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Posts posted by BaldPlumber

  1. Badoo is a complete waste of time. Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women. You may be surprised at how well that works.

    "Badoo is a complete waste of time."

    Do you speak from experience?

    "Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women."

    You might as well ask "Why identify exactly what you want on Amazon when you can spend hours driving all over the place looking for it, and maybe not find it?"

    If the internet will let me screen many women to identify a small subset of interest before chatting with them, why not do it the efficient way?

    Actually, I do speak from experience as I tried it when i first came to Thailand.

    Quickly realized that the vast majority of girls on Badoo are either hookers, girls looking for sugar daddies or even worse they are married to a Thai man and looking for the BBD.

    I met my fiancee the way my parents met and there parents met, I seen her and had the balls to speak to her.

    That was 3 years ago.

    If you have to drive around hours to find a girl in Thailand like your reference to Amazon then you have serious problems.

    I can walk outside and within the first 5 minutes find at least 20 girls to speak with.

    And looking to purchase a television on Amazon is not the same as finding women.

    Tv's all look the same and do the same whereas there are no two women the same.

    20 girls in 5 minutes. Wow your good! At exaggerating! What else do you exaggerate?
    That certainly paints a picture of a demented lunatic frantically running from female to female in a feverish attempt to meet the woman of his dreams within 5 minutes and 5 metres from where he's living .


    As to the extremely comprehensive reply as to why you should pay the subscription, I agree completely. If you are at least halfway normal, you should get many potential leads.

    Another I___t whose reading comprehension is that of a 3 year old.

    To help you in understanding today's reading comprehension lesson.

    I said I can.

    I didn't say I do.

    Fair enough, so you just assume that this approach might work since you've not tried it.

  2. Badoo is a complete waste of time. Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women. You may be surprised at how well that works.

    "Badoo is a complete waste of time."

    Do you speak from experience?

    "Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women."

    You might as well ask "Why identify exactly what you want on Amazon when you can spend hours driving all over the place looking for it, and maybe not find it?"

    If the internet will let me screen many women to identify a small subset of interest before chatting with them, why not do it the efficient way?

    Actually, I do speak from experience as I tried it when i first came to Thailand.

    Quickly realized that the vast majority of girls on Badoo are either hookers, girls looking for sugar daddies or even worse they are married to a Thai man and looking for the BBD.

    I met my fiancee the way my parents met and there parents met, I seen her and had the balls to speak to her.

    That was 3 years ago.

    If you have to drive around hours to find a girl in Thailand like your reference to Amazon then you have serious problems.

    I can walk outside and within the first 5 minutes find at least 20 girls to speak with.

    And looking to purchase a television on Amazon is not the same as finding women.

    Tv's all look the same and do the same whereas there are no two women the same.

    20 girls in 5 minutes. Wow your good! At exaggerating! What else do you exaggerate?
    That certainly paints a picture of a demented lunatic frantically running from female to female in a feverish attempt to meet the woman of his dreams within 5 minutes and 5 metres from where he's living .


    As to the extremely comprehensive reply as to why you should pay the subscription, I agree completely. If you are at least halfway normal, you should get many potential leads.

  3. Very odd, he recognises that the EU is undemocratic, uncountable and does not necessarily follow the wishes of the people it dictates to

    But, he rejects brexit on the grounds that he disagrees with the policies of Boris and Michael Gove.

    Surely the point is that any democratic government can be voted out whereas the unelected European commission can't be.

  4. More elitist nonsense written in a style that will fail to resonate with the great British public, but will delight the intelligentsia.

    It must be terrifying for the hand wringing liberal left to realise that each vote is equal, surely that can't be fair.

    Boris is undoubtedly playing his buffoonery cards in a calculated manner.

    Actually I think Boris has learnt a bit from the trump campaign, this speech will travel far and wide and even if it's complete nonsense it will strike a chord with many people.

  5. When the ruling elite fail to act on the best interests of their citizens then they deserve to face the wrath of the population at election time.

    Take away this basic democratic right and you leave yourself open to tyranny.

