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Posts posted by BaldPlumber

  1. About a year ago, after a year of whinging, I took my GF to Yanhee in Bangkok for some new plastic tits. This is a purely cosmetic hospital which cover just about any conceivable cosmetic enhancement. The hospital and staff are very, very impressive with decent aftercare. She was kept in overnight in a suite and I was able to sleep on the sofa - they provided bed linen. From memory, it cost about 60K baht, but of course you will get many people telling you that this operation is possible for 20K.

    Anyway, over a year on and they're still all good. No visible scars and no discomfort.

    Here's the link

  2. I'm after a used motorbike, so quite naturally I look at the bikes section of the classified ads forum and then click on whatever interests me. I am then presented with pretty much nothing except some nonsense about twitter, an icon to recommend something (I am not sure what), a handy URL pointing I presume, to the same empty space and that is just about it, certainly nothing that might help me to see if the ad is of any use to me.

    So, either I am a complete moron and am unable to position my cursor and click a button - something that anyone with access to the internet has done at least 54 trillion times before, or these are the worst ads I have ever seen.

    Oops - I have just worked it out, it doesn't work with firefox.

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