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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 6 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    If you don't know what 'hypothetical' means, look it up.


    It relates to the scenario in the OP, mostly in relation to the killing of the 3rd intruder, who was shot dead outside the house, very likely with his hands up, pleading for mercy.  It also relates to the woman who was caught driving the get-away car.   If she had been shot dead (sitting in the car), gun-lovers would have fully justified that also.

    No need to start lecturing when you're just blowing smoke to begin with.


    It doesn't relate to the OP.  At all.  It relates to the fantasy you concocted about #3 doing the equally fictional "hands up don't shoot" pose ala Ferguson, Missouri.  You stretched it even further with that juicy "pleading for mercy" add-on. LOL.


    It in no way relates to the woman in the get away car either.  Cause she wasn't even there.  She bailed out when she heard the shots inside the house.  I don't doubt that because it would seem that's what SHE told the police.


    Blowing smoke.....  take another hit, Boomer.  You're doing great!  :stoner:



  2. 6 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    I've thought some more about this case.  It troubles me.  I can see how the first intruder got shot with deadly force.  Justified.   Perhaps also the second was justified, who was also caught within the house.   However, the 3rd young man was shot outside.  Very likely he was running away, cornered, and/or pleading for his life with his hands raised.  In a military situation, a combatant who puts his hands up is supposed to be taken into custody, not shot dead.  Granted, this was not strictly a military scenario, but was similar, in that there were combatants.     If it proves true that the 3rd young man (and possibly also the 2nd) had his/their hands in the air pleading for mercy, .....AND WERE SHOT DEAD,  I think the shooter should be punished - perhaps with a modest fine (suggest $1000) and/or some months in jail.   The charge:  excessive force.

    You've got an active imagination and seem to distort what you read to fit the scenario that satisfies your bias and wishful thinking.  Just like one of those dumb red neck Trump voters you loathe and criticize so much.  Ironic, ain't it?  555!  Yee-Haw!  :cowboy:


    Here you present totally made up nonsense, then concoct more BS and pile it on top cause you think you're clever, and the readers will just nod and go along with it.  Hey isn't that what Trump does? You know, Trump... that guy you seem to loathe and criticize all the time.  Ironic, ain't it?  555!   Yee-Haw!  :cowboy:


    Back on topic... you are wrong...AGAIN.  Far as I can see in the news stream today, it's still 3 confronted and shot inside the house.  2 died inside.  Third ran outside and collapsed in the driveway.   I wonder if he was trying reach Ms. Rodriguez in the get away car?  Ooops, she left them high and dry, and dead in the water, so to speak.  She's pretty cold-blooded, eh,  Boomer? (rhetorical question).

  3. I/we always stop by Immigration about 1 month in advance to see if anything new, pick up paperwork, checklist, etc.  They said no.  Filed everything last week, nothing different from my view.


    One guy posted a thread a few days ago about a change in procedure with bank letters and balances when part of the account is partitioned for credit card guarantee.  Not sure if any of that is relevant to you. 



  4. 1 hour ago, ballpoint said:

    Three intruders, one with a knife, one with brass knuckles, one presumably with nothing, all a similar age to the guy who shot them. Could there be more to this? Breaking in with the intention of giving him a beating over some previous feud, rather than a robbery?

    It's the 21 year old female driver (now in custody), Ms. Rodriguez, who had knowledge of and selected the house, and put the 3 younger guys up to doing the deed.  They dressed the part, armed themselves, broke in, and, apparently, didn't heed the warning they were given, and paid the price for the string of choices they made.  Choices they knew were wrong, which is why they went to the back door to break in instead of the front, and armed themselves as you've pointed out. 


    There's no immediate indication in the local papers that the two parties knew each other.   The shooter is 23, out of school and working, not likely to be hanging out with 16~18 year olds, or a fat slob with criminal intent like Ms. Rodriguez.

  5. 9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                  There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


                The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


    Also a view into the cold-blooded way the 3 dead were prepared to stab the residents if they got in the way - or maybe just pummel the shit out of them with the brass knuckles.  And the female who knew of this house and put them up to it, bailed out when she heard the gun shots. 


    Read in OK sources yesterday, the shooter did confront them verbally first, before shooting.  You would probably be even more sanctimonious if the 3 dead kids were black.... but they were white.


