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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Sorry but, these Brits may of been drunk tossers but the jurisdiction line for the bouncers ends at the door.  Throw their <deleted> out into the soi, no problem, but to follow them out into the street to kick and punch them repeatedly? Clearly the bouncers lost the plot and were taking their opportunity to let loose some built up farang aggression on these blokes. 


    2,000 Baht and a sacking is not enough for these Thai yobs.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Redline said:

    You can spend 80 billion, but if no one maintains them (cleans the furniture, soil, bricks, trash), what good is it?  People will just throw more and bigger items into them!  Same problem

    That's true.  Visit my mate on the dark side of Pattaya, that long hill going up from Sukhimivt  over the rail way level crossing into the Dark Side.....forget the name of the road... but all the shops dump their sh-t-te and hot cooking oil into the road drains.  All good, until it rains.  What a mess!   :facepalm:

  3. On 8/17/2016 at 5:25 PM, 55Jay said:

    I was in the middle east for many years before coming to live here, so I was already accustomed to atrocious driving, not only by the locals but by the many Indians and Pakistanis employed there.  Thais are as bad in some ways but also better (or not as bad) in others.  Wife and I had to relax a bit when we moved here, we were too aggressive and used to driving by horn.  I'm still amazed when we visit BKK at how quiet the traffic is.

    Oy, how many of you blokes been in the middle east and know what I'm talking about?  Drivers and traffic in Bangkok compared to say, Cairo, Egypt?  I remember my first trip to Cairo and down to Alexandria... when I landed back in Bahrain 2 weeks later, and was on me way home in the car,  I remember saying quietly to meself, aloud, "Good to be back in Civilization!".


  4. 6 hours ago, robblok said:

    Fact is they all get budgets but because BKK is the biggest city by far and the place the most money is made they get more. They should compare budget per person to see what is fair.. and also paid tax per area (smarter to invest more in area's where money is made)

    That all makes perfect sense to me. If government budgets are as I know them, the work going on in my area the past 2 years, was allocated and funded in out year budgets during the Yingluck administration.  :crazy:

  5. True, BKK gets the lion's share of attention being the centre of the universe, but also the lion's share of media attention. 


    Round where I live up here in lower Issan, crews have been <deleted> and elbows the past 2 years widening 2 lane roads and bridges into 4 lane, putting in drainage pipes (some of it drainage to nowhere though :() and especially this year with the drought, have been cleaning out/enlarging klongs and water reservoirs, new electrical substations, etc.  Still sucking hind tit on water supply though.  Places closer to Lam Takong irrigation are ok but outlying areas still struggling. 

  6. My grandfather, born in 1909, was a tough old bastard from the then wilds of British Columbia.  He moved to California and among other things, became a self-taught mason (concrete man) and built the several houses he and my grandmother lived in, by his own hand.  I remember the last one when I was young, he had a safe built right into the foundation of the house in the bedroom closet.  He kept their money in there, didn't have a bank account nor a kind word for any banker. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

    I have a much better theory:

    Trump is in fact a mole inserted into the Republicans by the Democrats

    Are you taking credit for that theory?  It's been out there in the ether for quite some time, I think spurred on by a phone call that apparently took place between Slick Willy and Trump before the latter announced he was running.  They probably discussed the golf and grand kids. :lol:


    If Bill was trying to persuade him NOT to run, it would be typical of Trump to run in spite of that advice - even his own kid said at the RNC this is a classic Trump characteristic.  


    Hell, maybe Bill knew what the world has found out about Trump in the past year, and was trying to spare his friend from becoming an embarrassing public spectacle.

  8. Poor fella, drowning would be a terrible way to go. 


    Doesn't take much to change the course of the day.  A mouthful of water down the wrong pipe.  A seemingly benign fall, just a few feet, hit your head just right, and it's lights out.  


    The intelligent design guy in the sky ought to come up with a prototype better suited to this planet. 

    Homo Sapien 2.0. 





  9. I was in the middle east for many years before coming to live here, so I was already accustomed to atrocious driving, not only by the locals but by the many Indians and Pakistanis employed there.  Thais are as bad in some ways but also better (or not as bad) in others.  Wife and I had to relax a bit when we moved here, we were too aggressive and used to driving by horn.  I'm still amazed when we visit BKK at how quiet the traffic is.

  10. 1 hour ago, Mickmouse1 said:

    You can not lay down in that small swing.

    Breakfast to 4 pm. At least 5 hours if not 6 +

    His fear wife did not ask him if he wants a cup of tea or lunch?

    His dear wife did not check on him all these hours?

    What time his dear wife cooked and ate lunch?

    Alone? How about his life insurance. ..properties etc etc

    Had a cut on the head=Suicide trade mark Tai Sty

    You forgot to mention that his dear wife could of been poisoning him.





  11. I avoid fish and seafood here as a general rule.  I don't care for it much anyway, but mostly out of caution over handling and storage, especially seafood being we live up North a ways.  Oddly enough and totally contrary to that,  I will have sushi, but very infrequently.   I'm less cautious when I visit the States and will sometimes indulge with pelagic or very deep water fish species.


    The market food here does me in but I will partake and often pay the price.  I had some of those flat, pork pieces on a stick and some pork skewers with veg/chilli and pineapple on the stick the other night, done by a stall seller over one of those electric BBQ grills.  I was straight into the loo within an hour then a second trip about 1 hour after that.  My guts were in total revolt, contracting severely, like wringing out a washcloth, again and again. Farkin' horrible. 

  12. 12 hours ago, Thian said:


    Wow they have loads of them. But the hook of some of them looks  weak...Also my old one had a hook like that and it totally bended by the weight of my suitcase. When i tried to weigh again the hole thing broke and the springs jumped out.


    If i can't find a brandname one or "made in japan" i will go for lazada. Thanks!

    Well, you got me interested about mine.  Turns out it's a Samsonite 40kg model with the digital read out screen on the top.  Feels well built and sturdy in your hand.  Can't remember where I got it - an airport or at Walmart in the US, or how much I paid.  Used it many times coming back to Thailand from the US.  We have those big, BIG suitcases, packed to the gills with all sorts of heavy loot and the scale handled it fine.  I used to do the stand on scale exercise.  Weigh myself then stand on the scale with a suitcase and subtract the difference.  The hand held scale is much better!  :thumbsup:


  13. Just now, Hutch68 said:

    The 200 baht ones are better.... i think, just wondering if i could get away with a set for 100 baht and save a bit of cash as I have a good pair at home.

    Oh, I see, that makes sense.  Just seems a bit odd to start a thread about it.....then again, this is "General Topics" and sounds like you're a bit bored there.  :lol:


    Hope it's nothing too serious and you're on the mend soon.  Good luck.

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