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Everything posted by beautifulthailand99

  1. You are trying to goad me into abuse of which I will not do as I am a reasonable man I suggest politely you follow suite.You appear not to want a debate just promote and discuss Ukraine propaganda without any tough love critical friend concern. Don't worry when I'm back to the UK in a couple of weeks I'll leave you to it and retire once more from these hallowed portals. Have a nice day.
  2. Being discussed and the implications if it were to happen at The Hill. https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4436569-firing-ukraines-top-general-would-be-a-mistake/
  3. Claims made in the western mainstream media now contested fair enough thats my claim no need for any deletion. You would rather kill the messenger than address the substance of my post. I caught you out on an Israel thread with a false claim which you were forced to retract where you claimed a source was a conspiracy site which it wasn't.
  4. Let the mods decide its the Guardian and other MSM discussing this which interestingly you seek to censor rather than debate. If this is just a proganda thread then let's have a rule and I'll be out. There are plenty of other places after all ti have an informed discussion amongst adults.
  5. From the Guardian article; Key points - * Assertion is that Zelensky's office is concerned by Zaluzhny on a political level, not military level * Zelensky appears irritated that Zaluzhny is the most popular man in the country aside from him * Zaluzhny posting photos of himself with his wife on Facebook were interpreted by Zelensky's office as a signal of political intent * Zelensky warned generals against entering politics in November, stressing importance of military hierarchy * Now that Zaluzhny has refused, Zelensky's only recourse is to sack him - which he is considering how to do * Likely replacement would be Budanov Confirms most of the leaks from yesterday, and comes from an extremely pro-UA source in the British Guardian newspaper.
  6. Rubbish you are seeing a rare flaring of the true tensions at the top which even well connected and briefed western msm can't ignore. Looks pretty much like a damage limitation job in Western media with Zelenkiy may have backed down if that is the case. https://kyivindependent.com/commander-in-chief-zaluzhnyi/
  7. Rubbish you are seeing a rare flaring of the true tensions at the top which even well connected and briefed western msm can't ignore. Looks pretty much like a damage limitation job in Western media with Zelenkiy may have backed down if that is the case. Plus this is all over western media they wouldn't be reporting social media tittle tattle. This has been brewing for months as well informed observers know only too well. Budanov the SBU chief is being touted as a replacement should the coup take place. What seems certain is Zaluhyi won't go quietly.
  8. It does but I hate it I prefer to work with a keyboard and mouse at a desktop anyway have rectified that with my last link.
  9. Link to that story snuck away down the page. And this my friends is how western media frames the Ukrainian conflict probably one of the biggest stories of the year so far and hugely impact full as to the progress of the war hidden as almost it didn't happen.https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/30/volodymyr-zelenskiy-asked-top-general-to-step-down-but-he-refused?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  10. Zelenskiy has now sacked his hugely popular head of armed forces General Zalunhyi who refused to resign. This follows on from the sacking of his corrupt defence minister Resnikov last November. I'm away from my desktop working on an android tablet so unable to link the Guardian article and now many others openly reporting on this. Make no mistake this is huge and commentary suggests one of the fault lines over and above his popularity which is 96% to Zelenkiys 67% is his desire to conserve forces and equipment at the front rather than shamelessly ape the Russians meat assaults. Zelenskiy increasingly looking like South Vietnam's Nguyen Van Phieu their last President before the fall. Many of the NAFO Fellas on social are spitting blood Zalunhyi is hugely popular with his troops. We are entering the end game now messy oeace deal enforced by the US incoming probably along the lines of ceasefire and frozen fronts. It can't continue as it is with the mass slaughter for no good purpose. This will come as a surprise to many on this thread as you seem only to read highly curated western propaganda rather than the unalloyed and sometimes uncomfortable truth. If the assertion is as I surmise then it really shows Zelenskiy in a terrible light with overtones of a dictator unable to share the limelight with a more popular army hero. But then he is an actor more used to the roar of the crowd than the rattle of the gun.
  11. You missed out Bill Gates in your list of criminals and its spelled Karl Marx -please show some respect to the Master.
  12. No - she's looking in the 4 - 7 million range in Jomtien in a secondary location. Not so much a business as a family refuge - the couple are both retired on Thai government pensions so an income stream is a secondary need rather than a necessity.
  13. The 64,000 dollar question is will Joe come to Trump's inauguration like Obama did or skip that part and go to the beautiful letter phase?
  14. Sorry warmongers you will have to go Judeo for the lessons you want from Judeo-Christian culture if you want legitimacy for what you regard as a just war. Eye for Eye 38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. Old Testament - aka current Israeli policy [2] Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. [3] Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
  15. At such a high-level choreographed meeting such at there will be a lot of bilateral side meetings with the host arranged around it. Thailand is cleverly playing both teams to gain maximum advantage. Good luck to them. I've got Joe McCarthy on the other line calling from the 1950s do you want to accept the call !
  16. That's a prime location in Pattaya Central. I was having my haircut at a barber's small shop on the new area near to Rompho Market his rent was 12k a month and he said a similar shop and location in CP would be around 40k. This place a 3 fronted massive complex just off Jontien Second Road has a banner outside for 13 million. A fraction of what they would be asking pre Covid no doubt.
  17. We could ask the Isarelis about theirs that they have built a great expense. That said unless you throw thouands of miltants at it it would have held. The one the Romans built in the UK (indeed 2 walls) worked as well in keeping the heathen Picts away from the civilised Roman invaders.
  18. They are evil - more finessed and coiffed and elegant with their Harvard MBA's than the say the thug Putin but evil nevertheless. Only psycophathic sociopaths get to the very top in a hyper power - and they achieve that by deluding and scaring the great masses with their lies and deceptions..
  19. Funny how these American most ly neocons never have a bad war whilst prosecuting hugely expensive and ultimately fruitless wars in foreign lands always combined with resource greed and then have the gall to criticise the same behaviour from others. Plus they never learn that some peasant in funny clothes with thrift shop weapons can embarrass and frustrate them on that quest. But not really funny but bloody tragic.
  20. He is an alcoholic malevolent Russian troll with virtually nil influence in the Kremlin now except to make Putin look smart in comparison. He was the placeholder who kept the seat warm while Putin was on the benches. He is a Mike Pence without the morals we can easily ignore anything that comes out of his fetid mouth.
  21. Google "ai taylor swift 4chan" if you are curious. No big deal in the scheme of things.
  22. Cheers I saw that - websites certainly in English are very sparse with listings. Maybe a fb group in Thai is a better place?
  23. I saw a large classic shop house in the Jomtien Complex with a fair amount of foot traffic going past it advertised outside for 5.5 mill. Huge ones in Rungland Village South Pattaya have a ticket price outside of 6 mill in a renovated state. Any body have any recent anecdotes or info? A family member is beginning looking and in no real hurry. Also, they look like brick <deleted> houses at least the older ones what sort of structural stuff can go wrong in the long term? On walkabouts there are seemingly hundreds for sale one is definitely spoilt for choice.
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