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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 31 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

    Good for starters and then there is an angry ex g/f possibly connected with big friends possibly a run in with immigration your only a guest here. Now let your imagination run wild!!

    Let his imagination run wild and make real world decisions based on it?   


    Sage advice from a former fool, or just too many Stephen Leather books?  :biggrin:


    "And there I was, in a lower Sukhumvit bar, seemed like a good idea at the time so I bought her a drink.  Her name was Lek, a lovely lass, but one I would come to wish I had never laid eyes on......"

  2. 3 hours ago, PeterGonz said:

    Side note: thanks to those that answered my question. As for the other comments, I "we" know what we did wrong, and I didn't post in order to be told to get a calendar; I needed guidance not chastising. 



    You were on your way to the airport at 88 days, so you knew the deal already.



  3. Not just Issan girls.  Donald Trump, an over-weight, rich white dude with hair plugs,  married a model from a part of the world often associated with sex tourism, mail order brides and gold diggers. :laugh:


    Had you married and lifted up a poor white girl from back home, you would be permitted to feel good about that.  But traipsing all the way to a mosquito infested SE Asian backwater and rescuing a native from her life - that's different. 


    But, suspect you knew all this when you met and married your Mrs.  You didn't care then so no use starting to now.  Screw 'em. 

  4. 7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    My oh my, did happy hour go on a bit longer than planned?


    Where did I ask you for your lifes work? I said in response to your racist post that you sounded like an old white racist and now full of beer by the sounds of it.


    1. 20 years combat Pilot in the Brit Airforce - 3 wars - decorated.

    2. Now I earn a million USD per month with my own large platform trading company

    3. Have built (and paid for ) two schools for poor kids

    4. Building another in the town I live in now

    5. Have the plans and now land to build a nursing Home for elderly poverty stricken folk in the province where we live

    6. Far more refined and civilised to call someone I do not know a 'punk' in fact a 'lazy punk'.



    So you just carry on writing stuff that makes you the white victim.

    That's awesome.  Love to see a photo of your house and grounds.


  5. 2 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Yeah. Right. You may wish to rejoin the real world now.


    Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.



    The real America consists of many non White non Male non Conformist citizens whose interests are now in jeopardy from the election of an incompetent, pandering egotist to the Presidency. No amount of wishful thinking will change reality.

    Do you consider the blacks, hispanics and asians who voted for Trump, racists?  Are they, along with white male conformists, not included in your version of "real America"? 

  6. They've convinced themselves (and/or been convinced) their will has been rejected and ignored, and their voices no longer matter.  And so there's little left in their tool box except to break things to get attention.  Like an infant in a hi-chair.  Can't talk yet so the only way to let Mum know they aren't happy is to throw food on the floor and have a tantrum.


    To be fair, this role is traded from time to time, depending on elections and majorities.  It's not just a Democrat thing.

  7. Training is good.  But in reality, many uniformed security guards here are nothing more than glorified trolley jockeys, annoying whistle blowers, and floor sweepers.  Don't need a trained "security guard" for that, so reckon many businesses will avoid the requirements and just have normal employees doing the duty, without the sexy uniforms and parachute jump wings.  :laugh:

  8. This has been circulating for a while.  Govs in the middle east/Gulf did this years ago and after many threats and false starts, finally did it and of course, enforced it with an iron fist.  It's a good idea in theory, setting up age, medical,  and uniform standards, as well as a mandatory basic training course.  We had a waiver because our own training was far superior, because it had to be by contract requirements, but in the end, the government forced us to comply.


    It was a real pain in the ass cycling 100s of guys through that stupid, 2-week course at our cost, while still covering all our contract requirements.  Sure, you have some manpower margin factored in for contingencies but losing 10 guys for 2 weeks, for training we already did or exceeded,  was very aggravating.   The small, local, low end security companies and dodgy manpower agencies struggled, a few went out of business. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

    I believe Trump will extend his wall out to sea to stop these Poo namis. After all he said He will not take anymore crap from Mexico. Another failure. But on a serious note i agree helping them improve their treatment system would be a smarter preventer

    The US did that quite some time ago, and continues to on a daily basis. 


  10. 1 hour ago, oobar said:

    Well, here's the thing, which is a little galling.  All of us law-abiding US citizens pay income tax to the IRS for the privilege of being one of its citizens (a very nice privilege in fact), no matter where we live in the world and whether or not our earnings outside the country are repatriated or not.  America is one of only two countries to tax its citizens in this manner.  Okay, that's fine.  It's the law, and for more than thirty years we have been paying those taxes on all our meager earnings in Thailand and doing so at least as happily as anyone else.  But, other than the existence of the US Embassy here, we share in none of the tax-supported services or infrastructure available to all citizens living Stateside, although we certainly pay our share (still no complaint; it's  our decision to make Thailand our home).  Moreover, we are excluded from the Affordable Care Act as well as Medicare, both tax-supported, and consequently must be our own health-care providers here.  We are in no way a drain on the resources of our home country, especially considering that we have not even been back in the States for more than eighteen years, which is why we have older currency.  Couldn't we receive at least a smidgen of service for the taxes we pay?  Is it really asking too much for the Embassy to accept its own currency as long as it is valid?  Considering all the resources of the Embassy, as well as the very generous salaries and perks given their employees that include free education for dependent children at Thailand's most expensive international school and one of the world's finest private educational institutions (paid for by taxes of citizens like us), surely there is a way ordinary lowly citizens could receive a tiny bit of sympathetic consideration in a matter like this.

