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Everything posted by beautifulthailand99

  1. Read my links in detail. It's all there I worked in designing computer system for government and was involved in senior level meetings at the design and build phases of such systems so have a detailed knowledge of the process and ministerial initiatives and drivers.
  2. Just cause would be that they are suspected (subject to additional checks of proof required from the claimant) of overpayment of monies. All of these issues will be addressed and sorted out at the design phase of the system. A Statutory Instruments or instruments can be used to amend current legislation to deal with any legal anomalies and will no doubt be part of that process.
  3. I think we can fairly assume from the evidence presented to date that ; 1) The technology and the political will exist to implement such a system. 2) Work is underway to create such a system. 3) That as a minimum from the date of implementation, frozen pensions will be applied automatically from that date subject to verification by the claimant. 4) Past over payments may or may not come into scope.
  4. UK Border Force work with the airlines to gather that data for their Semaphore system - it's all there. Big Brother really is watching you. Passengers on flights entering and leaving the UK are screened by the NBTC.[citation needed] The airlines pass data (passenger name record, or PNR) on each passenger to the NBTC, including date of birth. The NBTC tracks former flights taken by each individual going back up to a decade, and determines whether an individual's flight history could be suspicious. Each individual is checked against criminal record databases. Exit checks are conducted at ferry ports connecting to European ports by the ferry operators.[4] It looks at the e-Borders Semaphore system for suspects. It tracks around 250 million passenger movements per year. It operates the Pre-Departure Checks Scheme. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5abb708440f0b67d67479bb5/An_inspection_of_exit_checks.pdf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Border_Targeting_Centre
  5. It would be done in batch runs Border Force would run a program to produce a file of targets that would then be taken to the DWP for the cross checking. The Border Force query would be to produce a list of British Citizens over the age of 65 who have left the country for a period of more than 6 months without returning. With that file DWP will run that against UK Pension Claimants who are receiving full benefits. Frozen benefit claimants will have flag already, so are easily excluded from the trawl. Then send a letter to their registered address asking them to provide proof of residency and reply within 28 day or some such time or the account will be assumed to not be entitled to the uplift. GDPR can be covered off with a Statutory Instrument rather than requiring new legislation. https://www.parliament.uk/globalassets/documents/commons-information-office/l07.pdf Job done.
  6. Most IT work is outsourced. The minister gets a report on their desk outlining savings and costs to implement. With £100 million quid on the table for a modest small project in the scheme of things, they will bite the companies hands off for it.
  7. Ok you get the letter, and then you are required to submit proof that you are living in the country entitled to the uplift. Bank statements, residency permits or whatever. Failure to do so within a time frame is taken to be indicative that you are in a country where frozen pensions apply. That said, it looks like it will take quite a time to implement. https://www.joe.co.uk/news/government-confirms-dates-it-will-start-monitoring-bank-accounts-423419 It means the country’s top 15 banks, who deal with the vast majority of DWP payments, are going to implement systems that automatically track claimants’ accounts to see if there has been any change of circumstance, such as large cash deposits. The DWP has confirmed that they will begin testing the system from 2025, with a wider roll-out from 2027, and the aim of full implementation by 2031. “The policy has been designed in collaboration with operational colleagues, whereby a period of ‘test and learn’ will begin in 2025 with a limited number of banks and building societies,” the DWP said. “The purpose of this approach is to get the data sharing agreement between DWP and third-party data holders right, before implementing the policy on a larger scale. After the focused test and learn, the policy will begin gradual roll-out (from 2027/28), with it reaching full scale by 2030/31.”
  8. Because it is being worked on and hasn't been implemented yet. But it will be because it is a very simple and cheap project to execute against a constituency that has no representation back home in any meaningful sense. The issue as to where it is fair or just is a completely different argument.