    Your quick off the mark with the red neck/Trump stuff.  As irrelevant as your puppy analogy.  But I realize now you're just trolling, and never think "What if it was me?  What would I do or have done?".  Nope, straight to your typical off-topic overkill red neck Trump BS. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Grouse said:

    It's a shame that people don't dress appropriately as a matter of course.


    I am old enough to remember people actually dressing smartly in club class!


    Now, yobbish, loutish behaviour is the thing. Not so long ago I had an Australian moved because I didn't want to sit next to his vest/singlet, shorts and bare feet. He was mad as wet hen ?. Or was it a peasant?

    Maybe a Grouchy Grouse. 

  7. RTA isn't in the habit of doing the RTP show and tell with the grenade, knife and 2,800 yaba pills displayed on the table?  Nobody saw any of that.   Locals afraid to talk....  uh huh, this kid was fragged.


    Might as well get some mileage out of it, their cavalier attitude reinforces the already crystal clear message - - We can put a bullet in you and not even be arsed enough to plant some evidence, because "they" won't challenge us.  BTW we are "they", there's nobody else to turn to.  Best you keep quiet now, and go along with the program. 

  8. TBH, I didn't even know what "leggings" were.  They are, apparently, the latest "thing " to be upset about on-line - a beacon for feminist activists, and females who, under normal circumstances, wouldn't be caught dead in them.



    There's another BBC article in the news stream about this.  An elected official in 'Murica apparently weighed in publicly, suggesting females over the age of 20 shouldn't wear these leggings.  His rationale was, at or under that youthful age, females look good and even cute in revealing clothing.   Given the reported trend in child obesity these days, he might be out of touch, or just engaging in wishful thinking.  Apart from that, you can imagine his comment sent feminists into deep space orbit; and him scrambling back under his white male rock of shame, claiming he was, "Jus' kiddin'!"  LOL.


    On the other hand, and not that United Corporate deserves any retroactive credit here but, our feminist activists and their male sycophants, ought to quit Twitting memes and cliches on Twitter for 2 minutes, and remember the opportunistic perverts and pedophiles that walk among us.  Even sit next to us on flying machines as anonymously as those on United Airlines Family Pass tickets do.  Maybe they forgot in their haste to get triggered. 


    They would say women can wear whatever they want without fear of being chatted up or accosted by some creep, or worse.  And they would be right, at least in theory, for grown women who, in theory, can take care of themselves.


    In this case however, Mom dressed her 10 year old daughter in leggings and sent her, along with other youngish girls in leggings, into the wilds of what the same Crusaders call the American Rape Culture, serving them up as an eye candy smorgasbord for creeps, perverts, rapists and pedoes.  Why no outrage over that?  No  #negligentmom?  If Mom fails to pick the kid up from school on time, she'll face jeering crowds wanting her thrown in jail and throw away the key.  Where's the perspective?


    Not that United had that in the forefront when crafting the employee/Pass Flier dress code but, from this POV, that United Airlines Gate Nazi who did Mom's job for her, might rate a word of thanks instead.  Who knows, maybe she saved those young girls from something they might not fully understand, and moreover, a potential outcome far worse than a missed flight. 


    Just an alternate point of view I had.  I'll probably wind up on the TSA No Fly List. :laugh:

  9. This Red Bull punk certainly floats above accountability within the system here.   I will not be surprised when, one day in the future, he makes the news......  in the obituary section.   Until then, better for all when he's off doing drugs and getting drunk elsewhere.  Wouldn't be surprised if eventually, somebody puts him out of his misery.


  10. 12 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Thanks for replying.............


    Windows 7 and I followed the instruction from the cd and the installation worked inasmuch as emails and browsers opened, but nothing would "operate" properly in the way of embedded videos or downloaded programs, this despite the "status" of the unit suggesting the speed was 130 Mbps!!

    OK.  I'm not a wiz but my first thought was let Win7 find and install and/or replace the CD driver with the latest driver, and see if that helps.   Sure you'll get other responses.  In the meantime, surf around the link I provided, even if a few years old, might provide other idea for process of elimination, like changing the channel, etc.

  11. 16 hours ago, TerraplaneGuy said:

    Has anyone actually been refused an extension because there was not enough (or any) activity showing in the bank account holding the 800K?

    Past 3 years I've used Krungsi accounts with little to no activity, apart from monthly interest deposits, and Immi has never questioned me specifically about activity. 


    First 2 years here I used monthly income affidavits (US Embassy), and was never asked for supporting documents or to show bank books/accounts with transaction activity.


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