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Posts posted by jethro69

  1. 5 hours ago, eisfeld said:

    And now that you know that you have to report to immigration, I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that you'll also have to report to the local police station :)

    That would be the least peroblem. The local police chief was my neighbor when I moved in my current house. When they had to move on, they leftt even their dog behind, as she lliked to stay with me. In fact his wife was watering our garden the last 3 weeks when we were away.

    It's the local immigration chief, she's bitchy like hell.

  2. Yes I know, the title sounds stupid.

    So here's the story. Yesterday a girl from our village came to my house with a pile of paperwork, basically her whole liffe, and asked me if I could go through.

    She's married to an US citizen, but I never saw one around and I know her for 9 years. So I assume he just left, for whatever reason. Among the papers, everything is translated, even the birth certificates of her children, so I tend to believe he was quite serious about taking her (them) over.

    There's a copy of the guys passpor, if still alive, he would be 82 now. So, is there a way to find out if he's still alive or passed away? And it's not about money, because from pictures I saw, that guy apparantly lived in a trailer .

  3. On Tuesday, May 09, 2017 at 10:29 AM, dentonian said:

    The TM30 should be filed within 24 hours of arriving back at your place of residence, as informed on your TM6, not 24 hours of arrival in LOS.

    Whether you are required to file a TM30 when re-entering will depend on your Immigration office.

    Which office is it?

    Upps, I put a hotel in Bkk on Tm6, as it was where I stayed the 3 first days.

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  4. I guess most have been said. Due to that Xayabouri desaster I didn't ride into Laos for a year now. My crossings of choice were north of Nan, even if my nearest crossing would be Chiang Khong, but I don't see a reason to pay 500 bath to be escorted over that bloody bridge.

    Translation never needed, but I had it anyways from a Myamar ride. In the past I rode most of the times on my Phantom, which was not in my name. It includes a bit more of paperwork, (from the owner), but can be done. The Phantom is a 200cc, so the 250 limit I don't know about. 

    It's Asia, so a 200cc Chopper might be ok, and a 300cc scooter (Forza) not?.

  5. 6 hours ago, visarunner said:

    How many years ago? Now they have even big poster outside, NO AGENTS. Swiss have a 7 day visa exempt agreement with Laos, do not know the reason, I find it strange too. Japan I can understand, but Swiss....

    The poster is there quite some time, and the agents still comming.

    I'm not sure about Japan, but South Korea has visa exemption. In Europe, its Switzerland, Lichtenstein & Luxembourg. I might be wrong on this, but that might be the few countries who still spend 1% of their Bip in development aid, and Laos get's quite a share of it. BTW VISA exemption is 15 days.

    The other countries who get visa exemptions are mostly out of the region and/or communist countries, the complete list can be found on the Lao immigration website.

  6. 8 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

    It's true that almost everyone behaves likes lemmings and thinks 'I'd better get their early to avoid the queues'. But I would worry about arriving 30 minutes before closing and not having time to get the application in. What time do you recommend getting there. 11 am?

    Well honestly speaking the last 2 times I was even later. 1st time my bike didn't start up, so I walked up there. 2nd the cops around wanted to see my Repsol CBR and pulled me aside near the market, so I arrived both times somewhat between 11:00 & 11:15. But I have to be honest, I wouldn't mind to show up too late as I stay usually in Vientiane somewhat between 5-7 days, and my whole time abroad for 2 weeks. If Thai immigration wants me out for a new visa, so I do and my money is spend abroad.

  7. I used to go just half an hour b4 closing down, then you'll find almost nobody around anymore. For picking up the passport. I took usually the number and did wait in the opposite restaurant with a cold beer Lao. This year I didn't go due to the closing of the borders for motorcycles into Xayabouri province. So this post comes from Phnom Penh actually. A bit more on the expensive side. Paid 53$, the visa itself is 40$ the rest 13$ was for the GH.

  8. Yeah, this nonsense I had once or twice with the yellow ones. It quotes somewhat like "Do you want a free Idunnowhat voucher" if optet for yes the response was "Sorry, not available right now" what a load of shit. I don't expect the BB-Atm's to act any different.

    As I got my local card now, I won't get it anyway I guess. So better walk into the next Tesco express, as we do not have a Family Market in town, and buy 8 1,5L bottles of coke with the ATM fees saved. :partytime2:

  9. Chiang Khong was mentioned already, and if you got some time on your hands, going by boat is 2 days, with a stopover in Pak Beng. Another internatioal crossing, is Golden Triangle (Chiang Saen) but public transportation down to Huayxai is almost nonexistent. It's a long trip to Luang Prabang, as the roads goes up north to Luang Namtha first, then Oudomxay and finally south to LP.

    I used a lot the crossing(s) in Nan province, but lately no motorcycles and at some point even no cars were allowed to cross. Same goes for Phu-Do crossing, Lao side has no VoA at that crossing, so very few (farang) crosses there, they took even pictures of me with the immigration chief, when I crossed last year. For the most recent situation look up the GT-rider or rideasia.net websites.

    I used to go 3-4 times a year to Lao through the beforementioned crossings, but with the restrictions, Loa does not see my $$$ this years. Sure in Cambo they love'm too.

  10. That's just me, but from the north I would have gone over Mae Sariang and then down the 105 to Mae Sot, they updated that road like 3 -5 years ago, and when we rode it last year it was in perfect shape. More scenic too, that's for sure.

    There is a paralell road north of HWY12, (1175) which was in a pretty bad shape when I rode it last, but that's like 5 years ago, pretty sure this one has been done by now.

  11. What could happen ?? Worst case getting denied entry into Thailand. Question is, what would the Thais stamp into the passport, and is it good enough to get another entry into Laos? If the rules didn't change lately you can extend your Lao TV for up to 2 months for 1 or 2 dollars a day.

    A similar idea than yours crossed my mind already, but a bit worse....Get visa exempt for Laos (15 days) so crossings would be every 2 weeks..LoL

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