wiens video last week. Looks tempting - Chatuchak market street food
  9. Another aspect. Harris is not a good debater but she knows how to ask prosecutor style questions. I watched her at length during Senate hearings around 18/19 and I tipped her as a good Presidential candidate along with Amy Klobuchar. I was amazed to the extent she blew her campaign to pieces. Apparently her sister alienated the campaign staff and she was as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit in elite Dem circles after attacking Joe. Her nomination will be a procession but there's something wrong in the background. Certain Dem power blocs are already sabre rattling. We'll see.
  10. History will not be kind to Biden. He couldn't quit until he did a deal with Harris. Hence the announcement followed later by the endorsement. His price for leaving was a guaranteed pardon for Hunter after the tax trial. September is going to be dominated by influence peddling and money laundering testimony at the California trial. Hunter cannot be pardoned before election day, the electorate won't like that. Biden can't quit before Harris is officially nominated at earliest. So there's a narrow "pardon" window. Here's the problem for Harris. She's going to get hammered by the GOP asking if she has agreed to pardon Hunter. Joe has handed her a bag of angry rattlesnakes during election season. Well done, Joe. My prediction. Trump is his own worst enemy and hatred of Trump will see him defeated. The only way he wins is if Harris has an utter meltdown. Or if Trump has an October Surprise lined up. I've already seen a week's old video where Trump said Biden was standing down and Harris was replacing him. He's of the opinion she'll be easier to beat than Biden. People saying Trump is terrified have got it wrong.
  11. No. Biden got found out. Utter scum. And you know it.
  12. Bottom line. Trump destroyed Biden at the debate. Full stop.
  13. I agree with that. They have set sail for an economic black hole and no one knows what's on the other side. Liz Truss and Trump agreed that the only way out of the overwhelming national debts in the UK and USA was to grow the economies, Truss was kneecapped by the financial markets, Trump was kneecapped by covid.
  14. An artificially strong dollar can crater exports and crush the balance of payments. There's a sweet spot and there's no doubt that Biden missed it by a mile due to stupidity.
  15. Far from clueless. I suggest you research the Mexican economy for a clue as to what's happening with the dollar. Only an economic nincompoop desires a strong/overvalued dollar. It has zero benefit to the USA, but I suppose American sex tourists in Thailand would be happy about it. So I'll take it you're happy?
  16. Any particular reason why the world's reserve currency retraced during the worst economic contraction outside of war? You see, I'm always interested in the knowledge of members of this forum. We used to have genuine experts on many subjects who could provide a daily education. These days we get "MAGA Fascists" and "low information" accusations from people who can't explain their positions. So go ahead and explain why the dollar retraced.
  17. Amazing comment. Comparing retired farangs to the guy that almost sparked a civil war and triggered two coups.
  18. Let's be honest. The people cracking up are the usual sanctimonious suspects. They thought they could buy themselves status by having an elite visa and ignored the repeated warnings it was a glorified and expensive tourist visa. They were also repeatedly warned not to assume the visa category was safe. They took a long term punt on a visa category in Thailand and got caught out. Som nam na. I have more sympathy for the people relying upon the 800,000 baht "retirement" method, but even they had the option to prove a monthly income and were not forced to commit capital. The truism runs deep and is set in stone. Don't move capital to Thailand you can't afford to lose. And we all know that you can't follow Thai immigrations tracks in the snow as they veer from policy to policy depending upon the mood of the latest chief or immigration officer you encounter. However!! Before the crows gather to rip the absolute p*ss out of the sanctimonious, the same thing applies to this latest announcement. Anyone thinking, "woohoo, my long stay problems are solved" is likely to wake up one day next year and find themselves scrambling for the border. We've seen it all before. My advice is to not drop your "retirement" visas and take a small L in the meantime. It could turn into a big win when the gov orders a knee-jerk correction.
  19. 🤪🤪🤪 I've never read so much drivel on this forum since JT's last post. You are hilarious. So,sterling didn't drop to a street rate of 36 baht, the euro didn't crash, AUD didn't collapse? Dear me, and you have the cheek to suggest I'm low information. 😄
  20. Anything of note happen in the last year of his Presidency? Hmm, let me think. Reminds me of the old saying - there's three types of lies, lies, damned lies and statistics.
  21. There's no way Biden steps down without a rock solid personal guarantee his successor pardons Hunter after the California tax trial. Anyone who thinks Joe will risk leaving Hunter to fester in jail is wired to the moon. The problem for the Democrats is, Hunter's trial will descend into a corruption trial. Joe is inviting Kamala or a potential new Democrat president to strap a rotting albatross around their Presidency. Hunter has 30 witnesses against him in September. Even if Joe stands down the new nominee is going to walk straight into a rancid sh*tshow during election season.
  22. Only four outcomes at this point: Biden stays in the race. Biden quits and Harris is anointed immediately. Biden quits and AN Other is anointed immediately. Biden quits and it's an open convention. AOC is saying that the idea of an open convention is nuts. One of her arguments is that the GOP could cause carnage by launching legal objections to late nominations. I find that hard to believe but equally she says that internal Democrat lawyers have expressed their uncertainty. I still find it hard to believe. Her other, more valid, issue is that she thinks the risk of disagreements spilling out into the open are too high as they most certainly would at the convention. Rachel Maddow mentioned that there's been a 31% reduction in voting intention for Democrats among African- American women. If that's 1/3rd correct, never mind half right, the election is over. To be honest, I don't believe that 31% figure either. But there's a school of thought that the risk of bypassing an African-American female VP, especially for a white male such as Newsom, would be a gift to the GOP. I believe that. The swing states are so tight there's no way the Democrats can alienate the A-A female vote. So, it has to be Biden - or anoint Harris.
  23. Nothing hilarious about it. Dems are currently panicking as they know the top of the ticket is vital to down ballot races. You know that too. Then again, as I was saying about childish and low IQ democrats.......
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