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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. The US Government targeted weed with uber-conservative, religiously moralistic propaganda back in the day. It's right up there with ex-Soviet and N. Korea tactics to program the masses.  One after another, references and images of the devil, women are the victims under the spell, opening their blouses and revealing their udders.  


    The religious wonks are obsessed with controlling women and sex.  The younger generations would laugh them out of the room if they pushed this material out now days.   Although I'm quite sure it would still play well to a certain demographic.



  2. 15 minutes ago, Johpa said:


    Given that Iranians do not see themselves as Arabs, and often look down upon "Arabs", clearly the names have more meaning to some than to others.

    They don't see themselves as Arabs, because they aren't.  "They" do consider themselves culturally superior to Arabs.  You can see it on blogs and chat rooms where they trade insults.

  3. I started life on the East Coast of the USA, in a rough old ex-coal mining town in Pennsylvania, largely Eastern European immigrants.   It was natural and normal to get a thrashing when you screwed up.  Kids were seen and not heard.  Manners were taught, adults always addressed by title first and school teachers were gods with the authority to beat your ass if you got out of line.  Then they would call your parents and tell them all about it, and you dreaded the bus ride home that day cause there was a very good chance you would get round 2 when you got there.


    I got nailed.  Mrs. Wadas, 2nd grade, very serious Babushka type.  It was like the Marines.  When that bell rang, you better be sat at your desk, back straight, hands on the desk, ready to receive instruction.   She wasn't on time one morning, we were all sat there, sitting at attention, quiet as mice..... but we started to whisper to each other, where was she?  Somebody should stick there head out the door and see if she's coming.  I was the idiot who volunteered, stuck my head out and BAM, there she was, 1/2 up the hallway and she looked me dead in the eye, like a laser beam.  OH S**T!  Ran back, sat down, but I knew I had it coming.  She called me up, pulled out her famous wooden paddle and let me have it in the front of the class, talking with each stroke, "When I say (WHACK) sit at your desk (WHACK), that means you (WHACK) sit at (WHACK) your desk!  WHACK!  


    That sucked.  Nobody EVER pulled a stunt like that again.


  4. Broken plates here before.  Never observed anything like what you've experienced, but it could be a regional thing, if it's a thing at all.    Nephew broke a nice bowl yesterday.  He put it in the trash bin.  86 year old Mom here didn't say anything and if anyone was going to, it would be her.  


    I looked at a Thai superstition blog and the only reference to broken plates I saw was never use a cracked/broken plate as it will make your family argue often.   Found others on Coconuts website.






  5. On 8/25/2016 at 10:00 PM, augustwest said:

    I use Schwab and I go to a Bangkok bank outlet with my passport. Take out as much as I want,I think the rate is better than an ATM. Also no ATM fees,which they do pay anyway but I feel better because,I believe there is no free lunch. With all the attention on ATM's at this time my card never sees one.

    You are still limited by the ATM card's daily limit of $1,000 doing over the counter transactions, but it is a great way to get 30,000+ Baht (depending on FOREX) at one time vs. doing 2 ATM transactions.


    As Pib noted, it's still a Visa transaction so the exchange rate is the same as using the ATM.

  6. No problem in local markets here where the vendor will give you a sample, or suggests you try some first to encourage a sale (oranges, longkong, lamyai etc).  I've never seen a Thai open a sealed box/bag in a proper supermarket and start eating the contents so IMO, this is NOT a common practice here.  The Thai in Japan is either a crass donkey, or is stretching the truth in order to save face after being caught out.  Probably both.


    I get a bit irritated in proper supermarkets though when an individual pulls a handful of grapes off a bunch in the display bin and stands there open-mouth masticating, lips smacking, maybe a few guttural, animal sounds.  Then walks away to graze over other displays, hitting up the CP hot dog lady for free samples, then heads over to the lady with the free coffee/tea/juice samples to wash it all down and asks for a top up before walking away.  They are just taking the piss.

  7. 3 minutes ago, sapson said:


    If I fit the old fart, big c trolley pushing ,sitting on arse replying to click bait profile? why not the tart half my age scenario as well?


    In fact don't push a trolley! and shes not half my age!

    Good for you!  My wife is 3 years my junior.  I see your trolley and raise you one of those flat ones at Makro and go you one better.    I sit ON the trolley and she pushes me around, feeding me seedless grapes from between her ample breasts whilst sifting through bins of fruit AND balancing my ice cold jug of cider on her perky bubble butt, without spilling a single drop!   Bet your wife can't do that.  Neener Neener Neeeee-ner. 


    By the way, our posts just earned ThaiVisa another 3 shillings.  Thanks for your support!  :thumbsup:

  8. 34 minutes ago, sapson said:

    Its hardly news worthy but Thai Visa wants the clicks for the ad revenue and well done 5 pages already.


    Us saps oblige perhaps because TV is a western outlet for sharing our musings on any old dross story at our own convenience.


