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Posts posted by BaldPlumber


    I guess the first question I'd ask is whether you live in Thailand or not?  Because if you do, and you've been able to convince the majority of sellers to ship ANYTHING to Thailand, you're ahead of most of us.  Lots of EBay sellers won't even deal with Thailand.   And if your international EBay goodies arrive in Thailand without the delay, hassle and cost of customs, you're either ordering small, or you're extremely lucky.  Every time I order anything worth over $200, it seems I get hit with VAT and sometimes with import duties, except when I order through Lazada.  Less than $100, not so much.  Between $100-200, it's a flip of the coin.  


    The program I'm talking about is their Global Delivery program.  Since EBay stuff is marketed to many countries, it's impossible to post a single, delivered price that's going to take into consideration postal charges and customs duties.  A delivered price that may be profitable to the USA could lose the seller a buttload of money shipping into Russia.


    So I don't compare prices head to head between EBay and Lazada.  I compare the delivered price, to my office in Bangkok.

    The stuff I buy is indeed very small.

    Bits and bobs really.

    If I buy anything large then I will usually deal with the supplier direct and pay by PayPal and I will know roughly what to expect in import duty and VAT before I agree to the purchase.

    Here's the value I get from ordering even Chinese crap from Lazada.  The price they list is the delivered price.  No adders for freight.  No surprises from customs.  The stuff just shows up.  Usually faster than I expect it.


    The same program from EBay also adds significant cost. 

    I've never had any of that in the many years I've been using eBay.

    I would have thought that most people would be aware of the protection offered by eBay and the refund policy offered by PayPal.

    Guess you're just unlucky.

    The same program? What are you talking about.
  3. I asked lazada if and when they proposed to develop a filter that excluded items delivered from abroad.

    Unsurprisingly, they have no plans to do this.

    I'm struggling to see the point of lazada if you have to plow through items shipped from abroad, that you can get easily and cheaper from eBay.


    As I wrote, only 1 hour—a mere seven posts—before you became the sixth person to correct me, I had already been corrected—and acknowledged my error—16 hours earlier. A good idea to read the thread before posting an utterly redundant comment.

    Can I be the seventh person and the sixth idiot to correct your entirely understandable mistake?


    I'm sure there will be an eighth in due course.
  5. I need a recommendation for a dentist in the Jomtien area who hopefully isn't a pathological sadist or a farang bandit haha.

    I have a healthy fear of dentists and have managed to avoid any close and uncomfortable encounters with the dental profession for most of my life, with the exception of regular checkups and a few fillings when I was much younger.

    I now fear that one of my teeth has died and it's starting to give me a little, but not massive, pain.

    I think it needs to come out. I'm pretty sure that it will have to.

    I believe that it's my left mandibular second molar, so it's right at the back of my mouth. I don't think that this is one of the teeth that are usually visible, no matter how big a smile you might have.

    So, I'm after recommendations for a nearby dentist and some idea of idea of likely cost. Plus, if anyone has had one of these taken out I would be grateful for any information on the procedure and how uncomfortable it's going to be

    Many thanks for any advice.

  6. 13 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:
    Only happened once a long time ago going down town from Naklua,  quite a simple response rang the bell just at dolphin round about. Walked up to passenger window as normal and told the driver in Thai there was a smelly fat farang smoking in the back,and walked off. Walked over the road and flagged the next bus down.


    Walked over the road and flagged the next bus down?

    So, you didn't want to carry on traveling in the same direction then?


  7. I think your body is usually pretty good at letting you know when you're needing additional hydration.

    Good luck on finding any female in the UK whose not clutching a bottle of designer water, no matter how sedentary an activity she might be engaged in.

    Never seen a Thai lady surgically attached to water bottles though, despite the climate.

  8. Maybe they could help build the foundations for the re-build of the quake hit towns?

    At least they would be of some use.

    If they couldn't be bothered to rebuild their own country, what makes you think they would have the slightest interest in helping others rebuild theirs?

    Not exactly their MO it would appear.

  9. I see. More proof that in order to get the most from the "programme" here on TVF forum one needs to keep an open mind "whilst" being aware "colourful" terms for common things understood only in a limited area of the English speaking world.

    You're quite right, being a Brit I never would have thought there would be any confusion over such a simple noun. Seems that I was wrong though ......

  10. You promised her you would not push her to have sex with you. You then proceeded to have sex with her a couple of times just before leaving Thailand.

    This is terrible. You have violated this poor girls trust and faith in you and I hope you feel ashamed of yourself.

    No wonder she needs a bit of your money to get over the shock of this, any good Thai girl would.

    Anyway, what was the question again?

  11. Im still surprised when people say thay have NEVER come across situations other people mention.
    I mean, u have NEVER come across a needy person? Come on dude...not likely.

    By nature needy people like to latch onto others...i dont know what they are after and i dont ask.
    As soon i sense neediness im outa there!

    Only if you define needy by someone asking "how do you say this?" "do you know where I can find xxx?" etc etc

    Personally, I don't call that needy. I call that someone who wants to know something.

    But then again, I'm surprised at the number of people who post that they no longer associate with fellow countrymen, or, seek to avoid them completely.
  12. I have a Thai tutor for a 4 hours each week, but I am worried that his effectiveness is now being impaired by a lack of reading resources.


    Luckily, he is printing a couple of the Marnee / Marna books which will keep me going for a while.


    I'm not too worried about the content and am concentrating more on the structure of the progression within the books from simple to more complex. I actually find them quite entertaining; I didn't know that field crabs existed, let alone that they lived in holes. It's also quite good to talk about these books with Thai people as they all remember them, seemingly with a lot of affection. My take is, if it was good enough for Thais at school then it's probably good enough for me.


    Since starting to learn to read and write Thai I have decided on two things:-


    • Transliteration is a complete waste of time and is unlikely to be useful or accurate in the long term. A much more effective technique is to generate electronic flash cards and test yourself against English / Thai words in both directions and in a variety of ways e.g. multiple choice, exact spelling etc


    • Orally learning new words, as a structured learning technique, is also now a waste of time, except as an essential consequence of  learning to read, obviously this does not apply to casually picking up new words.


    I've got, or will have tonight, about 180 pages of content now, which should keep me busy for a while.


    Am I right in thinking that, as a general assumption, Thais are not too keen on reading fiction as many westerners are? I say this after visiting a few book shops and noticing almost a complete lack of Thai fiction. Technical reference yes, fiction not so much.


    I'd be interested in any thoughts about my two decisions outlined above and any other techniques others have found useful for reasonably rapid progression.



  13. I've noticed that this is one of a few frequently recurring topics on TV; the needy / boring / dimwitted / drunkard farang looking to latch onto the superior, knowledgeable and wise TV member.

    Does this actually happen in real life though? The reason I ask is that I find it difficult to reconcile the miserable, entitled, intolerant online personas of an awful lot of posters here with the sort of people radiating an air of quiet resourcefulness, bonhomie and competence necessary to attract these people who they clearly despise.

    In fact, I would go as far as to say that I have never witnessed or experienced anything like this, ever. Excepting of course, people who have only been here for a day or two and are like fish out of water, but these are not the life essence sucking leeches that these threads often allude to.

    So, please educate me. What are these people after from you? Help, assistance, money, life long bestie status, a go on your lovely wife? Do tell.

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