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Everything posted by beautifulthailand99

  1. 3.5 million spend for a 17 billion outcome that's what I call a cracking return bar none. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/03/us-house-israel-aid-package-mike-johnson?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  2. The Iraqi government has repeatedly asked for all US troops to leave their sovereign territory and the US has refused. So much for sovereign territory. I'm sure most will join with me in asking them to get out. Otherwise rather like the British in America in 1776 it maybe necessary to use righteous force. https://thehill.com/newsletters/defense-national-security/4392394-iraq-wants-us-military-out/
  3. Well the Buddha preached absolute non violence in all instances indeed the Abbott and the temple represents an alternative way of seeing the world and solving personal conflicts. Jesus was the same - turn the other cheek and there's a reason for that as violence begets violence and as humanity reaches peak numbers a recourse to violence to solve didputes may result in the end if humanity itself. And the endpoint of civilsatio will be we were nothing better than the animals that we evolved from. The Abbott is in charge of the temple by the way, the trustees help administer it under his benighteddirection.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism_and_violence
  4. That's not a conspiracy but a cold hard fact. Probably the most powerful lobby group in the world bar none. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIPAC
  5. The inherent logic of this thread is UNWRA are Hamas. Who says so ? This report by Israeli intelligence services that they have shared with compliant partners. Can we see it - no it is privileged intelligence material. Any other sources well these 12 that took part in October 7th. Err and that's it so jolly well go and defund the UN agency that is responsible for administering humanitarian aid to 2 million now intensively suffering people starved of shelter,food and medicine whilst being subject to relentless military attacks. How pitiless must be the heart that supports this how devoid of humanity. The most humanitarian army in the world apparently....
  6. Indias a big winner in all of this as well gets cheap hydrocarbons that have been sanctioned in the west, they get to condemn all the trouble as European problems nothing to do with us and sees a dilution of western power as a result. And as a fairly sworn enemy of China the west can do little but shrug. We have effectively sanctioned ourselves and helped to unite Iran,Russia,China and North Korea into an alternative authoritarian-power, loose coalition. Collectively they have all the parts of a manufacturing and military industrial powerhouse with complimentary synergies. And on top of all this is the middle east, oh yes they are loving it too. Here's the UEA condemning Russia on a recent state visit by Putin. They are effectively laughing at us and at our diminished influence. They always feared when the oil ran out the west would abandon them to their fates. They now have options that don't include Uncle Sam anymore. And Iran will shortly get those nukes they have always wanted check mating Israel at last.
  7. Hadn't heard that one before,very poignant. I asked the Abbott a good man in our Thai temple back in the UK as to what you should do if someone attacks you. He said in the first instance run away !
  8. Very true they want massive rearnament to combat the Russian threat and then claim they have been virtually decimated. A wake up moment for me what comparing the BBC osint figures for casualties with those put out officially by both sides. There are huge differences and of course Ukrainian casualties are a well guarded secret. https://en.zona.media/article/2022/05/20/casualties_eng Now Ukraines official figures are hugely north of that with some reports saying Russia has lost nearly 90% of their men https://www.reuters.com/world/us-intelligence-assesses-ukraine-war-has-cost-russia-315000-casualties-source-2023-12-12/ Given that Russia has 5 times the population of Ukraine it would mean that they could sustain 5 X the casualties for stalemate. So all of this combined leads me to believe at least neither side can win indeed we are in the Stalemate that Zalunhyi publically admitted much to the anger of Zelenskiy and to break that would require criminal levels of further lives lost to most probably no avail. If ghe western public were truly availed of the facts and could see the true horror on both sides I truly believe most would sat enough. Time for peace as a dead man has no freedom is merely dead. There is nothing glorious about it.
