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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 19 hours ago, returnofthailand said:

    if you dont drink and not smoke, have a nice room with fan and eat outside at market you can live very well with 10k bahts a month, I can even travel go nice 3 stars hotel and date many ladies, I m still at 13k a month average with my jet , so guys who spend 100k are drug addict or they are scamed somewhere, if I can do it why you can not do it? . it s not hard to be a smart guy like me. want foot massage for free? get a Thai girlfriend

    You're not necessarily "smart", you're just living within your means.  That is "smart" behavior but it is such a basic concept in life, it's nothing to gloat about. 


    Guys who spend 100k aren't drug addicts or being scammed.  That's a stupid thing to say and when you say it, you don't sound smart at all.

  2. Tried US Capital One M/C, only once.  It went through initially, showed as a Pending Xaction, then Lazada sent a message cancelling the order.  


    I pushed them for a straight answer, said they would get back to me and of course, they never did.   I seem to recall I was ordering using a Mastercard promotion they had going at the time so end of the day, suspected it had to be a MasterCard from a specific Thai bank, see that quite a bit.  I ended up doing COD and the pending charge fell off CAP1 account a couple days later.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    He's authentically ridiculous and authentically a con man. You can keep keep the real trump as far as you can flush him.

    It would be worse if he tried to conceal it but he can't, and so he's not going to win the election.  Hillary is a hider, a concealer, a deleter.  But, she follows the guidebook, says as little as possible, and for that, she'll be the next POTUS. 

  4. 1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


    i don't see why legally naturalised, law abiding, decent latinos would have a problem with Mr Trump getting rid of illegal, undocumented and possibly criminal latinos threatening their way of life.


    They don't, but as you've rightly pointed out elsewhere, the left MSM manufactured the outright lie that Trump Hates Mexicans.  They did so with malicious intent to foment ethnic outrage, and repeated it over and over and over again.  And now it's a talking point faux fact. 


    Mass Media Programming 101.

  5. 2 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


    sounds like  a clear case of going against the Logan Act.

    Maybe.  About 1/2 way through that linked article, he more than suggested Germany go along with increasing their troops levels in Afghanistan and Merkel responded.  He was a junior Senator at the time but this was a full on whistle stop campaign trip.

    He was in Tel Aviv before Germany and same as Bill Clinton and AG Lynch, they were talking about golf and grandkids.  :lol:

  6. 16 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


    Out of curiousity,  when was the last time you made that trip?


    BTW, I will take the fishing down there over the fishing in Thailand or SEAsia any day.


    This area is over-fished.

    Oh yes, my favorite fishing trip (on the Baja side, mid-90s) was Punta Baja, even on the lee side, bombing out through a lull in the waves in an 18-20' panga.  Getting back in later on was one helluva ride.  :w00t:








  7. 3 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    is it normal for possible future presidents to already be visiting foreign presidents? seemed a strange move but looks like it was a win for trump. cant wait to see what happens if he gets in.

    The Germans had to shut down some streets for Candidate Obama in 2008. 


    US elections: Obama wows Berlin crowd with historic speech



  8. 5 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    I have marijuana smokers. The smell of this filthy habit is much worse than cigarettes which I can tolerate. If you think smoking pot makes you cool and has health benefits, you need your head examined.

    That's how I was exposed to it when I was about 12 or 13 years old.  There were several weed smokers in my neighborhood group of friends and naturally I and others who didn't smoke, wanted to be accepted.  I smoked A LOT of weed from then until I was 16 or 17.


    Went on hiatus for 30 odd years, was anti drug because that was the culture I was in but many of us ex-teen smokers would joke about one day being able to retire, grow a pony tail and smoke a fat one to celebrate our reclaimed sense of freedom.  :lol:


  9. Chemical elements of the marijuana plant are known to have medical benefits.  Medical MJ community is all over CBDs in particular, which have been found to be very useful, and have been developed into non-smoked medication form.


    THC, while it does have some useful benefits and studies are on going as well, serious professionals in the medical science community do not willing endorse smoking or the mental/behavioral side effects of THC, which makes the user "high/stoned".   


    Recreational/casual smoking of marijuana is just that.  I've got no problem with it but do not delude myself into thinking smoking MJ is "good" for you.  It's not.  Even a pro-MJ Doctor will tell you that ingesting hot smoke from a burning substance, marijuana or otherwise, is simply NOT good for the human body.  Smoking takes a bit of practice and discipline to overcome the body's natural reaction to smoke invading the lungs, which is to cough and gag to expel it, and try to get away from the offending source.  

  10. Maybe it's just me, but the layout theme changes day to day, maybe even depending on time of day if Tech Staff are working on things?  Sometimes it's the "new" look, where you have to click on the tile icon in the upper right (3 or 4 horizontal lines) to get at the notifications bell icon and then hit that again to see notifications and a drop down menu containing all sorts of stuff.  Only the current thread location is displayed, truncated in a single placeholder icon. 


    Logging in this morning, it's back to a more familiar layout, for example: account/messages/notification bell icons visible on the upper right, and you can see the Forum>Subforum>Thread Name full location path displayed in upper left area when inside a topic thread (see attached snips).   May be a bit of the "comfortable old shoe" syndrome but I find this version more informative and usable than the other.   Just my 2 Pesos worth.

    Capture1.JPG   Capture2.JPG



  11. 7 minutes ago, dhream said:

    Not weird at all. The world is waking up to the facts and trying a better way to deal with addiction, by TAKING CONTROL of the drugs, instead of handing control to global criminal networks.
    Its just common sense. Finally!

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

    Weird in the sense I wouldn't of expected it from Thailand and moreover, the current government.  I'm a bit unsure about the inclusion of Yabba, but certainly agree with a shift from incarceration to treatment for those who' haven't committed a crime beyond possession/use.   

  12. 1 hour ago, sahibji said:

    well for medical purposes there are many benefits.

    The leaps and bounds taken by the professional medical community in such a short period of time, is really exciting and there's more to come.  In particular, the advances with medical applications of CBD element extracted from marijuana, administered to patients in less harmful, non-smoked forms.  THC has its benefits, but medicos ain't thrilled with the side effects and unwilling proponents of smoking it - or anything for that matter.


    IMO when purely recreational users jump on the medical benefits band wagon, usually between their non-medical related bong hits :lol:,  it's disingenuous, and diminishes the serious discussion.  Don't get me wrong,  I'm not some old dude hanging on to the Devil Weed propaganda.  LOL, quite the contrary, wink wink, but still, I separate the two camps.


  13. Don't have Amex card, but both Charles Schwab Bank and Capital One (credit and bank) moved to close my accounts when I tried to use the house address here in LoS. Used a relative's US street address instead.  Same for investments opened a few years ago. 


    Navy Federal and USAA Credit Unions didn't have a problem with the Thai address, have sent credit and ATM cards here through regular mail.

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