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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Your previous idea about Chantaburi..... the current business ideas would be more feasible there.   As CharlieH said, you won't pull the number of customers you need up to some dusty village in Sakeo. 


    Chantaburi has an existing flow of tourists as well as Thais getting away from BKK (et al) for the weekend.  It's not a seedy town like Pattaya and there are other resorts and venues there already.   For good reason, too.


  2. 35 minutes ago, Piifo said:


    What happened to chantaburi ? we went there for a couple of days and in my opinion it wasn't worth pattaya or jomtien for the services they provide, and in my wife's opinion it wasn't worth her village. we had to make a choice, my wife is as I would say a little bird that needed to get back the the family nest, and for me I wanted a place where we could stay without her thinking too much on where I was and who I was with. we visited many places, I liked hua hin for example but in the land of the couple we don't live in democracy. I don't say I don't like her village but I will need to do something to make my days and stay here.

    I think a lot, maybe too much on what I could do here, a small gas station ( two automatic pumps )with a mini mart would be a smaller investment but would be hard to get benefits from. 

    Taking care of a garden and reading stuff on thaivisa and on the rest of internet doesn't make my day.

    If I have nothing to do on the long term my couple will be on trouble and I don't want that.

    If you read enough of ThaiVisa, and remove the "color" from the comments, it can be very instructive by learning from the mistakes of many before you who say the very same words as you are now.  They disregard their knowledge that they need more in life, be it activities or business to "keep them busy", but wind up in some dusty village in the middle of nowhere to placate their possessive/jealous minded Thai wife and her need to build security for herself and her family, using you as the means.  I'm not saying your wife is a bad person, I do not know her.  But the story is Xerox copy of 1,000 others before you. 


    I was in your position before and had the same "good ideas" about doing this or that business just to "keep busy", buy land, etc...  I managed to let the feelings and "good ideas" pass with time, and lived a quiet 4 years in the countryside.  We have now moved closer to the city, in a rented house to be closer to our friends and social activities.   I don't regret the past 4 years, I do have a love for open space of big land, nice house, country life.... but not for rest of my life. 


    Your idea can work but if you think you will be bored doing nothing, imagine you will be bored doing nothing because you have no customers.  So bored and also that sinking feeling that you've spent 3 million Baht with nothing to show for it except 6 Rai of land you don't own, with empty buildings that begin to decay, and you will eventually walk away from. 


    In my case, I kept my money in the bank away from Thailand, where it produces monthly income.  My wife and I use that money to be free, travel inside Thailand and abroad, instead of being chained to a stationary, failing business in some dusty old village that you will grow tired and weary of in a few years. 


    Be smart, don't let your mind and good ideas influence you to do something stupid.


    Edit: Ah, I see your other posts now, seeing other businesses in your area as a sign of potential.  Do not ignore the obvious thinking you are smarter than them.   Good you have a brain and eyes, I hope you pay attention to what they show you.  :thumbsup:

  3. Because we have long, interesting conversations in clipped, garbled baby talk.  I practice my listening skills by watching Ting Tong Thai on "What's On" by Inspire.  Before practicing my responses, I shove a heaping tablespoon of Extra Crunchy Skippy Peanut butter in my mouth.  Works great!  Thai chicks, especially ones with dental braces, totally dig that I'm making an effort to communicate in kind.  They are so easy to please.... before you marry them.  :laugh:

  4. 2 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

    Yes they may ask that question more in the future as Thailand become less farang friendly (it's on the way folks). 

    She had been dealing with a farang before me with a bank letter problem.  She told me all about it, I only half-listened but after reading your OP the next day, thought it sounded similar.


    FWIW, if it were me, I would keep the credit and Immi accounts separate - the 800k in an account with no credit or ATM/Debit access. 