    Short term economic gains or losses or , even more ridiculously, the promise of low cost data roaming and holiday flights are but nothing in comparison.

    The saying goes you get the government you deserve when you don't vote. Well, we can consign this truism to the scrap heap if we vote to remain as part of the EU because we will never be allowed to hold the EU commission to account.

  6. Boris now equating EU aims with Hitler


    Poor Boris. The man's losing it through desperation.

    Do you think his Turkish genes are starting to show?

    I'm sure our European friends will be delighted at his appalling comments

    No chance of leading a respectable party like the Conservatives now

    Shades of Trump!

    Boris is a poor standard bearer for brexit.

    Both Michael Gove and Nigel Farage are better informed and more eloquent speakers.

    I think Boris appeals more to the man in the street, despite his background being not dissimilar to the PM. Nigel is a bit too blokeish for broad appeal and Gove seems to appeal to nobody in particular. Yes, I think Boris is a decent choice, reminds me somewhat of Bill Clinton in the 1992 campaign, the comeback kid.

    Boris undoubtedly appeals to the man in the street, despite being the poshest of the posh.

    I worry though that his fake buffoonery is wrong for a subject of such enormous and lasting importance and he risks trivialising it.

  7. Boris now equating EU aims with Hitler


    Poor Boris. The man's losing it through desperation.

    Do you think his Turkish genes are starting to show?

    I'm sure our European friends will be delighted at his appalling comments

    No chance of leading a respectable party like the Conservatives now

    Shades of Trump!

    Boris is a poor standard bearer for brexit.

    Both Michael Gove and Nigel Farage are better informed and more eloquent speakers.

  8. I'm pretty sure the thickos outnumber the intelligentsia in the UK.

    I'm worried though, that their attention span might not match the worthies who have been bestowed with critical thinking abilities during their time at uni getting a 2:2 in street mime.

    I just hope they can drag themselves away from Eastenders or whippet fancying or whatever it is that the great unwashed do, in order to vote on the 23rd.

  9. Copied from comments on sky news.

    Eighty Commonwealth community and business leaders have written an open letter to the PM lobbying for Brexit as they believe membership of the EU restricts British world trade. They claim that the EU's control of British trade policy stops the UK from negotiating its own trade deals outside the EU. (the commonwealth group also complained of the EU's discriminatory migration practices which favour EU citizens over world citizens)

    Barclays Bank analysts have come to the conclusion that Brexit could make Britain a "safe haven" from a disintegrating EU, and dissuade Scotland from breaking away from the relative safety of the UK.

    70% of Chief Financial Officers (CFO's) say that Brexit would NOT damage global business with the UK. CFO's are the senior managers responsible for overseeing the financial activities of entire companies.

    Boeing, the worlds largest aircraft maker, has picked Britain as home for its new European headquarters regardless of Brexit. Boeing shrugged off concerns about a UK exit from the EU and selected London as the base for its entire European operation. Boeing currently employs approximately 2,000 staff and has also invested £1.8billion in the country.

    Multibillion dollar cosmetics giant Avon is relocating its headquarters to Britain from the US after 130-years, regardless of Brexit. Avon said the move will help the company maximise direct connections to its global operations through a UK base.

    Vicky Redwood, Chief UK Economist at Capital Economics, has said that Brexit will not stop the City from prospering. She stated that the City could nonetheless "still prosper if the UK left the EU", noting that London's reputation as a global finance centre predates the Single Market.

    The CBI has conceded defeat in its economic arguments to remain in the EU, following the publication of a study it commissioned from PwC, which revealed that economic growth will be higher in the long-term if we leave the EU. It's an admission that higher costs through taxes and regulatory compliance makes us less competitive than we should be.

    HSBC and Toyota have declared they are staying in the UK in the event of Brexit.

    Lord Blackwell, chairman of Lloyds Banking Group and former advisor to two Prime Ministers, has said that the UK-EU relationship is increasingly unsustainable. He adds that Brexit will NOT hurt the UK economy.

    Norway's $830billion wealth fund, the worlds largest, has stated that Brexit is NOT a significant risk. Yngve Slyngstad, CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management, has said "we will continue to be a significant investor in the UK at about the same level as we are today and probably even increasing our investments there going forward no matter what happens."

