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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Those who are in their 30s right now will be saying the very same things when they reach their 60s and 70s.    I'm only in my late 40s and I'm already feeling a bit behind the power curve, and I recognize it's because I'm no longer working, out in the big bad world, keeping abreast of changing styles, tech, lingo and attitudes.  Once you slow down and begin viewing the world through the narrow lens of the internet and television, it can seem a bit overwhelming, as if the whole world is going into full and total melt down.  


    The normal reaction seems to be that we pull our necks further into our protective shells, becoming more detached, cynical and judgemental as the world continues to march on without us.    Next thing you know, you're your grandfather.


    One remedy is travel.  You've got to get out there to maintain perspective.   Mrs and I try to get out of Thailand once a year for a couple of months.  I thoroughly enjoy these trips and a by-product of them seems to be a re-appreciation of the little things I enjoy living here in Thailand. 

  2. So you get off the plane at Swampy for your holiday.  Will these mandatory SIM chips be issued (or sold?) somewhere between Immigration and the Customs exit point?   Can you imagine the queue!  You would have to do it before Immigration so those who refuse to use it, or buy it, or simply don't have a phone to begin with, would be denied entry into Thailand and flown back home on the next available flight.


  3. Trying to change the attitudes and habits of TVF Posters by moaning about them, is futile if not counter-productive.  You become the latest, convenient focal point for their pedantic irritation and turmoil, fed by a constant stream of negativity via internet cable and television.   It will change your disposition and personality, so best to keep it, and them, in perspective or else you'll wind up just like them. 


    Close your eyes and think of our own wonderful train wreck called San Diego. 


    Ahhhhhhhh, that's much better!  ;)





  4. Well mate, you've managed to go through the entire process, A to Zed, without taking any advice from this forum, not sure why you would want to start now with something like this.


    Carry on and within 1 year, you'll look back and be glad you're rid of her. 

  5. Did the repair shop also install a bootleg copy of Windows with the hard drive or did you have a legit copy or recovery copy at hand?  Bootleg could present some issues, as well as free bloat/ad/malware krap they often install without asking.

  6. No problem siding with the consensus, even though I tend to look at it through the lens of religious motivation, which is not a selfless construct.


    As for the farang, I don't know his background.  There are enough stories to fill a room about how people end up like this.  My sense is a portion of the farangs who land at rock bottom like this, made some conscious, unwise decisions in life.  Years pass, the idea of a "regular" life back in the rat race becomes an unfathomable, abhorrent idea.   The money runs out and all that free spirit Lonely Planet hippie nonsense turns out to be a bunch of bullshit - which is probably what their family told them way back when.  Bridges burned, abandoned or diminished by many years,  they wind up competing with soi dogs and monks for scraps off the noodle cart, and random acts of kindness from the very people they came here thinking they were emulating all those years ago.  The work-a-day Thais in this video have more sense than that.

  7. I think it's a worthwhile concept that would sell quite easily to a narrow but plentiful demographic who've lived and worked in the UK their entire lives, then decide to up sticks for Thailand with their farang wives.  Neat, tidy sois, small, rented homes maintained to a high standard.  Mother trims the shrubs and rose bushes whilst Father enjoys a cup of tea with the morning Bangkok Post.  Fish and chips on Friday, full English on Saturday, Sunday roast lunch at the moo ban pub and grille overlooking the swimming pool. 


    Mother allows Father out on the lash with the lads once a month for a bit of innocent footie on the telly.  Lovely Jubbly!  :D







  8. 7 hours ago, Fabricus said:


    No. I'm not alone.


    Unlike the majority of western fools (most of whom can't speak, read or write Thai) I know what goes goes on here.


    Sorry if the truth hurts.


    Thai men also know the truth, btw. They laugh at farangs. Do you ever wonder why?



    I used to "wonder why" but as I began to pick up more of what's being said, the more I realized the goings on aren't terribly complex or interesting. 

  9. Logged in earlier today, "remember me" box ticked.  Came back just now and had to log in again. 

    Closed browser then returned, and it retained the active login.  Not sure why if dropped me out last time.

    I like the new notification popups with the soft bubble sound.  ;)

    • Like 1
  10. Bucko: As said above, always choose Thai Baht here, not the option to pay in home currency.

    It is called Dynamic Currency Conversion, DCC for short. We've found it worthwhile to be assertive with the cashier/clerk and tell them "Thai Baht" when handing over the card for payment, instead of saying nothing and taking the chance they choose the home currency option without asking. Then you have to faff about canceling the transaction and start over again.

    If/when you use a Thai ATM with a foreign card, especially in tourist areas, you may also be prompted for DCC during the transaction. Choose Thai Baht.

  11. Not all that surprised really. We were driving south from Khon Kaen late afternoon a couple years ago and on a lonely stretch of road roughly half-way to Korat, came across a single orange cone on the side of the road and a pretty young looking guy in police uniform, all alone, flagging us down. We stopped, wife rolled down the window and he said we were speeding. The road was fairly empty that day, so on this rare occasion, I actually had the cruise control on, set at 110kph, just cruising, in no hurry.

    Wife pointed out the cruise control and I gave the guy a raised eyebrow stare, and he abandoned the whole thing, and off we went. Convinced he was either a bogus cop, or maybe a "real" cop trying to make some extra cash?


    Was he very handsome or quite young ? I'm confused.

    Mmmm, I agree.

  12. I have a hard time watching all these drones go about their mindless activities, gestures and other superficial, superstitious nonsense. Not just here/Buddhism. All of them.

    No matter how many obvious examples they are made aware of, they seem to dismiss it as a one-off or barely acknowledge it. Even when it's the top dog in the religious pyramid, they suck their teeth and stay the course. Maybe they do "get it" but are so hopelessly dependent and programmed into the group think, they just can't imagine living without it. Adrift in the big, scary world with no system to guide them. Poor buggers.

  13. Not all that surprised really. We were driving south from Khon Kaen late afternoon a couple years ago and on a lonely stretch of road roughly half-way to Korat, came across a single orange cone on the side of the road and a pretty young looking guy in police uniform, all alone, flagging us down. We stopped, wife rolled down the window and he said we were speeding. The road was fairly empty that day, so on this rare occasion, I actually had the cruise control on, set at 110kph, just cruising, in no hurry.

    Wife pointed out the cruise control and I gave the guy a raised eyebrow stare, and he abandoned the whole thing, and off we went. Convinced he was either a bogus cop, or maybe a "real" cop trying to make some extra cash?

    lucky you not get shot by bandit

    True. As I was slowing down, I was telling my wife it looked pretty dodgy but I rolled the dice and stopped.

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