    Must be thousands of rich old farts with young crumpet in Thailand that don't make the news but continually mentioning the ex porn star status seemingly keep this live!


    Why don't they do a sensational scoop!

     Hundreds of westerners marry ex bar girls half their age and when not drinking or having wild passionate sex or pushing a trolley around big C..............they share opinions on Thai Visa that no one gives a crap about............as long as you don't mention the truth about the political structure and total moral bankruptcy.........  possibly effecting ad revenue.


    You must be one of those old farts WITHOUT any young crumpet.  It certainly comes through in your post.    So, you push a trolley around BigC, then sit on your arse at home, clicking on the dreaded click bait, sharing an opinion that nobody gives a crap about, and thus, enhancing ThaiVisa's ad revenue.  Good job! :clap2:

  9. Gulf Air used to be the bee's knees in the heady 5 Star Tri Star days.  I lived in Bahrain for over 10 years, well after Gulf Air had rested on its laurels far too long.  Flew them routinely and virtually every flight had this edgy, confused feel, like it was the first time every time.  Still, I developed a warmth for Bahrain and Gulf Air,  and they improved during my tenure; perhaps assisted by achieving frequent flier tier status and I began flying up front, which helps knock the rough edges off.


    Near the end of my time there, they began another steep decline as the Kingdom descended into political mayhem.  Serious financial, leadership and corruption issues, major routes scrapped, aircraft sold off or leased out.  Staff morale was in the toilet, Western pilots forced out or leaving as the cuts and the hard push toward Bahraini-ization staffing policies, started to bite.  Also this constant struggle to infuse Islamic values into the on board experience by the uber-religious in Parliament, which held the purse strings to Gulf's survival in their holy hands. 


    My decision to leave Gulf Air came to a head the first time I was snarled at by the first batch of Bahraini cabin crew - in my case, a 200lb Shi'ite female gorilla with a mustache.  That did it.  I abandoned my miles and shifted over to Qatar Airways.  Even with the 1 stop hops through Doha, it was night and day, and I haven't looked back since.  I wouldn't even be tempted by a low fare. 


    Sorry, none of this is helpful to your simple question, OldSailor,  but I had fun recollecting that period of time. :facepalm:

  10. 4 hours ago, dhream said:

    I know of a guy who just sold everything, including condo, and moved back to Hawaii.

    He was sick of 'the Government'

    He lasted a month.

    Now he 's heading back here, what a huge waste of time and money, family in upheaval, etc.

    I myself looked at Cambodia, meaning, I actually went there before selling up.

    I lasted a few days! Here is not perfect, but there, it sucks. Big time.

    Be very careful about the green green grass over the fence my expat friends!

    Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk


    Yep, gotta keep a realistic perspective, which includes a check on media influence. 


  11. It's just animal instinct, attempting to be controlled by religious retards.     A reflex from 1,000s of years of religious based cultural programming.    Our cult tells us to shun loose women who don't obey the sex rules created long ago by men in funny hats.  Extreme muslims may still kill them.  Women who do it for money are so far outside the cultural discipline, they are classified as damaged goods.  We'll never let them live it down.


    Our reproductive organs are off-limits, concealed taboos.  You have to follow the required rituals before given the nod by the man in a funny hat, "You may now shag the bride". 


    In reality, and as we all recognize, those female fun bags are just functional glands, same as the ones hanging off a soi dog.  Get a woman doggy style and stare at it objectively, the sexy mystery of it fades. 




  12. 30 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


    Simply black or white I see my dear Watson, no grey in between ?


    Oh no, plenty of gray,  I was making a comment about those who may see it as black or white.   Now that I re-read my post, I can see how it might give the wrong impression.  


    I'm considering flipping the coin myself - live in the US and keep Thailand as a holiday destination, if even that.

  13. A notional transaction for $1,000 (Schwab's daily ATM cash limit/No Foreign Transaction Fees).


    Schwab/Visa@ 34.716528 = 34,716.53 Baht, rounded down to viable ATM amount of 34,700.   Noting, of course, that amount exceeds transaction limit of all Thai bank ATMs, so even using Krungsi or TMB, you would still have to do two transactions, both incurring 180 ATM fees, ultimately reimbursed. 


    Transferwise@ mid-market rate 34.58= 34,580 - $14.45 fee indicated on their website calculator, results in 34,080.32 Baht in your pocket.  Note, the fee is taken out up front, so the transfer would actually be $985.55 @34.58 = 34, 080.32 Baht.


    34,700 Card (rounded down from 34,716.53)

    34,080.32 Transferwise

    (619.68) Baht




  14. 1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

    A notional transaction for $1,000 (Schwab's daily ATM cash limit/No Foreign Transaction Fees).


    Schwab/Visa@ 34.716528 = 34,716.53 Baht, rounded down to viable ATM amount of 34,700.   Noting, of course, that amount exceeds transaction limit of all Thai bank ATMs, so even using Krungsi or TMB, you would still have to do two transactions, both incurring 180 ATM fees, ultimately reimbursed at the end of the month. 


