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Everything posted by Tippaporn

  1. Then I can return to my sabbatical! Good work all around, fellas!!
  2. I've been on sabbatical these past months. Would someone quickly fill me in on what I've missed?
  3. What's so funny @landtrout? Where's you're disagreement with what I wrote? Share it.
  4. I call it principles. You either live by them or not. They're not something you waver on for light and transient causes. ". . . regardless of what the Thai people all around you on the BTS are doing . . . " I'm not a sheep. I'm not in the habit of doing as everyone else does without questioning whether it's a good idea or not. Wearing masks is not a good idea in my estimation. "it is the right thing to do . . . " What's right is relative, as is what's wrong. You should know that. Taking the (your) moral high ground doesn't in and of itself make your point of view correct. People often take moral high grounds as false argumentative tactics. I don't fall for that trick. BTW, the act of respect is the recognition of a person's worth. It has naught to do with agreeing or disagreeing with the ideas they hold or live by. I may or may not respect someone's wishes. But that's not the same as having respect for the person. I have respect for you because you have innate worth as a human being. As much as I do. But I don't agree with the ideas you're presenting here. Does my disagreement constitute disrespect towards you? Hardly. And so neither is my choice of not wearing a mask in a train full of mask wearers an act of disrespecting them as people. I simply don't agree with their ideas for wearing a mask. And in that sense also I'm respecting my principles. I'm respecting myself.
  5. So you're dropping the wearing of masks as a 'cultural' thing? The goal posts change and now it's about respecting their sense of politeness. Now here's where you make a huge erroneous assumption: ". . . that is what the Thai people have decided is something that is important to them." It wasn't until mask wearing became mandatory that most Thais complied. Before the mandate went into effect there were some that did and a lot that didn't. I'd be careful before I claimed to know what all Thai people think (as if they all think the same, too).
  6. You know, that's a point that I noticed back then, too. Tons of videos showing people collapsing everywhere. But I can't recall seeing a single similar video outside of China. Things that make you go, "Hmmmm."
  7. Whose science and whose credible studies?
  8. Since when did wearing a face mask become a Thai cultural norm? Thais didn't wear them before 2020. Or is this a new, modern Thai cultural norm you've just invented? When I don't wear a mask amongst Thais who wear masks I teach them to not be afraid. Otherwise, I fully agree with the adage "when in Rome, do as the Romans" and I practice it.
  9. No. The cough spit circulates inside your mask.
  10. When you find out that governments and media are not the truth tellers you thought they were then the game changes.
  11. Whose scientific data? And how do you know the scientific data that you do go by is any good? Is it only good because you've been told it's good. Likely. Still, how do you account for opposing scientific data other that to perhaps call it pseudo-science and dismiss it? Would you, on your own, be able to tell the difference? Not likely. The above questions are for all of those here who think they know what's what because they "go with the science." In truth, they go with what they go with only because they trust they're not being lied to. In other words, they go on faith. That's about it.
  12. Did you ever consider that we have facts which you are ignorant of? The MSM keeps you in the dark. Not only that, they work to discredit the truth. The truth is everywhere if you look for it. But you'll never look outside your self created paradigm since you've been so indoctrinated to believe everything outside of that paradigm is a lie. There's a great big world out there if you've the courage to step outside of your safe space. Give DeSantis and Dr. Ladapo huge credit for possessing the courage to face the oncoming onslaught that the media and big pharma will most assuredly attempt to wreak on them.
  13. ‘Paramount importance’: Judge orders FDA to hasten release of Pfizer vaccine docs https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/paramount-importance-judge-orders-fda-hasten-release-pfizer-vaccine-docs-2022-01-07/ There's an army of mostly volunteer experts and lawyers going through those documents and are finding extremely damning information. They've also begun filing lawsuits based on the information they've uncovered. Unfortunately the MSM doesn't cover that type of news so for most posters here that information is denied to them as the only sources that do report on any of those findings are labeled "conspiratorial sites." How convenient if you want to hide the truth, eh? If the NYT, WaPo, et al don't report on it then it didn't really happen, right?
  14. "You claim that any media source that reports information you disagree with is extremely biased." Your putting words in my mouth. I never said any of what you wrote. I only said that Axios is extreme far left and that is a fact. Such strong bias can never arrive at any truth. "I can't find the link to any article posted by you." Not true. You found the link to the BBC article without a hitch. "And as I've pointed out, Ron Johnson clearly doesnt even understand why it's invalid to use the VAERS the way he did. Link me to something he or his "experts" put in writing so I can debunk it." Educate yourself. Or is that a problem? You refuse to watch the video but claim it's all "conspiracy theory" (. . . "so I can debunk it . . . " - conspiracy theory implied with that statement) without ever knowing the facts they present? Am I dealing with a serious person here?