  9. I feel a Frank Sinatra song voting on......another busy day on the keyboard front lines in Ruritania.....
  10. I suspect you're right I for a long time suspected that Russians had stuff on Boris Johnson re his weekend trips to Italy to party in Eugeny Lebedevs fathers mansion rumoured to have bunga bunga parties with Russian supermodels. John Sweeney did an excellent doc you can see on YouTube about them. After his huge support for Ukraine if they did exist then they would surely have released him to compromise him. They have never surfaced so the logical conclusion is they don't exist. Of course the real treasure trove is the Epstein tapes I'm convinced at least they did exist and if ever some wikileaks dump did occur it would shake the foundations of western leaders to their very core. You're also right that AI can muddy the waters to such an extent that if that did happen they could be easily briefed away. That said I would look not the Stephen Hawkins one though I'm not that depraved !
  11. A personal hero of mine and I knew him vaguely back in the day at the Comedy Store. A genuis no less and stuck to his principles through thick and thin. Whether you take me seriously or not is entirely up to you. But in the end just one source the Israeli intelligence services. Probably the same team that helped prepare their cunning defence at the ICJ. I'll put that in my cabinet marked dodgy dossier alongside Iraqi WDM.
  12. Bingo you are playing the anti semitic card when I did no such thing. Can I recommend Alexei Sayles wonderful alternative Christmas message. here he explains it wonderfully and very humorously and he can be found marching in the 1000 strong Jewush Bloc on many ceasefire demos in London.
  13. Has any US bombing anywhere since WW2 done anything more than make things worse ? Serious question. It's increasingly looking in the new era a lot of US hyper power military posturing looks like some great big nothing burger.Besides which the Houthis are battle hardened Arab tribesmen prone to dispersal and hidden in the region and well able to resist the hammer looking for very small nuts. The British Empire finally ended in imperial humiliation in Suez there's a great likelihood the US will suffer the same. Joe probably thinks we've hit Hanoi and his generals have to keep correcting him, Houthis Mr President them Houthis.
  14. They were genocided by the white colonial settlers. It made land rights a much easier problem to solve.
  15. 2000 years. I've got an Italian knocking on my door in London carrying a gun telling me that my house belongs to him as <deleted> Maximus lived their when it was Londinium apparently. Should I let him in ?
  16. You answered your own question unintentionally I'm sure. You violently eject large numbers of people from their lands where they have lived for centuries thus driving them demented with rage force them to flee to neighbouring countries that never asked for that and then to add insult to injury lump them all together arabs and wonder why there is a problem ? Walk one mile in their desert sandals and you will know the why.
  17. This is not evidence it is an infographic produced by the Israeli state in pursuance of its aims. BTW thanks for the link the mass of comments under it shows how catastrophically Israel are losing the information war. Trust me bro !
  18. We had no problem getting a Bolt both ways when we went to the next fishing village beyond. I had thought we would have trouble getting one back indeed our hotel quoted us 1200 to go back to Jomtien so was delighted when we got one in 5 minutes who had just finished a drop off in Sattahip.
  19. Acceptable source please rather than trust me bro which appears to be the rather quaint archaic rules that apply in this realm. Found it much famed Israeli Intel that was asleep at the wheel on October 7th in the absence of independent verification I'll put that in the Pinochio drawer along with the WMD lies of times past. https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-intel-shows-10-of-unrwa-workers-in-gaza-have-ties-to-terror-groups-report/
  20. Helpfully the Israeli Levithian that is Gideon Levy has done some work on fleshing out how that could work but reckons with the current generation of Israelis it's a lost cause. https://www.pij.org/articles/1906/one-state-two-nations
  21. A spurious argument in the extreme why should they it's their land and the land of their forefathers for generations unlike many of the European settlers from European genocide. Why don't the Unionists in Northern Ireland go back to Scotland and solve the Irish problem once and for all ? It most certainly wasn't a land without people for a people without a land. A real mask off moment as well with your ALL Palestinians it's called ethnic cleansing it often accompanies a genocide.
  22. Well then publish it the OP article mentions 12. As to why other countries have I don't know maybe it is APAIC US led Zionist 'Put' to purloined a stock market term and a solidifying of the US coming war coalition.
  23. I was I hope quite clear as to my point when a whole race is othered like that and then accused of not being wanted by other countries we are on the same road to perdition. Same with gypsies,gays or communists. Pretty sure had I had the misfortune to have grown up in Nazi Germany I would have been sent to the camps as well. A whole life pubically supporting progressive causes would have seen to that.
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