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Everything posted by beautifulthailand99

  1. The evil that men do. Quite horrific and if papers like the Daily Mail are printing this just how bad is the situation. Pariah state indeed. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13248883/Just-skin-bone-starving-Gaza-toddlers-kept-incubators-human-rights-chief-warns-Israel-guilty-war-crime-cut-food-aid.html
  2. Whilst I'm on a run - does Thailand really need any more 'role models' pushing money and dripping in high-end brand names ? If my wife could see me posting this stuff, I would be in big trouble !
  3. I've done it, you need to trawl round the Yaowrat Road in Chinatown. Most won't touch foreign 99.999 - even though mine was Royal Mint and bubble wrapped with a certificate. 2 shops gave me prices but it was for the spot 96.5% - the difference is for their cut and smelting costs, and they broke open the seal and will melt it down even though they were beautiful Britannia bars. Carry it on your person, though, no problem taking it out of the UK nor into Thailand.
  4. It's a red line if I ever try to diss her in any possible way. That said in the UK I got up at 2am in the morning joined Blink (their fan club!) (too late as it turned out) to try and buy 3 tickets for BP in Bangkok at the National Stadium. I was pipped at the post on 2 night's running doing the same thing which would have cost me around 18k baht. She refused to have the standing tickets. Following that I suggested booking a high floor hotel room overlooking the stadium, but she refused that. We went to be outside the stadium on the night of the concert and she enjoyed the festival atmosphere. They let a large group on no tickets into the merch area where Black Pink official merch plastic hammers were selling for 4000 baht ! Thankfully she didn't want any not even the pirate merch. Furthermore, I took her in London to the Hyde Park where they were playing - went up to the ticket booth and offered to by her a single ticket for 85 quid, which she refused as she didn't want to stand. So I have form. She's 60, and I'm 63 I'm calling out she isn't really a fan and my devoted love for her smoked her out !! That said, she is fit as feck ! Hence my simmering hatred !
  5. I hate her, my wife loves her more than anybody else in Thailand and watches hours of mindless YouTube dross by Thai commentators taking apart everything she does. She's super rich, lives abroad and has a rich Swiss farang stepdad and represents nothing but herself - she doesn't write anything and can barely sing either. She doesn't even sing in Thai - give me Milly any day, she is the real thing - she is parodying the K-Pop clones here !
  6. The FAB Glide bombs are nothing new and are similar I believe to NATO'S JDAMS. What it allows is for the cheap upgrading of inertia fall dumb bombs into smart bombs carried by planes up to 70km away from the target with guidance to an accuracy of 10m. Cheap FPV drones are used for target locating. The current largest are 1500kg, but a 3000kg mega bomb is in production. These are raining down on poor Ukrainian conscripts on the frontlines and inflicting devastating damage. https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-ukraine-war-trench-attack/ The 1.5-ton FAB-1500 bomb is a conversion of an old Soviet-era weapon. It is delivered by fighter jets some 70 kilometers from the target then directed by a guidance system and uses pop-out wings to glide toward its target. FAB bombs were used in the recent Russian offensive in the Donetsk region and played havoc with defenses at Avdiivka, a town in eastern Ukraine that fell to Russia last month. “We will need very deep fortifications to withstand these aerial guided bombs,” Pavlenko said. “The Russians fortify whenever and wherever possible, regardless of whether they’re on the offensive, and that is sound war logic,” he added. They have done the same with T90 ammo as well with smart Telnik shells which are programmed to air burst over target locations with deviating impacts. https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2024/02/03/all-russian-t-90m-tanks-in-ukraine-may-have-received-telnik-shells/ Then's the proliferation of loitering munition drones the Lancet, which are being mass-produced in pop up factories in abandoned shopping malls https://kyivindependent.com/how-russias-homegrown-lancet-drone-became-so-feared-in-ukraine/ The Lancet fills an important gap for mid-range precision strikes and counter-battery fire, which Russia, lacking a system like the U.S.-built HIMARS, has otherwise struggled with in Ukraine due to the lower range and precision of their tubed and rocket artillery. “Even when our equipment is hidden in the bushes, it (Lancet) sees the silhouette from far away, and just dives at it like a falcon,” said Oleksandr “Hollywood,” an air defense specialist in Ukraine’s 47th Mechanized Brigade, to the Kyiv Independent. Finally, the TOS Thermobaric has been deployed at the front. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-using-thermobaric-weapons/31734007.html The United Kingdom has accused Russia of deploying thermobaric weapons systems in Ukraine, raising fears there could be an escalation of the damage being done as Moscow intensifies its assault on major cities a week after invading its neighbor. "How far (Russian President Vladimir Putin) will go, what weapons he will authorize to achieve his ultimate aim, is unknown but we've seen the use of massive amounts of artillery. We've seen the deployment of thermobaric artillery weapon systems and we worry how broad those could go," British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said on March 3 during a visit to NATO ally Estonia. The combination of these weapons, coupled with a massive imbalance in artillery shells, means the Ukrainians are facing unprecedented threats on their frontlines. No wonder so few are prepared to conscript, as it's a virtual death sentence.
  7. Oops should have read the OP more carefully.
  8. The 'farang' income tax might mean the shake-down is coming much earlier.
  9. Revolut Premium bank account gives yearly travel insurance of up to 90 days a trip included in the price - as well as free NoprdVPN and Picsart AI tool. A bargain. https://www.revolut.com/revolut-premium/
  10. When asked what was his favourite verse, he came back with I like it all.
  11. It's a niche thing probaly left to high rolling Asians flashing the dosh around and drinking whisky until they are nearly senseless. Angry farangs in these situations are usually because it is dawning on them, they are the mark and they don't have enough money !