    I got my current banking configuration idea from others here on TVF.  My two Immigration/"Aw Shit" Contingency lumps are in 2 Krungsi MTD accounts, with a third ATM account as/if needed.  My daily life accounts are in BKK Bank, the larger balance is where I drop in money from offshore once a month and it has no associated ATM/Debit card access.  Wife and I have ATMs for the second account, I transfer in money from the other account via IBanking as needed.  Maybe too pedantic but the idea is reducing exposure of larger balances to skimming and other assorted dodginess.  

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

    Yes I have two other accounts with lots traffic so it's not an issue to move in and out of the visa account but, respectfully, this thread is not about that   :)  

    I did my annual extension a few days ago, using bank letter, same as past 3 years.  Had to return next day to drop off photos and a map to house and while the I/O was stamping and organizing those, she asked me if I could meet the monthly income test.  I paused, wondering why the seemingly random question.  Said yes, but prefer the bank letter route.  She nodded, finished up then I left.


    The accounts I use are virtually untouched as well, mostly just a year's worth of monthly interest deposits in the book. Fair play to her I suppose, a curious person might wonder where the normal, daily life type transaction are. 

    • Like 1
  6. One could almost be excused for profiling here.


    As you approach a break in the upcountry highway on the left, and a yellow, reflective sign for a center-divide U-Turn 300 meters ahead, put there by a road "engineer" with a mail-order degree in livestock management and a sadistic sense of humor, you observe a half-rusted, mud encrusted mid-1980's model Mitsu Space Cab pick up with its pitch black tinted windows rolled down (a/c doesn't work), manned by a Thai male driver of unknown advanced age clinging to a steering wheel he can barely see over, idling on the left shoulder, mouth open, licking lips, staring repeatedly in rapid succession in your general direction then across to the far right lane as you you approach the perpendicular Fatal Funnel.  You groan, ease off the petrol to engine brake decel whilst flashing your high-beams and muttering something about The Bleeping Muppets to your Thai wife, whose knuckles are losing pigmentation from gripping the sides of her seat in escalating anxiety. 


    What will he do?


    A). Nothing, wait for you to pass.  

    B). Wait until you are 100 meters closer.

    C). Clutch amulet, Wai, then smash the accelerator and sprint across all lanes of traffic at a mind blowing 3khp in a trailing cloud of black diesel exhaust.

    D).  Both B and C.

    E. ) Other:________________________________________


  7. What happened to Chantaburi?  You need to be near the sea and said you would not move to Sakeo?  What changed?  More importantly, what changed your girlfriend now wife's mind?


    Building a small business in the middle of nowhere is not a good idea.   Wise up.  Manage the inheritance money properly.  Do not be a young fool who's lost his fortune in the Thai countryside like so many other old fools have.  

  8. This is a bit over the top, but this kind of thing happens daily.  I had one, not this bad, just yesterday.  Older Fortuner, blinged out with the wide, thin racing tires,  blew past me, weaving in and out very erratically - lane changes were sudden, severe jerks of the wheel.   In BKK last week, had a common Toyota sedan go blasting by, whipped in front of me, followed by a 500 series Benz right on his/her ass.  They kept going, making erratic, quick lane changes around other cars.  Benz was chasing the other car, I suppose it could of been a domestic situation, or, more likely, the Toyota slighted the Benz driver in traffic somehow, so Benz was going to chase, confront and teach the peasant in the cheap Toyota, a lesson!  Often ends in tears, a bullet hole or a knife wound.




    3 minutes ago, balo said:

    Every time we have a thread about weed all the weed smokers comes out of the cave to defend anyone involved in weed in Thailand. I wonder why ? It's illegal and don't do it. Move to acountry where it's legal or pay the prize when they catch you.

    I don't think they are defending it, per se, just pointing out the hypocrisy and irony when compared to other things.... like speeding on the highway, which is illegal, and, as a genre, contributes to more deaths per year than weed.

  10. 17 minutes ago, transam said:

    Feel a bit sorry for folk who's gray cells cannot cope with life without "stuff"...Think most folk like a drink, glass of wine, a few beers, which thankfully are still legal, but then you have folk who just cannot stay away from illegal stuff and it's consequences.....Why is that..?

