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Everything posted by beautifulthailand99

  1. As now with their interim judgement does the International Court of Justice are the Hague.
  2. I agree I can't imagine why The Hill has gone out on a limb with its reputation by doing this. That said Max and his side kick Aaron Mate son of holocaust survivor Gabor are both Jewish so can't be accused of anti-semitism.
  3. Precisely my friend. I have seen such horrors on social media from within Gaza that they would bleach your mind forever not committed by swarthy terrorist in sandals but by the impact of a 2000 lb high explosive bomb dropped by our allies in the middle east onto undefended refugees with nowhere to flee. As have most of the rest of the world. The Court of International Justice also agrees and asks for an end to such terrors. On a tangential point I had understood that the Daily Mail was regarded as a unreliable source it certainly is for Wikipedia but hey ho.
  4. The judgement in full and now my sourced graphic again. What was telling was the Court represents its judgement as a statement of fact not that South Africa asserts this. Israel and its backers fully realise this and that's why the sustained and intense campaign to smear UNWRA and the UN generally is in full swing. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/01/26/world/middleeast/icj-gaza-provisional-ruling.html
  5. The judgement - no civilised country ends up in the ICJ accused of genocide. Period. And now they smear everything and anything that supports that truth. Shameful.Putin can only dream of the viciousness that Israel has unleashed on Gaza. Amalek indeed.
  6. I was reading the Daily Mail online and I saw this. It's me and THEY have created a fake website and users to fool me. Damn and they have disguised Thai Visa Forum as ASEAN NOW. Now what?
  7. Oh I have drunk these 19 baht cannabis drinks you can buy at 7 11 before going to bed and am convinced that I have had good dreams and no hangover. Do they actually work ?
  8. That's a really nice way to explain that we all need a bit of sparkle and positive time out from the melee. I've never seen stoners causing public order problems either. Use to do a lot of Amsterdam runs with a group of mates back in the day and we had some brilliant times in the coffee shops. When we were done we would gently sway out laughing away before finding somewhere to crash and continue the vibe. Nothing like a boozed up group would be. One afternoon though I was convinced that the ducks in the Vondelpark were speaking Dutch and convinced the rest of my mates too. That and going round the Van Gogh museum wearing the headsets I remarked to a mate that the ducks were telling me to slash the paintings. We corpsed so much as a group we were asked to leave being gently led away in hysterics. They like Queen Victoria were not amused.
  9. Thanks for all the replies they are very interesting. My wife is with me all the time we are over here (3 months) so I don't get any time to myself and she doesn't approve so that's it. We've been very happily married now for over 22 years now and I was dabbling in various things when we met so she put me on the straight and narrow so it wouldn't be good to risk it all for a kick she wouldn't share. You can't have it all sniffing coke from a hookers cracķ will have to remain just that happy memories !
  10. The Dropbox uk address is easily covered you forwarded mail onto your friend or relative with no idea what was in them. That's not an offence in any universe.
  11. You just did. I don't think the British public fully realises they have just contributed another 2.5 billion with an open cheque book to come to fund not just the Ukrainian military but the whole civic administration as well such as pensions and salaries. And make no mistake we are on a trajectory to probably double our military spend in the next 10 years or maybe sooner. That's with a new generation without affordable housing,secure employment or pensions with the threat of conscription looming its ugly head whilst financially secure boomers cheer it on from their comfortable bolthole in some corrupt foreign land. But when they do there is and will be rising anger on the home front. There's barely a discerniable Ukrainian flag in the UK anymore but a whole sea of Palestinian ones. I'm no fan of Farage but when he sees the EU army coming into being he will mobilise his rag tag army of populists to resist.
  12. Great stuff keep it coming. In the Chinese temple near that Wat Yan is a terracotta warrior the only one outside of China and given by the Chinese government years ago yo the big shot who built this. Very interesting to go and look at all the artefacts and temple complex. There is a small fee to enter.
  13. Edit I thought Chris was worth the effort great man that he is so I did.
  14. If I could be bothered I would post Chris's position on RT he left after the invasion BTW and he was never censored by them or dictated what he could report on so it was just another platform to get his views to a widest audience possible. He was sacked by the NYT when he went against their line on the Iraq invasion and gave a rousing speech to that effect at an American University gradustion. He is as principled as the day is long and probably the greatest living journalist long may he reign. Whereas there is probably no US intervention you haven't supported. At Harvard he founded an underground newspaper which was shut down by the administration and earned him an academic probation. Worked as a correspondent in hot spots and war zones for many years including El Salvador, the Balkans, and the Middle East. Giving the 2003 commencement address at Rockford College in Rockford, Illinois, said: “We are embarking on an occupation that, if history is any guide, will be as damaging to our souls as it will be to our prestige and power and security.” After only a few minutes, he was booed and his microphone cut. Has taught college-credit courses in New Jersey prisons for 10 years and is an outspoken critic of the U.S. penal system. Quit after 15 years with the New York Times refusing to follow their order to stop speaking out against the Iraq war. The paper claimed he was hurting their impartiality. Has been arrested several times for his involvement in Occupy Wall Street and anti-war protests. A hero. That Chris Hedges.
  15. Absolutely and unequivocally to save my time explaining that I will quote an article from the brilliant journalist and now polemicist Purlitzer Prize winner and Presbyterian priest Chris Hedges on the subject. Every single word. https://www.salon.com/2023/07/08/they-lied-about-afghanistan-they-lied-about-iraq-now-theyre-lying-about-ukraine/
  16. This is not the place to debate that. But your contribution is noted.
  17. That's my afternoon wasted then checking out your posts. For the record I unequivocally and unreservedly respect the authority and judgment of the court as the highest international tribunal to settle disputes between nation states.
  18. South Africa Israel can't be arsed to read the other thread but the usual suspects will have no doubt trashed the court so that's that for them nothing to see here. Of course if they get the result they are seeking it will be all true. Straight out of the Trump playbook. So is this a legitimate international court or not think carefully before answering simple answer yes or no ?
  19. Ukrainians BTW don't like you saying the Ukraine as it implies its old name The Ukrainian SSR which was part of the Soviet Union same goes for Kyiv not Kiev. You would be OK though in The Dontesk People's Republic ! Since as a British taxpayer paying money to potentially destabilise my country is high on your agendas is there anything else you would like me to pay for whilst you're here perchance ?
  20. There would be less wars if the attitude was I can't be arsed but then the Internet wouldn't have been invented either and I wouldn't be having this pointless conversation. Maybe I should fight the paranoia and smoke it anyway !
  21. Err no but I'm tapping this out on a tablet rather than a desktop so there are a few punctuation issues probably degrading it's readability. Or it maybe you as well ?
  22. Have a doobie mate and chill out.
  23. When I used to smoke I did think I was better than the straights who didn't that I had some greater insight into the universe as I passed out to a Captain Beefheart album on repeat which in those days meant staggering to the gramophone to turn the thing over with Ash and hot coals hash burning stuff everywhere or after some hugely powerful skunk that had broken an enforced drought trying to calm down an occasional toker mate who was staying over as to who he was. He kept saying who am I repeatedly and giving him just his name back didn't suffice. Great daze.....
  24. Thanks for the artful reasoning you are a siren voice wafting me with smoke to Elyssian fields of stonerdom. I loved it well enough back in the day for sure but it was always a case of making do with what the dealer had in rather than this smorgasbord of delights you currently have. The craving when I did give up lasted months with terrible sleep to boot until one day I just woke up no longer coughing with the dawn chorus and realised I was free.
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