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Posts posted by BaldPlumber

  1. OP, so you think it's acceptable to turn up whenever you please, expecting your friend to wait as long as is necessary because you failed to think about how long the journey might take?

    Most people would regard this as self centered laziness and would rapidly disassociate themselves from you.

    Blaming it on the fact that you're living in Thailand is frankly, ridiculous.

  2. Brexit is undoubtedly already priced into the sterling exchange rate.

    It's interesting that even with the overwhelming support for bremain from economists, captains of industry and world leaders that the brexit vote is nudging ahead.

    It's hard to reconcile that if such doom and gloom, pestilence and plague will surely follow a brexit decision, that the government actually allowed a referendum to begin with.

  3. Hi All

    Apologies if this is in the wrong place, so mods, please feel free to move it.

    OK, I'm planning on going on a little solo motorcycle trip at the beginning of next month and am after some advice.

    I am starting off from Pattaya and am riding a Honda Forza. I'm comfortable with 200-300km a day, don't want to spend all my time on the bike and am in no hurry at all. I can speak basic, but reasonable Thai. Certainly enough to ask for directions, order food, explain what I want etc

    Right, my problem is that I have little or no idea of what routes to take, reasonable places to stop for the night or a few days etc. All I really know is that my route will be roughly go up the eastern side to the top of Thailand, turn right and come back down south on the western side and turn right again in the direction of Bangkok and then back to home.

    This is literally the extent of my plan at the moment and that can change!

    So, if anyone has done a similar route I would really like to hear any recommendations of decent / interesting places to stay, interesting roads etc.

    Living in Pattaya, as you can imagine I quite enjoy bars and interacting with Thai women, but can imagine that these places might be few and far between.

    Hope I don't come across as being totally lazy! I just really want to take advantage of others experiences/

    Many thanks in advance.


  4. This is not a poor defenceless granddad, he's a 7th dan karate expert. There's a hell of a lot more to this story and so many posters are so far off the truth it's funny reading your posts. I'm not going to give any further details, it's up to Dave if he wants anyone to post on his behalf. Some of you need to write crime stories & prison stories as you are great fiction writers.

    Why does Dave need anyone to post on his behalf? Can't he do it himself?

    Anyway, it's no guarantee that TVF CSI will shut up even if the real Dave posts on here. It's just not in their nature.

  5. In my experience of reading TVF forums, the only way for true love to flourish in Thailand for a farang is to follow a few simple rules:-

    1. Be the most naive person in the western world in that you have never heard of Thailand's world class reputation of having the most yo-yo knickered ladies per capita, bar none.

    2. Never be tempted to go to a bar. In fact, steer clear of alcohol all together. All thai ladies like a fun, sober guy.

    3. Always dress smartly. You will be admired far and wide if you dress in a shirt, trousers, leather shoes and socks and best of all, a tie, in 37°C temperatures. Pour scorn over the uneducated slobs wearing t-shirts and shorts, they know nothing and are an embarrassment to all and sundry.

    4. Try to come here reluctantly at the insistence of your blue chip company. As a specialist in your field and respected by your peers you will find your complete lack of knowledge about culture, language and every single aspect of life over here to be absolutely no hindrance to meeting a hiso thai in no time at all. Best to skip over the reasons for why you were mysteriously single in your homeland though.

    5. Once you have hit the jackpot and met the hiso thai lady of your dreams and believe me, this will not take long, don't make the amateur mistake of failing to constantly remind everyone that you are not and never have been a sexpat. If necessary, inform people you possess a degree as this is a very, very rare achievement.

    6. Finally, never be tempted to post photos of your wife on the internet. Whether posing halfway up a tree or proudly standing in front of her Honda Wave you may find you lose some of the credibility you should have accrued by observing the previous 5 points.

  6. This is appalling.

    Perpetrators are appalling.

    Passive watchers are appalling.

    Comments of many people here are appalling.

    Why do you always have to raise the race card ?

    Do you understand that every time you make generalizations about any race, it is RACISM, plain and simple.

    Stop thinking in terms of race, them against us, etc... That is prehistoric tribal thinking, and that is exactly the root-cause of such conflicts.

    We live in community on this planet, and we have rules, laws, so start thinking in terms of crime.

    Whatever the reason, such violence is a crime, and the law should punish the criminals, full stop.

    There is a vast majority of very nice thai people, but there are also thai scums.

    There is a vast majority of very nice westerners, but there are also western scums.

    We have different cultures, but we are all humans.

    What is really appalling is the level of consciousness (or lack thereof) of the human race as a whole.

    We cannot be called a civilization, as long as we treat each others (and animals, and nature) with such lack of respect.

    Our fake "civilization" is based on technological gadgets, but a good portion of us still lack the basic awareness to be called a human.

    It is always easy to see the fault in the other, but real integrity is to live up to our own responsibilities.

    I feel sorry for the family, i feel sorry for mankind, and I feel sorry for everything that we destroy.

    In the end, what we do to others, we do to ourselves.

    This is what I have to say, and I will not answer replies to my post.


    Don't be so self-righteous.
    Remember, he's not going to respond to any replies to this naive, childish, self righteous nonsense.

    I understand that he's on a higher level to people masquerading as humans.

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