    Nice rant! 


    But I think Langsuan Man might of hit the bell with his post (#11) above. 


    Wasn't too long after the new 100s came out that I came over for a visit with a wad of 100s from my credit union.  There were 2 "old" ones in there, I never even thought about it until I went to change them in BKK and the shop wouldn't accept them.  I held onto them and re-deposited once I got home and visited the credit union.

  11. I consolidated a few investments held with proprietary fund managers, into a Pershing brokerage acct, and signed up for an associated checking account provided by BNYMellon.  The on-line interface is called "NextInvestor".


    Discovered there's no direct online access to the checking account like I'm familiar with in the Schwab brokerage and bank online platform, where I can move funds from checking to brokerage, then ACH myself, usually to Bangkok Bank NY. 


    Looks like the only way to send money out online with Pershing is BillPay.  I'm interested in setting up transfer to Bangkok Bank NY.  Sent them an email about it, and to confirm address (which BillPay wants) and they responded with below..   Didn't call, thought I would pulse here to see if anyone uses BillPay to "pay" another bank, in particular BKK Bank NY without having to use my Thai address or make it look like a foreign transfer.


    [email protected]


    Dear Mr Jay


    Payments by bill pay results in paper check or electronic payments.

    If we receive a paper check, we will return to you as we do not accept.

    If electronic payment, payment order should have the address of the

    Beneficiary in Thailand.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


    Lyn George at 212-329-9237

  12. 47 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    I think to be honest many stories that deserve a full follow up are dying a death quickly at the moment because there is a constant flow of new breaking stories. Journalists right now are a little bit like kids in their favourite candy store full of their favourite sweets. They just don't know which way to turn or where to focus. There is simply too much dirt out there right now.

    Fair assessment.  Trump and his group are a target rich environment.  This was a non-story 9 months ago, still is IMO, but they'll pile on anything they can find.

  13. 9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

             Are you saying the American people shouldn't be bothered to be informed about such things?  I don't know about you, but I want to know which taxpayer-paid government people are corrupt, and to what degree.  I also want to know who's breaking laws, and to what degree.  Maybe Trump's presidency will die 'a death of a thousand little cuts' ......but however him and his brigands are booted out of office, it's worth the efforts. 


               BTW, Pence did lie about it.   Not only that, he was railing against HRC for months last year, while all the while knowing he was guilty of the same, or possibly worse (because his hacked account purportedly contained sensitive info about terrorist activity).   You'll note:  EVERY, I repeat EVERY bit of dirt coming forth about Trump and his people is stuff that the press corps or others dig up.  NOTHING is volunteered from within.   Also:  EVERY BIT OF DIRT is at first denied. If that doesn't work, then it's claimed it was forgotten about.   It's only later, when it can no longer be denied or forgotten, that there are sometimes reluctant admissions of guilt.  

    Er, no, Boomer, I didn't say that.  Didn't even infer it, you crafted that turd all on your own then ran with it thinking you had a "gotcha" moment.  :laugh:  LOL.


    Throwing lawn darts while blind folded.  That's what Indiana Star was doing as they scrolled through Gigs of public data and "discovered" this LAST JUNE!  Wonder why it's being punted out there again?  I'll give you 3 guesses and the first 2 don't count. 


  14. 8 hours ago, Credo said:

    Not exactly.   From the OP :

    Indiana law requires all records dealing with state business to be retained and available for public information requests, the Star reported.


    Using the personal email does not assure that those are retained and available.   I also note, that in Pence's case this is a law, not a policy.   

    Pence creeps me out and I wouldn't bat an eyelid taking down a hypocrite...especially one who wraps himself in the bible. 


    However, this smells like petty "gotcha" nonsense from a political flunky out looking for dirt, who thought this might play as a salacious "Ah Ha!  Gotcha!" moment because it involves email. 


    Got no problem with issue, let's see how it pans out but, from a political mud slinging context, my guess is it'll die an appropriately quick death in the news cycle because there's not enough meat on the bone.   


    Ironically, rushing this out into the ether with such amateurish, political intent, could backfire and pull the bloody scab off the email mess Hillary Clinton created for herself.  Last thing I want to hear Trump droning on about again is Hillary and her Email.  She may not mind if it was relevant enough to diminish the mess she got herself into, but my sense is this ain't it. 

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