  15. "This actually establishes the contrary of what you believe." Read your own writing. They have no proof, as I don't have proof. But to you their "possibilities" "establish" that the vax is NOT the cause. You honestly know neither but attempt to argue for your narrative anyway. BTW, I never stated my beliefs either way. There is most definitely a great number of deaths and adverse events taking place and I'm all for getting to the bottom of the causes. Which is what DeSantis aims to do. In heaven's name, why would you be so adamantly opposed to discovering the real truth about why we are experiencing so many unexplained deaths and destroyed lives? Do you care?
  16. This is to appease @Bkk Brian> ". . . conspiracy theory . . . " Is that all you've got, placeholder? Call everyone who disagrees with you a conspiracy theorist? In essence, any opinion, any at all, which counters yours is automatically a conspiracy theory? I hope you understand that I see right through that tactic. Why don't you counter, in an intellectual, rational fashion, the other article I posted? Or perhaps counter what's in the video I presented? Or is it easier to use bully-boy schoolyard tactics of name calling? Sen. Ron Johnson's panel provides a great deal of expert data and findings, and I hope DeSantis works with him. Is there anything presented there that you disagree with, and over which we can have a rational debate? Or aren't those allowed in your world?
  17. I believe the CDC will be investigated by DeSantis. Don't quote me on that because I can't find the source. If/when I do I'll post it. The CDC doesn't sport a halo above it's official insignia. Of course any government official who supports the narrative of the left is beyond corruption. That's a given assumption that's plain as fact. Right?
  18. Sources pending review. Now I've been told that if a source is not confirmed as reliable it can't be used. Let's play by your rules. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/?s=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fortunejournals.com
  19. I did read the article. Yes, it's from the BBC. Do you expect the BBC to take an anti-vax position? Now that would be laughable. Of course they are going to address the facts and then come up with any doctor or other expert to provide other "possibilities" as explanations. That's like, duh! And so it doesn't "establish" anything. Or did you read anything which absolutely confirms the cause? You didn't because it's not there. But you're likely to believe anything, even the most remotest possibility they offer, as long as it fits your narrative. Let's not fool each other. The point of my posting that article was to highlight the headline, which fact can't be completely ignored. I believe the problem exists in the U.S. as well. Which is why I'm applauding DeSantis' efforts. What objection do you have for finding the real cause?
  20. We're still in the process of getting all the documentation together (no hurries) but I did have a few excellent finds that are worth sharing as they would be very helpful (and cost saving) to future readers. Getting a certified translation to English for the girl's Thai birth certificate was done at the Thai Department of Consular Affairs on Ram Inthra Rd. in Lak Si, Bangkok. For recent births (can't remember the cut-off year) these are easily obtained. Price - free. You must, though, make an appointment first. Since the mum was born before the cut-off year we had to look elsewhere for a translation. I ran across an excellent and helpfui educational and resource site called ExpatDen which covered all types of translation needs in minutiae. We originally had our target set on First Choice Translation Co., Ltd. located in Samsen Nai, Bangkok but I found their price of ฿11,500 to be outrageously steep. Lead time is 6 days and travel to their office is required. So I went to a recommended certified translator site provided by ExpatDen. Bangkok Translation and Interpretation Service Quotes can easily and conveniently be done on-line without the need to travel to their office. The Thai document can be sent electronically either via their website or by email. Replies for quotes are rather immediate. Translated documents can be return sent either by email or both email and post, if the original is required. Lead time is 2 working days, whilst the delivery time for the original translated document is excluded. Translations are certified, review and proofreading is done by 2 linguists, and they offer unlimited revisions in case of errors. The price was an absolute shocker. ฿550 for the translation and ฿50 for the postal fee. We are going to our favourite Italian restaurant this late afternoon to pig out for free thanks to the savings.
  21. Simon & Garfunkel with the title track off of their '64 Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M. debut LP. But again I'm getting ahead of myself.
  22. Yaz with Tuesday off of their '82 Upstairs At Eric's debut LP.
  23. Men Without Hats with On Tuesday off of their '87 Pop Goes The World LP.
  24. Mockers with Forever Tuesday Morning off of their '85 Culprit And The King LP.

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