    Off-topic tangent but..... the legal "stuff" is, by its very nature, far more prevalent and widely abused, far more than weed.  Even in my small social group where I live, off the top of my head, there are 3 guys who are woefully addicted to alcohol.  Drink every single day.  2 of them have those hands that shake so badly when pouring the first beer.  Terrible to watch.   

  11. Gotta love the governmentitis at times like this, wanting to be seen as being aware, proactive, and moreover, telling the public you are.  Because there's an emergency with no natural equivalency to Thailand, unfolding 10,000 Kilometers away.


    So the head of Thai Parliament security seeks to reassure the public here by saying he's ordered his troops to increase surveillance, safety measures, and to ensure "everything" is strictly enforced.  Roger that!   :thumbsup:


    He then covers his butt by saying their normal security measures, surveillance, safety programs, are sufficient as they are.  Of course they are!   And because they are, there's NO NEED to implement any additional safety measures at this time.  :clap2:


    Why?  The penny drops..... He 'splains us that Thailand isn't a target because they've remained neutral on the international stage in this context.


    Not taking away from the attack, lives lost and injuries, but this kind of attention seeking blather from government jobsworths and other assorted flunkies, sometimes just annoys the s**t out of me.  Rant over.///

  12. My first visit to Laksi Villa was during no alcohol sale time.  Didn't see the usual sign posted, so I held up a bottle of wine to the nearby cashier and asked.  She looked at me like it was a dumb question.  Alrighty then!   


    No problem buying during prohibition hours during last week's visit either.

  13. Suspect RTA have enough headaches chasing their conscripted force around the block as it is.  This guy would be a real pain in the a**. 


    The Junta wants to make an example out of him.  Because they can.  It's a power/domination thing.  Going too public might make him their extra special, pet project.  Turn up the anxiety until he wai's and snivels in submission in a very public way.  Then let him off the hook, "just kidding".

  14. 2 minutes ago, Hutch68 said:

    Its a load of <deleted>, I gave up smoking for 3 years first using a small ecig moving up to a good vape kit and felt loads better. Now I'm back to 30+ a day and I'm not happy about that, after a short tour of Thailand not long ago it is clear that this is all bullshit as folk are vaping all over the land, I have just ordered my new tank and mod and will once again start vaping from what I gather it's selling the gear in Thailand not bringing it with you and using for your own consumption, maybe I'm wrong.

    Is there anyone who can give the truth on this matter?




    Haven't followed this for a while but from what I recall, pretty clear this is not the government caring about anyone's health, but sour grapes over a missed opportunity at tax revenue off the latest foreign thing to gain traction in their hermit kingdom.  Changing course would be viewed as weak, so always best to just dig in, declare it illegal and make the penalties so draconian, they believe the peasants will cower in fear at their latest random, whimsical edict. 


    Can you imagine being in prison, guy next to you asks, "So what are you in for?"

    "Er, uh, vaping cherry flavor E-cig juice, cops rolled up, guns drawn, had me dead to rights." 

  15. Pages loading slowly all day, several times won't load at all, and after a minute, white screen with "Service Unavailable" at the top left edge.


    Anyone else?  Thought it might be my internet connection but other sites loading OK, and didn't see any messages about techs working on issues. 

  16. I followed the link in Post#7.  From that one I clicked another, and then another to arrive at Pew's methodology for the 11 million data point used with so much authority.  Not saying HDKane didn't pull 20 million out of his butt or off Fox "News", but acting like pompous arse based on an estimate of an estimate, is roughly the same thing.   Just because it has "PEW" at the top of the page doesn't make it sacred text.  http://www.pewhispanic.org/2016/09/20/methodology-10/


    And this is not about illegals in the US.  They are illegal.  Period.   End of.


    This is about dealing with a portion of that illegal demographic who are criminals and more to the point, are in the legal system for committing crimes. 


    Chucking them out with a porous border doesn't make a lot of sense though.




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