  9. Read the Telegraph article above, they specifically mention overpayments for frozen pensions.
  10. Border Force passport control, of course they know that you have left the UK and for how long. DWP know your pension payments history it is very easy to tie that to a Border Force file and identify suspicious payments and do a run to produce a file of potential suspects. You then get a letter to your UK address saying you have been potentially identified as receiving overpayments. You have 28 days to explain your situation and sign a statement under threat of prosecution. If they don't accept your reasons, or you don't reply, then they automatically stop the uplift as a minimum. If they are feeling vindictive they can do historical analysis and demand overpayment back possibly by withholding future payments. I used to do batch processing data runs on big computer systems - this is a relatively easy small project to execute with a very high return on investment. To poo poo this is either naivety or wishful thinking.
  11. It's true they are coming for you if you have committed fraud. It was an obvious fix now they have the tech and data to police it. No minster is going to tun their nose up at an easy £100 million pound saving for peanuts in tech investment. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/banking/millions-pensioners-face-bank-account-inspections-fraud/ While no overpayments of the state pension have been linked to fraud, £100m was overpaid in the state pension partly due to people claiming who live abroad and are not entitled to payment increases under the pensions triple lock. Only those who live in the European Economic Area, Gibraltar, Switzerland and countries with a social security agreement with Britain can receive pension increases. A DWP spokesman said: “This is not a surveillance power, and it does not allow DWP to access bank accounts or see how claimants or pensioners are spending their money. “Despite State Pension overpayments due to fraud currently sitting at 0.0 per cent, it is important to ensure that if fraud and error does arise in the future we have the tools to address it.”
  12. As if I care please ban me mods so I'm not tempted to slink back and waste my time.
  13. Then we cannot understand the present and its motivations. None of this happens in a vacuum.
  14. A no then good I çondemn both and claim the high moral ground above the slaughter.
  15. This didn't start on October 7th nor will it end there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killings_and_massacres_during_the_1948_Palestine_war
  16. Anybody ? If they don't then they support the bombing of King David's Hotel with the death of over 90 British and the summary execution of 2 British seargants in an olive Grove and numerous other crimes in order to get the British out. As well as the massacres at Deir Yassin and Tantura amongst other heinous crimes. Zionism was born in blood and rules in blood. As does Hamas.
  17. As did the Jewish war of independence. Do you condemn Haganah,Irgun and the Stern Gang ? Yes or No ?
  18. With the communist Jews on our side and leading on the strategy and execution of the battle you will lose. Come out waving a white flag and I promise we won't shoot ( unlike the IDF ! ). I stand with Nornan Finkelstrin.
  19. In 2002 the US ran its biggest ever wargame where they ran a 250 million dollar simulation against a fictional foe in the ME widely thought to be Iran. The Iranian side defeated the armed might of the navy within 24 hours by swarming kamikaze suicide boats at an aircraft carrier and the rest of the navy. It was so successful that they had to run it again with invented restraints to ensure they won. They are terrified of humiliation by low tech asymmetric warfare exposing their weaknesses. So expect a lot of bluster and posturing but no real significant blows against Iran. It was called Millenium Challenge 2002. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Challenge_2002
  20. No but I wouldn't mind if they could accept me. Here you are Jewish Voices for Labour and why Jews should have solidarity with the progressive moment and eschew Zionism. We stand on the shoulders of Marx,Trotsky,Rosa Luxemburg and the founder of the British 4th International Tony Cliff. Momentum in the Labour Party was mostly founded by Jews Jon Lansman. Stop the War Colition, again Jews play a big role on the steering committee. In the 1930s in Nazi Germany they had common cause against the Nazis and went to their deaths together. Zionism actually divides us not unites us. https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/
  21. I have marched a couple of times before I left for our 3 month stay here. There was a wonderful 1000 strong Jewish bloc with a wide range of British Jews and my old mucker Alexei Sayle. Shalom comrades solidarity with progressives.
  22. 1 year ago when he was still on FOX just going to watch this now to see how it aged.
  23. Apparently the Hill has fallen hosting Max Blumenthal wokes be dumping it,big time.
  24. They do repeatedly. The IDF. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/comment/2023/12/06/idf-israeli-defense-force-hamas-hostages-hospital-gaza/
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