  12. That was legendary, but I never went but was on my list of things to do that I never did !
  13. I stayed for many years in Som's Guest House in Soi 22 run by the excellent Som and her alcie husband who was the fount of all knowledge. Som had a couple of bars on the Soi and BA staff would hang out there when on layover.
  14. Are we at the Biden Supporters for Trump Stage now? Or Cows for Trump ?
  15. https://gaysfortrump.org/ Senator McCarthy's right-hand man gay Roy Cohn was Trump's big mentor in his youth and he hung out with a lot of strung out folks at Studio 54 back in the day, so he is socially progressive, pro rape indeed. He should start Rapists for Trump. The Nazis were full of gays, the head of the SA who was got rid of in the Night of the Long Knives was Roehm who Hitler tolerated until he didn't. I've also just found Black Gays for Trump so he has been anointed by rainbow tears. Time to get ready folks Trump is Coming !
  16. Washington Square staggered on well into the 2000s before all being demolished, I used to visit the US rib joint there quite regularly that was very good and there was Soi Zero under the toll way and another small area long since gone whose name I forget.
  17. I imagine that's to get things kicked off quickly and show willing, and then will try and get back what they can via insurance down the line. A payout of that size will be contested by the insurers for sure. For instance, if there was engine failure then maybe the maintenance company would be liable. Who knows. It won't be cheap, and they will have to build it to withstand these new mega container ships, which the original wasn't specced for.
  18. ChatGPT is fairly generic, it looks like an insurance job - the cost of rebuilding god only knows. If the Baltimore bridge collapsed after being hit by a Singaporean container ship, who would be responsible for rebuilding it and how much would it cost ChatGPT If a Singaporean container ship were involved in the collapse of the Baltimore bridge, the responsibility for rebuilding it and the associated costs would depend on a variety of factors including the cause of the incident, liability agreements, insurance coverage, and legal proceedings. Here's a breakdown of potential scenarios: Liability Determination: An investigation would be conducted to determine the cause of the bridge collapse and assess liability. If the collision with the Singaporean container ship was deemed to be the primary cause of the collapse, the shipping company, its insurers, or both could be held liable for damages. Insurance Coverage: The shipping company would likely have marine insurance coverage to protect against liabilities arising from accidents or collisions. This insurance could potentially cover the costs associated with the bridge collapse, including damage to the bridge itself, compensation for any injuries or fatalities, and reimbursement for economic losses incurred by businesses and individuals as a result of the disruption. Legal Proceedings: Legal proceedings may ensue to determine fault and allocate responsibility for the incident. This could involve negotiations between the shipping company, its insurers, government agencies, and other stakeholders to reach a settlement agreement or court judgment regarding liability and compensation. Rebuilding Costs: The cost of rebuilding the Baltimore bridge would depend on various factors including the extent of the damage, the complexity of the reconstruction, and prevailing construction costs. Rebuilding a major bridge is a significant undertaking that could cost hundreds of millions to billions of dollars, depending on the size and design of the structure. Overall, the process of rebuilding the Baltimore bridge after a collision with a Singaporean container ship would likely involve a combination of insurance coverage, legal proceedings, and coordination among various stakeholders to ensure that the bridge is restored in a timely and cost-effective manner. ChatGPT can make mistakes. Consider checking important informa
  19. I asked Chat Gpt what could be the impact of such a disaster - there's a trade there for sure. ChatGPT 3.5 what would be the impact on us supply chains if the Baltimore bridge was to collapse in March ChatGPT The collapse of a significant infrastructure element like the Baltimore bridge would likely have widespread impacts on US supply chains, particularly if it's a key transportation artery. Here are some potential impacts: Disruption of Transportation Routes: The collapse of the Baltimore bridge would disrupt the flow of goods along one of the major transportation routes in the region. This disruption could lead to delays in the delivery of goods and increased transportation costs as companies are forced to find alternative routes. Regional Economic Impact: The bridge collapse could have a significant impact on the regional economy, particularly if it is a major thoroughfare for commuters and businesses. Businesses may struggle to receive necessary supplies and materials, leading to production delays and lost revenue. Supply Chain Backlogs: With transportation routes disrupted, supply chain backlogs could occur as goods are unable to reach their intended destinations in a timely manner. This could lead to shortages of certain products and increased prices as demand outstrips supply. Increased Costs: Companies may incur increased costs as they are forced to reroute shipments and find alternative transportation methods. These increased costs could be passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices for goods and services. Infrastructure Inspection and Repair Costs: Following the collapse, there would be significant costs associated with inspecting the remaining infrastructure to ensure its safety, as well as repairing or replacing the bridge itself. These costs would likely be borne by taxpayers and could strain government budgets. Impact on Businesses and Industries: Certain industries that rely heavily on the affected transportation route, such as logistics, manufacturing, and retail, would be particularly hard hit by the bridge collapse. Businesses may need to reassess their supply chain strategies and make adjustments to mitigate the impact of the disruption. Long-Term Economic Consequences: Depending on the extent of the damage and the time required to repair or replace the bridge, the long-term economic consequences could be significant. Businesses may lose customers and revenue, and the overall competitiveness of the region could be affected. Overall, the collapse of the Baltimore bridge would have far-reaching implications for US supply chains, causing disruption, increased costs, and potential long-term economic consequences. Efforts to repair and strengthen infrastructure to prevent such incidents are crucial for maintaining the resilience of the supply chain network.
  20. Deep South near to the Malaysian border. A lot carry loaded weapons there apparently.
  21. Thanks, apparently it's at that stage at the moment, but the bail bond was 500k which has been handled by 2 chanotes and tabien rot for the car and the shootee wants a payoff which is apparently being negotiated.
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