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Everything posted by beautifulthailand99

  1. I had thought she was useless, but israel's horrific genocidal war crimes are sticking in the craws of their most fervent backers. Stop arming israel that would be a good start - that and a ceasefire and humanitarian aid.
  2. Just imagine Russia was doing this and what are leaders and press would be saying. Just imagine because they aren't doing that but Israel is. For many folks, this is a real mask off moment where the hollow words of democracy and justice and civilisation stick in the mouths of those uttering them so much so that those they would have us believe them no longer do.
  3. If the Thai economy goes t!ts up in the future, they have ready-made scapegoats to do all the finger pointing at. I seem to remember a similar mob baying for blood a few years back when some hapless Thai put everybody has to die sometime on their FB feed.
  4. Scholz may not be the ideal person to handle this issue, but it is qualitatively different to that of France and the UK. Aside from the historical legacy of the 20th century, not only the German public but German industry are wary of upsetting the bear. It would take a Bismarck to resolve this. Schroder and Merkel may have gone too far in their cosy relations with Russia, but at least there was a dialogue which the UK at least appears not to entertain at all. And sooner or later there will have to be a negotiated solution or continue the needless slaughter in both sides and the prospect of a Trump win. The tragedy of Ukraine was to put their trust in the west and believe their "promises" of as long as it takes, which Biden has now changed for as long as we can.
  5. Times Radio pundit saying it might be a Trump landslide in November. Also known as the Putin/Netanyahu put - both of whom are praying for that result. It would seem both have spent wisely to game that result. Democracies nearly dead. "83% of people who voted for Biden in 2020 said they would vote for him again in 2024. If that's the case. If that's true, then you are looking at a Trump landslide."
  6. Is Douglas Murray in the room with you at the moment, or the millions of Muslims slaughtered under Western bombs and bullets in the last 30 years ? These events are the bitter fruits of devil seeds planted by ourselves. Never mind the million Algerians killed by France to boot. It's Europeans who slaughtered Jews in their millions in death factories, not the Arabs. They just lost their land.
  7. Some no doubt are, I do, but it would be crazy to try and turn back the clock to what has happened, and it was in a different moral era. That doesn't excuse the terrible, casual racism and victim blaming that many Australians seem to exhibit towards them, though. Israel's problem is they didn't go far enough, and in the living memory of many who were violently affected by the founding of the state.
  8. Yup, pretty much so - except the white, mostly criminal colonial settlers genocided the indigenous people and subsequently gerrymander their own land rights over those that lived there before. In the case of Tasmania, it was 100%. If you are to successfully colonize a 'new' land, then genocide and ethnic cleansing seem essential to achieve that goal. Taking the Zionist logic and applying it to other countries, surely Israel should be fighting for justice for the displaced native people of all lands, not just their own. But they're not.
  9. Agreed, and he has posted from that before as well. I do unlike many others bother to read the links. And I should add other sites I frequent that would be an instant perma ban. Period.
  10. Forgive me for questioning the veracity of the survey, it wasn't done by an independent survey company but directly by the Campaign Against anti-Semitism about whom there are doubts to their independence from advancing Israeli foreign policy. From the link you provided In common with the NJCS, the samples were self-selecting, and respondents were required to self-identify as Jewish and confirm that they lived in the United Kingdom. Like the NJCS, they were contacted primarily through ‘seed’ organisations, including religious bodies, Jewish online networks (including targeted advertising on social networks), and community welfare organisations, among others. It was not possible to use a random probability sampling approach for this study because a suitable sampling frame for the Jewish population is not available in the UK. So rather like those Twitter polls representative of those that bothered to put themselves forward. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jan/04/uk-charities-watchdog-assesses-concerns-about-campaign-against-antisemitism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campaign_Against_Antisemitism In January 2015, the All-Party Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism wrote: "We were somewhat disappointed to note that not all of the messages from that group [CAA] have been in line with CST's stated approach of seeking to avoid undue panic and alarm." They added "it is important that the leadership do not conflate concerns about activity legitimately protesting Israel's actions with antisemitism, as we have seen has been the case on some occasions."[46] That same month, the Institute for Jewish Policy Research said that a CAA survey about antisemitism was "littered with flaws", and "may even be rather irresponsible".[47] After criticism by CAA of Shami Chakrabarti over her 2016 report into antisemitism in the UK Labour Party, a number of British Jews wrote to The Guardian dissociating themselves from what they described as "the pro-Israel lobbyists of the Campaign Against Antisemitism".[48][citation needed]
  11. Michael Moore splenetic in his fury at the ongoing Israeli carnage. 5 minutes in if you're busy. Also saying that Biden support for Israel could lose him enough votes in key states to lose against Trump. In the last minutes he is almost in tears of sadness and fury.