    Transferwise@ mid-market rate 34.58= 34,580 - $14.45 as indicated on their website calculator, results in 34,080.32 Baht in your pocket.  Note, the fee is taken out up front, so the transfer would actually be $985.55 @34.58 = 34, 080.32 Baht.


    34,700 Card in hand (rounded down from 34,716.53)

    34,080.32 Transferwise in hand

    (619.68) Baht

    Ooops!  Sorry guys, I meant to be responding to a different thread. :facepalm:

  15. On 8/24/2016 at 6:30 AM, DennisF said:

    Thank you for the many good wishes, I appreciate it.


    I did not want this to become a Thai bashing thread, I have loved my time here and would not have

    missed one minute.


    For the curious doubters, you will have to come up with another reason, I am not moving for fiscal reasons nor am I telling untruths.


    The regime here is oppressive and becomes more so with each moronic declaration. Whilst it may not impact directly on the ostrich farangs, those with good Thai friends will feel their pain and frustration.


    Those that say their Thai friends tell them things  are better under this monstrous junta are fooling themselves into believing the statements.  Thai people are not allowed to criticise their hi-so masters as they now live under constant threat of imprisonment if they publicly declare their true feelings.  Under that umbrella, they are not too enthusiastic about sharing their true feelings.


    Again, thank you all for the good wishes, I am not burning bridges, just starting a new chapter.

    Another cliche used on this forum is those who go back are quitters, slinking away with their tails between their legs.  "Failed expats".  Narrow minded, untraveled, unworldly dunces who moved here without realistic due diligence and now they can't hack it.


    That may be the case for some but certainly not all.  I don't get that impression from you.


    In any case, it's better than staying here if not content, unhappy or downright miserable.  Regardless if the misery is real, imagined, self-inflicted or a mixture of all 3. 


    The better man can admit he's made a mistake, or has simply changed his mind, then make a plan, execute, and get on with it.  It would be a failure of character to remain, frozen by depression, fear, laziness. 


    I do feel for those who feel, or actually are, stuck here by their financial situation.   Enough to live out a spartan but fairly comfortable life here, but not enough capital to start over 'back home' - housing costs often being the biggest obstacle.


    Good luck to you in the new chapter of your life. 

  16. A notional transaction for $1,000 (Schwab's daily ATM cash limit/No Foreign Transaction Fees).


    Schwab/Visa@ 34.716528 = 34,716.53 Baht, rounded down to viable ATM amount of 34,700.   Noting, of course, that amount exceeds transaction limit of all Thai bank ATMs, so even using Krungsi or TMB, you would still have to do two transactions, both incurring 180 ATM fees, ultimately reimbursed at the end of the month. 


    Transferwise@ mid-market rate 34.58= 34,580 - $14.45 as indicated on their website calculator, results in 34,080.32 Baht in your pocket.  Note, the fee is taken out up front, so the transfer would actually be $985.55 @34.58 = 34, 080.32 Baht.


    34,700 Card in hand (rounded down from 34,716.53)

    34,080.32 Transferwise in hand

    (619.68) Baht

  17. In the past  3 1/2 years, the 3 power supplies/capacitors go on the board inside my 2008 model Samsung dumb TV, have gone kaput one by one.   I used Youtube videos the figure out that was it, then took it to my local tv repair guy in town.  He soldered in new ones for about 60 Baht.  That's been the only problem with it in 8 years, still works great.


  18. Can use credit card here in larger cities/tourist areas, but especially in the latter, you need to be on guard for what's called Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).  This is when merchant (attempts) to charge you in your card's base currency, at a worse exchange rate for you. 


    Always reject DCC, insist on being charged in Thai Baht and let the transaction be converted  by Visa or Mastercard at their rates.


    Always good to have Baht in your pocket for the smaller shops and stalls, tuk tuk, etc.


    Edit: And as others stated already, know your card issuer's fees for foreign currency/Int'l transactions.  Get a card that has no foreign transaction fees and a decent rewards program as well.


  19. Card is Visa logo, use Visa exchange.

    24 August, Visa FOREX rate shows 34.686531

    Visa Forex Page Link


    Mid-market on XE indicates 34.6357


    .05 diff.  You can work it out based on value of your transaction. 


    I've never used Transferwise so can't comment on their fees.  I've abandoned ATMs and Over the Counter withdrawals and just do 1 ACH transfer per month from Schwab to Bangkok Bank via New York.

  20. People who come on here and vent about Thailand, are often told to go back home.... and don't let the door hit you in the arse.


    The Go Home Brigade is flummoxed, and feels robbed of their opportunity in this thread.


    So, what do we do now, boss?   Answer: Dissect the OP to death, persuade him he's being unreasonable and when he finally sees the light.......tell him to bugger off back home!   :clap2:

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