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Posts posted by BaldPlumber

  1. it seemed the Thai society has accepted a large age gap in a relationship between younger Thai woman and older foreign man
    no sir...!
    it is only a question of money for the family and where the girl is from (usualy poor area)......a respectable medium class or high class thai famlily will never accept that kind of marriage.
    thats why there is a discordance beetween the government laws and what should be our rights in this country , they dont understand what we are doing with those girls, we look like pervert to them.
    they dont like it at all, they autorize it or close the eyes because we spend a lot of money, and contribute to the thai economy, but the high society is concervative and do not accept and agree with this way of life.

    That would seem like a very good reason not to aspire to mix with hiso Thais then, as many here profess to do.
  2. 100 million "dent" in the economy?

    That translates to a loss of 5000 tourists each spending 20,000.

    What time frame is he talking about? I think the calibre of the tourists going to the district for a weekend of nooky are not the 20,000-in-a-weekend type of customers, and not in those numbers either.

    You have no idea on the economy and price that is in betong..I have been there every weekends for a 2 years time frame and trust me the tourists there spent 20,000 per night and some even more( for myself I spend around 20,000 - 40,000 baht every weekend).. Me and my friends can spent 600,000- 1,000,000 baht for a 4 days trip..

    So please get your fact right before you judge something..

    What on earth do you spend so much money on?

  3. Im not going to give you the whole 9 yards in graphic detail step by step I know what happened and a pedo got what he deserved thats all that matters, If you used you brain youd have worked out as i have since he was probably well known to the cops as many pervs using the trains then were or theyd have not done what they did, cops wernt in the habit of throwing people down stairs even then unless there was some reason and ive probably forgotten some of the details and happily so ive no interest in recalling them for your pleasure to read. I also never mentioned gangsta upbringing I said i was scared but streetwise in london, thats all.

    He had it coming 100% and I got appropriate closure for me, at that time. thats all i care about and I really dont care what you think or believe Mr pedo disbeliever.

    PS your fantasy about kelly never happened either so its moot. coffee1.gif

    Mathew Kelly was arrested in 2003 and all charges were dropped later as they were fictitious.

    I've never heard of paedofiles using the rail network to target victims. Seems a bit unlikely to me for all sorts of obvious reasons.

    • Like 1
  4. Sad stuff when somebody thinks his 'likes' are important. Get a life man !

    Did I say I thought 'likes' were important? Secondly, tell me all about your life. Do you live it to the full? Do you have friends? Money? What are the things that you have achieved that you are proud of?
    Why start a thread on it then?

    Have one more "like" to add to your growing and impressive collection.
  5. Sad stuff when somebody thinks his 'likes' are important. Get a life man !

    Did I say I thought 'likes' were important? Secondly, tell me all about your life. Do you live it to the full? Do you have friends? Money? What are the things that you have achieved that you are proud of?
    Why start a thread on it then?
  6. you should ask this question in the pattaya forum, i am really curious to hear their answer...

    They'll probably going to say going to bars, drink, bring a bar girl home, play with her, then sleep all day, then go back to do the same things again the next night and the night after and after...
    Excellent, another sly, passive aggressive dig at people in pattaya. Sorry your royal thainess, we're not worthy.
    Please do tell what do they do all day? Go to temple and meditate?
    I doubt very much whether any farang in Pattaya is spending any time at all having sly little digs about the activities of anyone else tbh.
  7. you should ask this question in the pattaya forum, i am really curious to hear their answer...

    They'll probably going to say going to bars, drink, bring a bar girl home, play with her, then sleep all day, then go back to do the same things again the next night and the night after and after...
    Excellent, another sly, passive aggressive dig at people in pattaya. Sorry your royal thainess, we're not worthy.
    • Like 1
  8. Could someone from TV please advise me how to get the TV classifieds to render correctly in the worlds most popular browser? I am unable to see photos in any ad but maybe I am doing something wrong.

    I refuse to start IE as I quickly lose the will to live and TBH, would rather chew my left arm off.

    Any advice from suitably knowledgeable TV techies would be appreciated.


  9. Good luck with yours. Be aware that the seat height is raised a bit. Also, do your due diligence - I didn't and the shop had mine in for an unbelievable 12 days. They first rendered the bike unusable and then they just waited, waited and then waited some more for the parts. Luckily, I borrowed a scooter from a friend but 12 days? good grief! [emoji15]

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