  12. The Mother of All Talk Shows arrives at the Mother of All Parliaments.
  13. Just read that, sorry to hear it - I hope you confound the doctors and everything goes fine. My brother-in-law has a heart condition and 5 years ago was told he could go anytime, but he is still with us and thriving. I'm always humbled by the kindness of medical staff I hope that's the same for you.
  14. I would guess if agents are still in the game (and why wouldn't they be) then it will be £1000 + the agents cut on top. Then add on potential taxation on remittances into the country, and we have the recipe for a perfect storm.
  15. Yup that's what I would do 30 day VOA and then a side trip to Laos for a couple of weeks and then one more month and back home or skip a year either way Thailand loses ££.
  16. 3 months visa free for Russians, and now helicopters. Thailand is probably getting a lot of hooky sanction busting oil cheap and a laundromat for Russian finance. There's no bad money in Thailand just money.
  17. Could it be I don't spend much time on here any more and those topics aren't discussed here - you make a lot of baseless assertions. Have a nice day and calm down, dear, I'm sure you're a nice person in real life.
  18. For the record I read the Guardian,FT ,Mail, Independent, Telegraph, NYT, WSJ , Reditt sub groups, X. Mumsnet, Spectator, Haartez, Jewish Chronicle, Economist, New Statesman, New Yorker,WAPO, The Times and numerous You Tube channels on a daily basis (paywalls busted all!) so take your pick.
  19. She was very good in the Merchant of Venice playing a female Shylock in the 1930s London, I saw it last year in the provincial run. That said, she is a militant unapologetic Zionist who has blocked me on Twitter for posting this to her timeline. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/apr/26/tracy-ann-oberman-pays-substantial-damages-antisemitism-claims-twitter On 4 April last year, Oberman, a critic of Jeremy Corbyn’s handling of antisemitism complaints while he was Labour leader, tweeted: “So a man called @PhilipProudfoot of @FreeNorthNow has a Jew block list. I’ve been out of the twitter politics loop for a few months but is this party continuation Corbyn? Seems like it. And will it end up the same way? Seems like it. Good luck all.” Responding to the settlement of his libel claim, Proudfoot said: “I am a humanitarian researcher. I’ve seen the horrors of war in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. It is for this reason I am a supporter of the struggle for human rights in Palestine. And it is for this reason I am appalled and disgusted by antisemitism, and all forms of prejudice.” His solicitor, Zillur Rahman, said: “Antisemitism is a serious problem in our society and it is unfortunate that some people like Philip, who show solidarity with the Palestinians in their struggle for freedom from Israel’s oppression, have been falsely accused of antisemitism, which can have a chilling effect on free speech against injustices and human rights violations.”
  20. You don't know me, and I indeed do rail about these injustices from wherever they come. I've been on the left since my pallid youth, and if the Nazis came back to power, my indelible record of action will have me marked to go to the camps along with the oppressed of whatever stripe. So you can take your antisemite smear, elsewhere, I'm not interested. I have indeed seem progressive Jews say that have been smeared as kapos probably the most egregious smear one can say for standing up for Palestinian rights. I seem to remember Norman Finkelstein has accused Alan Dershowitz of saying that about his parents, who suffered terribly in the camps. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/12/trumps-israel-ambassador-likens-left-wing-jews-to-kapos.html https://www.timeshighereducation.com/features/the-good-jewish-boys-go-into-battle/200412.article
  21. Imagine being a Palestinian driven out of your ancestral lands in 1948 by European Jewish terrorists and forced to live in poverty as a refugee from your own lands. Then imagine your anger as any Jew who can prove their ethnicity has the right to return to that land stolen blatantly with extreme violence from your grandparents. That in a nutshell is why we are where we are.
  22. The many thousands Jewish Bloc on the regular marches begs to differ, but under this twisted hyperbole they are probably regarded as kapos. But all racism against anybody based on their race is wrong. Period. The first is Isaac Deutscher who died in London in 1967: He asked what makes a Jew. He answered: “Religion? I am an atheist. Jewish nationalism? I am an internationalist. In neither sense am I, therefore, a Jew. I am however, a Jew by force of my unconditional solidarity with the persecuted and exterminated.” The second is Marek Edelman The last surviving commander Marek_Edelman_Polen_polennuof the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, whom I met briefly in Warsaw in 1997. He died in Poland in 2009. This hero was persona non grata in Israel for remaining an anti-Zionist, and for saying about that incredible Uprising: “We fought for dignity and freedom. Not for a territory, nor for a national identity”. But the very most important thing he said was: “To be a Jew means always being with the oppressed, never with the oppressors.” Never with the oppressors. https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/jew-means-always-oppressed-never-oppressors/
  23. You're just a troll, probably one with no options other than to suck it up probably clacking away furiously drunk in your rented condo sweltering under a fan eating mama noodles washed down with lao khao and soda and seeing if there are enough baht for another visit to Bush Mountain or failing that PornHub. Have a great day don't forget to keep taking the meds !
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