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Everything posted by beautifulthailand99

  1. He had a glass eye. But after retirement he has done good things and not gone for enriching himself.Turns out he was one of the better guys in the swamp.
  2. Newsflash, humans believe all sorts of nonsense and gather together in groups to advance that. Over the centuries, the white man Europeans and their US variants have killed far, far more than any other civilisations in the history of the earth. The Arabs were cursed to live over huge reserves of hydrocarbons at the point in mans' evolution where that become the dominant force. Much of the anti-Muslim noise stems from that, and as the US Empire falters and fails the noise will get louder. China is quietly smiling at the ludicrous position the West has boxed themselves into. Strap on in, from now on the ride going to get rough.
  3. Anecdote is not fact particularly so when it is random videos from the Sun and the Daily Fail offered as proof of your case. In my 64 years I have probably spent 3 years living in Thailand in various places and have never encountered any violence there from anyone. Yet if I was minded, I could quickly google any number of videos of fights from all over the place and figures to back it up. You have offered proof of nothing but your own bias.
  4. Vile doesn't even touch the sides to describe such moral depravity in the face of mass suffering. Israel is so shameless that even their erstwhile ally the US is disgusted. The whole world now truly sees what they have become. Evil truly evil.
  5. He's no angel and nothing, I have said, suggests otherwise. I will repeat, the real criminals are in power. Better men than you have tried to bring him down, and better men than you have failed.
  6. I'll save my withering condemnations for the real criminals, those that have and are in power.
  7. Everybody thought they were the devil incarnate and then came Gaza and we realized they were depths that they haven't yet plumbed. A curse on both their houses.
  8. I did flounce off and asked to be banned for my own good - it looks liken they are torturing me by not doing so !
  9. I'll take that as a no then now I know you find him disgusting but like I say he's killed no-one but if you asked me do I find Netanyahu disgusting and despicable I would doubly any triply say so. Galloway fights with words, passion and facts whilst the other fights with US funded bombs and bullets mowing down the innocents in mass slaughter. In that 2 horse race, it's a no-brainerto whom I offer my qualified support. You will no doubt welcome another of his greatest hits.
  10. Have you any recent connection with the UK, or are you just riffing of your obvious hatred for the man? Let's remind ourselves he has committed no crime, killed no-one has been elected by popular mandate to the House of Parliament 5 times and the heinous act of violence against him was the act of a crazed psychopathic Zionist wearing an IDF t-shirt. The same murderous IDF who mowed down starving Palestinians dying of hunger in the Occupied Territories.Cry more. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/dec/11/george-galloway-attacker-jailed-respect-mp Neil Masterson, 39, left the MP for Bradford West with cuts and bruises to his head and ribs and requiring hospital treatment after the assault in Notting Hill, west London, in August. Masterson, who was wearing a T-shirt with an Israel Defence Forces logo when he was arrested nearby, told police he felt “morally justified in attacking the pro-Palestine MP because he was a “Nazi” with a shameful attitude towards Jews, Isleworth crown court heard. Galloway, the court heard, believes he would have been killed if Masterson, who had recently converted to Judaism, had been armed with a knife during their chance meeting
  11. I can't imagine getting my kicks from such stuff but I suppose it takes all sorts to cheer on wanton destruction from a safe place in the sun amongst millions of Russians. Hey ho.
  12. Another Thailand bar stool blow hard who can't go back, so demonizes the home country oft-times with thinly disguised racist tropes as to how it has all gone to the dogs. I think you will find the feral dogs are a fixture of the Thailand realm not here.
  13. London Borough of Bexley - I voted for Sadiq as my first choice and Captain Binface as second. When was the last time you were in the UK as you seem so knowledgeable of what it's like on the ground ?
  14. Got back to the UK last Thursday after 3 months in Thailand. Great to be back breathing fresh air, cheap prices in the supermarkets and heavenly cheese and wine, politeness on the roads, pavements you can walk on without risking your own neck and a still great country where you are free to say what you like such as Where's Kate ? And as I live in the Borough of Bexley my Mayor Sadiq through his enlightened ULEZ policy has made the air even cleaner. What's not to love ? Oh and free London Transport fares on an integrated well run transport system. Heaven indeed, and not a so-called mob in sight.
  15. Again, where's your evidence, you can't just say stuff and expect us to believe it. Maybe you are referring to this.
  16. Well don't quote me then without expecting a considered, evidence based truthful response to your various assertions. If you do that then I have no problem , it is a discussion forum after all.
  17. Oh I see a Palestine flag is anti-Semitic and here's Likud's founding statement. Galloway would have you for breakfast along with a writ. Territory. The original 1977 party platform stated that "between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty." The 1999 Likud Party platform emphasized the right of settlement: The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Likud
  18. He will get quickly marginalised and silenced but he is smart enough to know parliamentary rules, hopefully not to get banned on day 1. Sunak's team will be preparing a brief attempting to bring him down and war gaming responses. I suspect apart from his maidan speech he will get ignored by the speaker in collusion with the main parties to prevent him speaking in the chamber to anything but an empty House. That's how it works.
  19. It's rare when something like that ever gets onto the MSM - the final 45 seconds are epic. His maiden speech is going to be electric. For George oratory fans, here is he destroying Christopher Hitchens who supported the Iraq War another arse handed onto him on a plate. Electric stuff.
  20. Galloway can't be responsible for who endorses him, and besides which Galloway had roundly denounced Nick Griffin as well he should, Sadly the media have amplified Griffin's toxic voice by drawing attention to this - he is an irrelevant nobody these days. Besides which, if we are going down that route, Tommy Robinson has roundly endorsed Israel. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/former-edl-leader-tommy-robinson-pictured-holding-gun-on-israeli-tank-near-syrian-border-a3393256.html
  21. And here is in 16 years ago in that interview with Sky he references in the above video. I can't see him lasting long in Parliament before getting banned, and no doubt the House will empty when he speaks. The greatest orator of his generation, without doubt, love him or loathe him.
  22. George is many things - some of them no good, he is also highly litigious and has two lawsuits initiated in the last week for slurs on his character. So with that in mind those calling him anti-Semitic you can now produce your evidence (being anti-Israel doesn't count) or like the wedding ceremony forever hold your peace. Here he is destroying Sam Coates from Sky, an abject lesson in handing his arris back to him. Whatever else he isn't someone who supports starving a population turning them into hungry animals and then opening fire on the crowds that formed. That takes a special sort of evil and one that the civilized world is looking on in abject horror.
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