    Willie Walsh, Chief Executive of International Airlines Group, which includes BA, has dismissed the 'remain' campaigns scaremongering and argued that Brexit will have no economic impact.

    John Longworth, director-general of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), has said Britain would be better off outside the EU. In a speech at the BCC annual conference in London, Mr. Longworth said the UK could create a "brighter economic future for itself" outside the EU. He has since resigned in order to continue his support for Brexit.

    One of Britains most influential fund managers, Neil Woodford (BAE Systems, GlaxoSmithKline and BT), has commissioned research from consultancy Capital Economics which shows no lasting negative impact on the UK. It even shows possible economic benefits from Brexit.

    Mark Littlewood, director-general of the Institute for Economic Affairs, believes that the UK will be better off outside the EU. He explained his views in a video for the BBC's Daily Politics (10/03/16).

    Sir James Dyson, inventor and vacuum cleaner tycoon, has stated he believes the UK should quit the EU.

    The boss of Wetherspoons has declared that he believes the UK can thrive outside the EU.

    The former HSBC chief executive Michael Geoghegan, and the founders of JML, Reebok and Phones4U all support Brexit, as does the CEO of Legal and General, the CEO of Numis Securities and the boss of Odey Asset Management.

    Ruth Lea - economic advisor to the Arbuthnot Banking Group - says the UK should leave "an increasingly dysfunctional EU", and that Britain can thrive post-Brexit.

    Jim Mellon - entrepreneur, investor and chairman of Burnbrae Group - supports Brexit, saying the UK should leave Europe before the "inevitable eurozone meltdown".

    Frances Dickens - entrepreneur, co-founder and Chief Executive of Astus Group - supports Brexit, saying that Brexit could offer school-leavers a rare opportunity for better jobs, better wages and better chances to set up their own businesses.

    Peter Hargreaves, co-founder of FTSE 100 stockbroker Hargreaves Lansdown, has said he supports Brexit. He has said that a British exit from the EU could help stimulate Britain, with a fresh start helping the nation to innovate. He said concerns about leaving the EU were overblown. He has sent a letter to two in three UK households, urging them to back Brexit. In the letter, Mr. Hargreaves urges voters to ignore "heads of big institutions whose cushy lives will be disrupted by change" and listen to entrepreneurs who back Brexit.

    The RMT Union will campaign for Brexit from a "pro-austerity, anti-worker" European Union. In a statement, RMT's general secretary Mike Cash said: "EU policies are at odds with the aspirations of this union as the various treaties and directives are demanding the privatisation of our rail and ferry industries". He added that the EU was negotiating secret trade deals "which will decimate our health and education sectors, and hand huge powers to transnational corporations over nation states and their governments".

    ASLEF, the train drivers union, is campaigning for Brexit. It says that workers rights offered by Brussels are "far outweighed and undermined by the benefits given to big business and banking".

    The 20,000 strong Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU) also supports Brexit.

    Winterflood Securities founder, Brian Winterflood, is backing Brexit. His son, Guy Winterflood, is a serial tech-entrepreneur currently running data firm Letyano, and he also backs Brexit. Other son, Mark Winterflood, is a private banker at HSBC and also supports Brexit.

  10. David Cameron believes be may have negotiated a temporary "stay of execution" as far as future migration

    is concerned. It remains to be seen, of course. When push comes to shove, Mr Cameron may find that the

    chips become stacked against him by the EU commissioners. We will then see how the Exchequer copes

    with the future demands on the NHS and other Social Services, without raising taxes or other imposts on the

    British people.

    I think David Cameron and the Bremainers are yet to appreciate the capacity for duplicity in groups who have no perceived contractual, moral or legal responsibility to act as they allegedly agreed to.

    As long as vastly disproportionate non contributory benefits are extended to all and sundry it is quite obvious that wealthier countries will be targeted by highly mobile, unqualified, uneducated and unneeded people and their dependents from participating member states.

    I would do exactly the same if I were in their position.

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